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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. Jaydena glared at the top of the other woman's head, feeling all of the emotions she shouldn't be as an emotionless Aes Sedai. Letting all of them out and letting them flow through the bond. This couldn't be happening, she couldn't be losing another Warder in the space of a few years. "I didn't try to die. We came here to rescue Sahra, Aramina Sedai and Rosheen. We came here for these reasons and I have every intention to return home to Jamie in Tar Valon. He turns 4 today, did you know? Four years of denying him a father and when I finally have the nerve to feel safe with Aran being that father he always wanted to be he..." She could feel the heart wrenching pain coming through the bond, and she was sure that they were mirroring each other and making that emotion even stronger, one of the drawbacks of being bonded to a female warder she had found. There was not denying that Cairma loved Aran, no doubt at all in her mind. Of course she had loved others just as Cairma had and she had had to keep going and fufill her duty to the White Tower. Cairma had a duty to the WT and to her and she couldn't just walk away to play Mommy.


    "...dies. I have seen so much death, so many things have hurt and I think it's time to retire. I have a son to think of and I must do what I can to protect him. I'm not going to lie to you and say that you are what my world revolves around because you don't. You deserve better in a warder than a woman who has a son. You deserve better than me; a broken woman who just saw the man she loves die." She watched the woman and than finally spoke, "Your right Cairma in many ways but Cairma you made a promise to me before you were with Aran, you took an oath to me, and you owe me that. However as you said, your world doesn't revolve around me, and it should, I deserve to have a Gaidar for once who doesn't care more about another woman, or the Dark side, or their lost sibling than they do about the bond we made and the honor they claim they have to me but always seem to forget in their own selfish goals. That baby deserves to have a Mother, after all he lost his Father today." She looked away as the tears gathered in her eyes, Aran had been a friend in many ways, and it hurt to think that the brave young man had been lost like so many had. Embracing the source, she wove a weave that not many had ever had to do, but she had had to do it four times now and she would never forget how it felt each time. Like a bunch in the gut to lose that connection, to no longer have that ball of emotions in your head.


    She let the weave settle over Cairma, removing the bond, and gained her feet. Turning away she spoke over her shoulder, "Hopefully someday you will realize what you gave up and what you could have had. You could have had both of us but you decided to abandon me. Why should I be surprised, that's what everyone does to me. It doesn't matter how hard I work, or the sacrafices I give, I am never good enough for anyone, and this is just another example of that. I wish you well Cairma my beloved former Gaidar, may your chance at Motherhood be all you wish it to be and may he grow up to be a charming young man who doesn't meet the fate of you, Aran, or I." She wove a quick weave brushing air and a bit spirit across the other woman's lips, and using the same weave to wrap invisible arms around her and squeeze. With that she walked away and prepared to leave, she didn't care if she had to travel in the dark. She was getting away from all this pain and the woman that like so many others had once again broken her heart...

    Jaydena Mckanthur

  2. ooc- Sorry about the huge wait on this ladies.


    Jaydena looked at her friend as the woman smiled and than began speaking again, "My nerves are getting the best of me, I guess." She nodded her understanding, she knew what it was like to be nervous. They all did, even if they had learned how to hide it very well or push it out of the way in favor of other more Aes Sedai like emotions. She herself had long ago learned to hide every emotion from others, for they all could be taken advantage of. Loraine was one of the handfull of people that she even showed emotions too. She had learned at the feet of Sirayn Sedai how best to not show emotion or how to show contempt, disdain, or a variety of other emotions in that spectrum. Glancing back at Lor, she looked behind the woman to the cubby that belonged to Sirayn. Their former Amyrlin and Ajah Head. She had vanished, never to be heard from again, leaving behind a hole in their tower and in her heart. She shook the memories off and watched as Loraine turned to the other two women and began to speak again, "I've already told Jade this, but..." Loraine lifted her hand and showed off the rings on her hand, not the ring that showed she was born to be a Sister of the White Tower, but the rings that linked her to her husband. Jade looked back at Sirayn's image and the smaller image of Seia inside of a frame. Sirayn gaidar and her own lover. The woman she should have ended up bonded to had the wheel not intervened. She wished that she could have worn something as obvious as those rings to declare her love and marriage to Seia but that wasn't to be. "Kynwric and I were married on our last trip from the Tower." Jaydena looked at the younger sisters and wondered how they would react, it wasn't something that was normally done, though if it was done anywhere, it would most likely be done within these halls. The hallowed halls of the famous Battle Ajah, fighting to save the world, and feeling passions deeply.


