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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. I don't have too much to add here because Tay and Elgee pretty much said it all.


    My two cents on the WS, this is me as a Green not as an AGL, is that its too much. There are already five threads that they have to do. First petition, the walk through, the battle weaves, midnight vigil, and second petition. Adding in at least five more threads to do the WS maybe more is WAY to much. Its hard to get an active warder to help you and potentially you could be doing the WS for years, speaks from experience. Having them wait at Accepted level till they are done is just not fair as far as I see it. Which is why I keep saying it should be a suggestion.

    I don't feel hot enough to respond to everything that was said but I did want to hit this one point. Rasheta none of that is required. The only thing the Greens have that is required is the WS of 5 before raising. That's it. The other ones are not required, you just have to know IC that they were done. Do most people decide to for character development? Yes! Do they have to? No! It's totally up to the person, just as you decided not to rp through your Novicehood, and Acceptedhood, there are people that enjoy doing those very things you didn't want to. It all gets back to what Tay was saying earlier. Personal choice. Anyway personally I am fine with it being a choice because frankly I am done arguing and I can see where your all coming from even if I don't agree.

  2. bump

    I just found out this was here and I have no idea when it was posted as the dates appear to be all wonky. I want to read carefully through all of this but from what I can say I agree with Lor on all points and such. Once I stop coughing and my son stops coughing I will come back and read the rest I didn't finish and post my thoughts. Elgee nope after the initial changes the WS. I didn't touch anything, so it's all the same.

  3. My personal opinion is that there SHOULD be things that should remain a tradition, simply because they've been done in the past. When I was raised, I had to have a WS of 5 before I could even post my Oath Ceremony. I was denied, had to RP the Battle Weaves, the Longest Night AND the 2nd Petition. Now, all of that is optional because it's suddenly a detriment to becoming a Green. Not to sound too petty here, but... how would you feel in my shoes? Are the newer Greens better than I am, that I had to RP all of that before I could call myself a Green but they don't? And to answer your next question, yes, I really do feel that the result of not doing some of these things has resulted in folks who are not connected to the Ajah, but are still a part of it. My personal crap aside, though...


    My issues are:


    1- If we're afraid that asking people to RP is going to keep them from joining our Ajah... aren't they on the wrong end of the boards? Isn't RP'ing the whole purpose of joining RP side of DM? When you get right down to it, what you just said what was you're afraid that asking them to RP some more and be active is going to put someone off of being Green. If that's the case, then I don't want them. I'm not in the habit of chasing people and begging them to play and if just asking them to RP to a WS of 5 is enough to make them reconsider Ajahs, then they weren't that sure of their decision to begin with. Think about it this way, those of us who've done the extra requirements have not only become Greens in spite of the extra requirements, but have stuck around for YEARS (Almost seven for me, if you want to start talking numbers).


    2- What's wrong with having a tradition and keeping it? You say that "because it's always been done" isn't a good enough reason, and I quite disagree with that. The Greens in the books have remained exactly the same since the Ajahs were created and I'd be willing to bet they would've had some level of traditional "greenishness classes" that had to be taken in order to properly join the Ajah. It's a tradition to put up a Christmas Tree, giving Christmas gifts and hunting Easter Eggs. Are you suddenly going to deprive your child of doing those things simply because you can't find a good reason to? Yes, I am a traditionalist. I think some things SHOULD REMAIN THE SAME regardless of the circumstances surrounding them. And I firmly believe that, after almost 7 years of RP'ing something, it should remain in place as a tradition of our Ajah.


    3- After all, these ladies are SOLDIERS first. The argument I keep hearing is that the Greens would never have had a WS because they were too snobbish to ever imagine not being able to channel. However, I want to point out that one of the oaths is that you can't make a weapon OR KILL with the OP unless you or your warder are in mortal danger. Which would pretty much make a Green useless in a battle against trollocs or shadowspawn unless her warder threw himself in front of a sword somewhere. I think any good soldier would be trained in more than one area, as I've said before in the staff forums. Can you imagine sending a solider to Iraq only being trained on how to shoot a gun? Hell no! They're trained in hand to hand combat, daggers and heaven only knows what else before they step off the training field. And that's JUST the infantry guys! I fail to see how a Green, regardless of how kick butt she is with the OP, would consider walking into a battle with only one weapon in her arsenal. She'd make a crappy soldier that way.