    "Congratulations sister, how did Kynwric finally convince you it was the best thing for you? He told you it would make you an honest woman didn't he?" Jaydena watched as Rasheta stood up and hugged Loraine before continuing with her comments, "Just which one of you gives the commands when you are alone?" Jaydena snorted under her breath and waited to see what Loraine would say as Lor struggled with what to say, she could see it on the other womans face and she wasn't pulling her out of this one. She grinned as Lor answered, "He swears we should've done it years ago to keep the lot of you from teasing me so. And I try not to give commands, regardless of whether we're alone or not. He's the partner of my heart and always has been." Lor blushed and than spoke again,  "Besides, I'm much more creative with sword forms..." Jaydena coughed and laughed out loud, probably louder than any of these sisters had ever heard before, "Yes I am sure you are Loraine." She grinned at the other woman and watched the blush creep higher...


    Jaydena Mckanthur



  3. We could create a NSW Asha'man or use one that's already created, that way they are both NSW's and no one feels like they are getting left out of bonding someone who will actually rp with them?

  4. 1) RPs done in the preceding month (as always done - see here for example: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,48182.0.html)


    A Cause for Celebration? (Attn: Greens)


    Jade walks in to find Lor talking about marriage to Kabria and Rasheta.




    A Cause for Celebration? (Attn: Greens)


    Loraine announces that she and Kyn are getting married...again.



    Research (Attn: Carima & Accepteds)


    Loraine is researching the Seanchan's beasts after a disturbing report from Kyn who's scouting for the Tower.




    Warders in my head (atten: Dante and Visar)

    Rasheta tries to smooth things out with her two warders.




    To meet the second (Atten: Jaydena and Visar)

    Rasheta takes Visar to meet her Ajah head.




    Depression and life (Atten: Dante and later Visar)


    Rasheta has a rather depressed episode and her warders pull her out of it.


    Warders in my head (atten: Dante and Visar)

    Rasheta tries to smooth things out with her two warders.



    A Cause for Celebration? (Attn: Greens)


    Loraine announces that she and Kyn are getting married...again.





    A Couple of Ale+A Pretty Face= One Angry Warder?


    Kabria and Perivar stop at an Inn so Kabria can rest after weeks of scouting along the Blight.


    A Chance Encounter


    Kabria and Perivar are scouting along the Blight and Kabria heals and wounded solider


    A Tiny Spark (attn Kabria)


    Kabria is still in a funk and in a effort to help her Perivar tries to find Shenesta or a Sea Folk Ship.


    Two Years and Counting an Aes Sedai Introspective


    Kabria begins to question the very root of what makes her Aes Sedai. Is she a shame to her Ajah and to the White Tower?


    2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


    Jaydena- November 09

    Rasheta- December 09

    Loraine- December 09

    Kabria- November 09

    Janine- August 19, 2009



    Ladria- April 17, 2009

    Eladari- April 27, 2009

    Dulcinea Velasques- February 19, 2009 (Muir as played as other characters during this time)



    Zeveria (Nephitess)

    Cemarillinin (Lii)

    Eadon Isolde

    Karissa Sweger (Matalina)

    Kaylan Morin

    Alyria al’Vire

    Ashanda Kisain

    Brid Rivalyn

    Daenara Siltha

    Eldrenne Ayschar

    Gaea Berend

    Jedaiyen Syrtis

    Halvie Faury

    Kara Bankshee

    Raven Charisma

    Taya Gille  

    Tayline Jolryn

    Tiassale Morobin  

    Tinnulim mel’Rethal


    3) RP plans / ideas

    Jaydena bonding the first Asha'man to bond a Green

    Loraine getting married and all the Greens in attendance

    Midnight Vigils getting finished


    4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)

    Hmmm we have do a tea party and see if anyone is interested in being involved.


    5) Problems, ideas, etc

    Nope I think we are good!

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