    All of that aside, my biggest problem is that, instead of discussing this, we're starting to quote each other and throw words around. I've read through this thread and, honestly, I'm just ticked off that some of the posts sound more like "I didn't say that," and "yeah, you not only said it, you did blah,blah,blah." I don't know about you, but I don't see where this is getting us anywhere and is, instead, only creating hostility. If we're going to start throwing titles around as reasons why things are being done a certain way, then I think the conversation is over. If it's not a decision we have control of, then please make the decision and tell us what we're supposed to do. And please, God, don't quote me and start picking apart anything I've said here. It's counterproductive and we need to have this issue ironed out before Kathleen goes nuts waiting on us.


    Thank you Loraine, you said for much better and gracefully what I was trying to get across. Now I am going to go back to coughing and all that. :rolleyes:

  4. U4ea

    Elegant Eldest

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    Bad News (Attn Greenie Field Trip Troop)

    « on: August 17, 2010, 05:16:31 AM »


    OOC: This is the lead up to our trip out of the Tower, so it will mostly be Rasheta, Jade and I. I wouldn't be opposed to the tail end of this RP bringing in the Warders for a discussion about making the trip, though.



    Loraine paced her study, three reports from Amadicia clutched in her hands as she read them over and over again. These three reports were almost identical, which was frightening enough. What made them worse was that they documented the movement of a small band of White Cloaks moving through Amadicia. So far, her contacts couldn't figure out what the purpose of the movement was, and Light knows that small bands of White Cloaks moving in Amadicia is not big news. The problem was where they were heading. She paced to a map she'd hung on the wall farthest from the door, her fingers tracing a line between the capital, Amador, to Bellon and then on to Sienda. They were steadily moving East, closer and closer to the one place the Green Ajah didn't want them anywhere near; Marcedin.


    She pulled a quill from its hiding place, tucked in the elaborate bun on the back of her head and dipped it in the small ink well on the desk under the map, tracing the line and measuring the distance between each town. She cross referenced the dates on the letters in her hand and closed her eyes, sinking into a chair heavily. She had no time. At best, if she left right now, they'd still beat her to Mardecin by a solid day. That was if she could get Kynwric to the stables fast enough and override his tendency to try to force her to rest while they were on the road.


    Deciding he'd probably take a risk with a headache and bash her on the head with a rock to make her sleep, she pushed herself out of her chair. There was no time to lose and if a rescue party was being sent to Mardecin, then more than she needed to know about it. She tucked the quill back into her hair and swiped the missives off her desk on her way out the door. It only took a moment for her to reach the Captain General's study and knock. She tried to hold on to the sense of decorum that she hung around her like a security blanket, but there was little time for that. She sighed as she noticed the ink stains on her hands while waiting on Jade to answer. She'd be lucky if her friend didn't send her to the infirmary straightaway! She doubted if Jade had ever seen her skirts dotted with ink or her hands stained with it. Perhaps it would drive home the urgency...


    ...just in case Jaydena didn't remember what they'd hidden in Mardecin...



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    Sig by Torrie! Bonded to Kynwric

    RP Bios, etc RP: OOC Green Ajah Head/Tower Guard/Freelander Social: MoN/Eldest


    Dragonmount Member






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    Re: Bad News (Attn Greenie Field Trip Troop)

    « Reply #1 on: September 11, 2010, 01:03:32 AM »

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    Her eyes lit on the room around her, everything was in it's place, which meant nothing was out of it's place. Seiaman was expected to call on her today and it wouldn't do for her quarters to be out of sorts. It was the first time since they had been together that Seia had come to visit and she was obsessing about it. Fluffing the pillows one more time she moved over to the buffet and checked the cheese, crackers, and fruit tray that she had prepared. The fact that she had taken the time to slice cheese and fruit would have shown anyone how nervous she was. With a sigh she turned away and pushed all the thoughts away, she was done stressing out about this. For an Aes Sedai to let something like this control her was beyond the scope of imagination. They didn't let anything bother them, or rather they didn't let it show to anyone. She turned back and glanced back at the cheese but her thoughts were quickly erased from her head when a knock sounded at her door.


    She walked steadily over to the door and opened it to find Loraine standing in the threshold. Only this Loraine looked flustered, something that she had never seen on her face before. To add to it her hands were stained with ink and she looked like she was about to jump out of her skin in impatience. Jade eyed the woman and motioned for her to come in before she fell down. Loraine walked into the room and Jaydena spoke, "Alright dear, what is wrong. I can't say I have ever seen that particular look on your face. What happened and who needs to die because of it?" She arched an eyebrow and walked to the couch, "Do we need tea for this by the way? I don't have any warm water currently but I can order some." She sat down on the couch with her legs under her skirt and waited for the other Green to tell her what was bothering her...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  5. I am done arguing about this honestly, your the bosses so just let me know what you decide. We have an Assistant Admin, the DL and the ADL arguing with us here. In my experience that's a lose lose situation for those wanting whatever it is they want. So I will just watch this from the sidelines and wait to find out the decision so that I can rp whatever needs rped. I have enough crap and drama in my life with my family with purposely arguing about this. *goes back to her rp corner*


    I stated quite clearly that I was expressing a personal opinion on the WS issue, Jade. :smile: It was a simple matter of "this is how I see it." not a "this is what I expect you to do." Given that both Rashie and Elgee had queried this with me, it seemed reasonable to share my thoughts and to give input. As Rashie commented, there's no record of this "rule" to be found anywhere, not even on the PSW Staff board where the only thread was one you had posted on the topic of New WS Limits in the WT. That thread made no mention of a "must do" WS requirement for Green Sisters either.


    Now, I appreciate that some things can easily become a matter of tradition and not necessarily be officially written down; that they become standard practice through useage. However, that also means that when someone queries them or the "rule" becomes a possible problem, they simply must be open to discussion and review as there's no black and white reference point. That's all that's happening here. A query was raised, clarification was asked for and a discussion was started.


    To categorise this as an "argument", "drama" and/or "crap" because people are expressing opposing views is not helpful, in fact it's rather disrespectful to everyone involved, intentional or not. We all have a lot invested in the PSW and we all want to do what we think is best for our members, Groups, Ajahs etc. If you feel very strongly that this requirement is needed, then convince us. Present solid reasons why it should be so and try to change our minds. I think I'm safe in saying that Elgee will have the same view I do, which is that I'm open to having my mind changed and to considering all options when something like this comes up. There's never a foregone conclusion... there's no conspiracy of them and us. We're all Staff, we're on the same side and we're a team. That doesn't mean we always see eye to eye nor that we'll blindly agree with everything the other people say, but it does mean that we'll listen and consider before reaching a decision and that where possible we'll compromise. Removing yourself from such a discussion doesn't really help to represent your Ajah or your members views, does it? :smile: Less defensiveness, more communication. :wink:


    You know as well as most of us that being Staff sometimes means taking decisions that some people won't like or agree with. But you should also know that when you've had to do that, it wasn't because you hadn't listened or because you'd made up your mind beforehand. Rather it's because, in the end, you did what you felt was best for the whole Group/Div/Org/Ajah whatever it happened to be as the buck ultimately stopped with you. The same is true for Elgee.


    We have an Assistant Admin, the DL and the ADL arguing with us here. In my experience that's a lose lose situation for those wanting whatever it is they want.


    That's the kind of "conspiracy theory" comment I'd expect from Andrea. It's not worthy of you.


    As to the whole "undermining you" and "eating crow" stuff... no need for that at all. If the decision is taken to change the requirement, it's a simple matter of saying to Kat that the rules were changed following a Staff discussion and she'll no longer have to do that. Absolutely no need to turn it into anything else. It wouldn't be the first time I'd given someone advice on something that promptly got changed. It happens. I don't feel any need to apologise for it and neither should you. The discussions that lead up to these decisions are nobody else's business.



    Now, Owen replied to my email this evening and here's what he had to say:


    "As far as I recall, the WS5 was the WS that the GA only, were allowed to attain. The rest of the WT was only allowed WS3. This was obviously before all the ruckus with Andrea.


    I think Jade may be mistaking that as I do not ever recall saying someone had to have a WS5 before they could join the GA. The only restriction that I recall on joining the GA was that you had to apply twice, other than that I do not know what is being referred to here.


    However, if Jade has evidence to back up her claim, I will obviously look it over and respond, but as far as I can recall there never was a requirement of WS5 before you could join the GA."

    All this important information was up on the old website that Andrea took down when she was fired. I have none of it, as she never gave it over, and that was what we always sent people too. If you look in our stickies you can see that the website is down and you can't access it. I will do some research when I can to find out if the old website, the old old one that Sirayn did is still up. Like I said I know it was on there and it was linked into the WT division site as some point. Either way I have no intention of spending tons of time defending something I am 100 percent sure happened, that's a waste of my time and everyone else's. Tay hun I love you but step back, you've been staff a long time now. When was the last time you saw someone defending something and having several members appear to be opposed and them get what they were asking for? I was staff for years and I can't remember it, that's not saying it didn't happen, I just can't remember any. That's not a conspiracy theory, that's simple fact from someone that was DL of the biggest division for 2 years. LOL honestly guys I am sick, I have been sick for two days, my two year old is sick and if I say crap etc, it's because that's about how I feel right now. Like I already said Lor can come in and post on this with her feelings but I am done arguing about it. My apologizes if I offended either you or Elgee with that stuff, it wasn't my intention at all as I love both of you dearly and you both have stood up for me when others didn't. *snuggles carefully and runs off coughing*

  6. Make up your minds. You're insisting on making weapons training mandatory for Greens because there aren't enough Warders. Now you're saying you're wanting it because it helps you find Warders? Which is it, then? Other AS seem to find Warders easily enough without training with them.

    Elgee that is not what I said hun, I said that they believed that there are times where your Warder or Warders might be out of commission and you for whatever reason can't channel and I said I agree. By the way this actually happened to Jade in an rp, she had channeled so much that she couldn't channel anymore and two of her warders had been killed. She ended up standing back to back with the other one fighting for her life while he tried to protect her. So it is possible in a battle situation and by the way this was before that rule was enforced. :biggrin: I never said that there weren't enough Warders, that was not implied in my post period. There are lots of Warder characters and since I am bonded several times I would be the last person to say that. :tongue:


    Rasheta well I actually have several PM's with me asking you how the WS was going inside my PM box and maybe my opinion and your opinion of bugging differ slightly. Doesn't matter as it's done with now. Do any of you have any idea what it looks like or how you make me look as one of the Ajah Heads when I answer an Accepteds Pm about something and than you all go around and decide that what I said doesn't count and that we are changing things.


    You take away any authority I have and make me look like a total ninny to that Accepted, and honestly that miffs me quite a bit. I am the one that is going to have to go eat crow with Kat, not any of you. Let's not just talk about that, let's talk about how it makes me feel as a person, a person behind the screenname. I have already dealt with enough stuff at this site that totally knocked my confidence down to nothing, and this just feels like another nail in the coffin. Maybe I am being overly dramatic but that's kind of how it feels.


    Anyway I will let Lor deal with this as all I handle is the rp stuff anyway. Though I guess as Sitter I should be posting here. I am fine with whatever she wants to do about this. I would rather this issue had been resolved before we got an Aspie and I had told her something when she contacted me, but obviously that can't be changed now. I will say that if it's a huge issue I am fine with it being a choice and that Battle Tactics isn't a bad idea. Though I personally don't have the energy to write a new class or anything like that when I worked so hard on Battles Weaves and all the other stuff.

  7. I am done arguing about this honestly, your the bosses so just let me know what you decide. We have an Assistant Admin, the DL and the ADL arguing with us here. In my experience that's a lose lose situation for those wanting whatever it is they want. So I will just watch this from the sidelines and wait to find out the decision so that I can rp whatever needs rped. I have enough crap and drama in my life with my family with purposely arguing about this. *goes back to her rp corner*


    Rasheta, the reason I talked to Kat about this is because no matter what I did as Ajah Head I couldn't get you to do the rule. I brought it up and brought it up and I finally gave up, because you wouldn't do it and make sure it was done. It wasn't worth fighting with you or enforcing the rule and at the time you were raised I was DL and honestly because you were raised during the period where you could go straight to full rank and didn't have to do any of the reqs, it slipped my mind. You were after all the ONLY person during that time period that took advantage of the offer. So I am sure it just didn't occur to me.

  8. Jade I checked both the Website and with Raeyn who was an Admin and with Elgee who is current DL and all of the above have that the WS is not a requirement, it is a suggestion but it says no where that its a requirement. And I checked the website too just to make sure. The current WS topic is still in debate but it looks like its turning into a only if you want and the Greens were asked to teach something like the battle weaves as a class.


    That being said I agree with Elgee, I think requiring it is a bit on the overmuch side. We already have them being denied and doing a walk through as well as the battle weaves although I was told that we aren't requiring them to do the battle weaves in RP anymore or the walk through? Is that right?



    Edit: I just posted in the Staff board about this issue just so that I could get a clarification from Owen or Tay. Probably will know by tomorrow.

    #1 Raeyn was not an admin when this rule was implemented and she wasn't privy to every single discussion that I had with Owen, he was the boss not her. #2 as Greens we should be able to decide if we want to have a extra requirement to enter our Ajah. I don't see why if both the rp ajah head and the ooc ajah and part of the membership, (not sure as they haven't posted) say that they agree with it, than why it wouldn't be allowed. It's not that hard to train up to WS of 5. Heck it wasn't required when I was raised, but when they made it and the other reqs required I went back and retroed it. It was fun and interesting, and it was a good way to get involved in the Warders Yard who are after all our main pool for bonding and for rping.


    When the rule was dropped and this was back when I believe Tayline was WT DL, we were told that we no longer had any of the reqs except for the WS5, for they believed that there may be times a Aes Sedai is unable to channel, and her warder if she has one may be down and out. I agree with them on that point and many other Greens throughout history have. Also keep in mind that many Greens would like to train up the higher WS's, this just sets them on the path quicker to that goal. I do also if I remember correctly talked to Owen and was allowed to have it changed to not being able to bond unless you are a WS of 5. That could be wrong but he may or may not remember it. Anyway I do feel this should be our choice, we get alot taken away from us with the many rules. Yes I know why they are in place, I was DL for a long time, but still it's not asking that much to allow us to make a decision like this that has been a tradition of ours for longer than most people at this site have been here, to stay as is. :biggrin:

  9. I hope you guys don't mind, but I'd like to say something here.


    Whilst I'm tempted to say let the Greens have the final say on what they want for the Green Ajah, I also have to make sure that decisions are in the best interest of the whole Tower. To me, that means not allowing rules that would discourage people from joining an Ajah because they differ too greatly from what they would expect. Most people sign up here because they like the Wheel of Time books. If they want to join the Greens, that would therefore be because they like the Book Greens.


    I cannot agree with system that either forces those people to do something that isn't in their scope of interest, or join another (less desired by them) Ajah. I stand by the opinion that if you want to wield a weapon other than Saidar, become a Warder or some other kind of warrior type. However, should they voluntarily choose to learn a weapon, then we can allow them to do that, with provisions which we are discussing at the moment.


    Another compromise (and this would be my preferred one) could be to change the WS system to be Battle Tactics, not Weapons Training, as we were discussing in another thread before Lor went on LoA and DM8 happened. I could quite agree with making Battle Tactics mandatory for Greens - that would be much more logical than actually training with weapons.


    Let me just state again that those who have attained certain Weapons Scores before, will not be affected by this.


    Elgee, the WS choice was a decision that was implimented by the Admins and when I was DL I talked to Owen and he still wanted it in place. It's up to you to talk to him and see if he wants to change it but like I said he did when I talked to him. Sorry guys I haven't been getting topic replies for this and forgot to check it.

  10. I have an Accepted interested in going green, i'm not sure if she got in touch with you Lor or Jade. The Accepted in question is Kathleen, I can't remember are we still denying the Accepted the first time and doing the run through the Ajah and the battle weaves? I can't remember if we changed that. I know there was a topic about it on DM 7 but I thought I would check. LOL

    Yup I have spoken to her already about that fact that she was going Green. She will do the stuff you mentioned, she is not required to actually rp it out as she used to have to but it's always good to do it for character development. She also is required to get a WS of 5 and won't be able to be raised to Aes Sedai until she does so.

  11. The words blurred in front of her, running together into one large amount of nothingness. Why do I even try she wondered. All this writing, all these reports, day after day, they didn't do anything for her. In the night their parchment didn't keep her warm and in the end all she did would be forgotten. All her work as Captain General and Sitter would not be remembered after she was gone. She shook her head and ran a hand through her auburn locks, time and time again she had thought about cutting the weight of it off but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. It was the one redeeming feature she had left after her face was burned. Her hand kneaded her neck as she waited for the pain in her eyes and her shoulders to go away. You would think her warder would be here to help with this pain, but her Warder was visiting with her son where he lived. She didn't begrudge her that time but sometimes it was hard to have a warder who was pulled apart by so many commitments. There were times she cursed Aran and the fact that he ever existed and the damage he had done to both Cairma and Sirayn's daughter Lyssa. The man had been a player but in the end he had done the right thing and saved the lives of so many in Kandor. Jade shook the thoughts of that battle from her head and signed the report with a flourish. It was the last of the night and she so looked forward to a warm brandy in front of the fire, and the current book she was reading. A favorite of hers the stories of Jain Fairstrider, which talked about the bold exploits of the hero. Of course he hadn't been trapped within the confining walls of the White Tower and beaten down by responsibility and honor. She chaffed under it on a regular basis and it was getting worse the older she got.


    With another shake of her head she focused on the book, time passing as the light began to fade from the sky and her knees started to cramp from being pulled up under her dress for so long. Knock-Knock-Knock, the sound pealed through her room and almost made her jump up in shock. A moment passed while she wondered who was at her door at this hour. She gained her feet, stretched her sore body, and walked to the door. With a quick weave she straightened her hair and opened it to find a new Novice standing there. The girl curtsied and said, "I b..beg your pardon Aes Sedai but a messenger from an I..inn has arrived and would like to speak to you. He says it is of utmost importance and that you will f..f...flay me alive if I don't get him to you." The girl panted and was pale as a sheet, the girl stayed in her curtsy and Jade almost chuckled. "I am not in the habit of flaying Novices my dear, will take care of him. Head back to your room for the night, you have done well." The girl ran away and Jaydena motioned for the man standing waiting for approval to follow her into her quarters. She readied a weave just in case though she recognized this man as one of the runners for an Eyes and Ears of hers.



    "Aes Sedai," he started in a gravely voice, "I beg you to forgive my treatment of the Novice Sara. However I knew you would want to know this as quickly as possible. Seiaman has returned to the Inn, Serif sent me to you, the woman is in the Inn as we speak, though she is still dark and angry acting. She has gone to a room for the night, though she could leave at any moment." Jaydena felt her breath rush from her body in a great gasp that she barely managed to turn into a sigh, it never paid to let others see your emotions. She nodded her head and said, "Bless you Alfred, I appreciate this." Reaching into her belt pouch she pulled out a silver Tar Valon mark and handed it to him before escorting him from the room. So Seia has returned to her Inn and has taken an room again, she thought. What did the confounded woman want and was she still dedicated to the Shadow? She had heard from Sirayn that Seia had become a Darkfriend and she had no reason to doubt the woman at that time. It wasn't until later that she began to doubt Siryan's motives and feelings. She glanced around her room and down at her dress. Should she have her brought to the Tower or should she go to the room she wondered? Of course she didn't want anyone to know that Seia was back in town so it would be best if she went to her.


    Jaydena sent a tug through her bond to Cairma and quickly changed into a clean dress, this one was wrinkled from the busy day and she didn't want to present herself in the wrong way. After all this was the once love of her life who had rejected her and broken her heart. Had left her after horrible burns had marred her face, the other woman had no use for her after her beauty was lost at the hands of Lanfear, one of the dreaded Forsaken. She slid her arms into a mint green silk dress with white roses on the fabric, a rose colored satin belt cinched tight around her waist, it was embroidered with the same white roses from the dress. It reached to her feet and had a low neckline and pointed sleeves that covered her hands from sight. Around her neck she hooked a matching silver rose necklace, on her ears the matching earrings, and around her wrist she added a bracelet. On the other hand was a charm bracelet that Cairma had given her long ago, each year the woman added another charm, while she had been away she had even sent them to her. Jade smiled at the thought and made sure the marriage dagger which she still wore to this day was hidden from sight under the bodice of her gown.


    She slid her long legs into green kid leather boots, giving herself ease of movement and strapped her dagger to her side, she added a green velvet cloak embroidered with silver serpents and full of pockets. Inside them she tucked a variety of things, including her money purse. With a grimace she picked a light green mask decorated with raised roses and affixed it to her face with the weave she had created after the burns had destroyed her features. She looked in the mirror before she hooked it in place, starting at the roped burns. Half her forehead, her cheek next to her nose, and down to nearly her mouth was disfigured by the burns. It was one of the reasons that Seia had left and she ought to leave the burns in sight so the other woman could see the horror that she had left. However she wouldn't do it, she wasn't intent on scaring little children tonight. She chuckled and finished hooking it to the left side of her face. With that she moved from the room, and began walking from the room, she could feel Cairma approaching her. As she set the wards on the room, she turned to Cairma and spoke in hushed tones. "Seia has returned to Tar Valon Cairma, I must search her out and destroy her, her evil cannot live in the this world, and as her wife it is my duty to do it." She shuddered at the thought, saw the pain echoed in Cairma's face. The other woman nodded and fell into step behind her. She knew she would have a heck of a time getting into the room without Cairma with her but if she had gone without her Cairma never would have forgiven her.


    They made their way through the Halls of the Tower, each area changing to match the Ajah it belonged to or the group. She could feel Cairma behind her and she felt the woman lay a hand on the center of her back more than once. Pain must have been radiating through the bond to her. Jaydena was having a hard time controlling it, after all the woman that meant everything to her, her soul mate, had chosen someone else over her. Had than walked away from it all when Sirayn refused to be with her and had chosen the Darkness to the Light. Jaydena knew the dark elusive pull of that Darkness, she had almost gone to it herself as Lanfear had tortured her in her dreams after the burns, but in the end her duties to the Tower and to her Sisters as well as her love of the Light had been enough to fight that pull. It appeared that nothing had been enough for Seia, when she didn't get what she wanted, which was Sirayn she had chosen it. She turned a sharp right towards the entrance of the Tower and walked down the wide walkway, the Inn wasn't far from the Tower and as they walked through the gates, she nodded to the Tower Guards on guard duty. She knew most of them, though there were a couple of new ones standing guard.


    They walked quickly through the streets of the city, Jaydena didn't take time to admire the amazing carvings or the strange building shapes. Some like waves, others like Sea Shells, another like a Seahorse. The buildings had been carved by Ogier Stonemasons and were awe inspiring, but right now she wasn't feeling very inspired. In fact she was feeling downright upset and pissed off at this point. She had waited a long time to stick a dagger in the other woman's chest. After all that was what Seia had done to her on that long ago rainy night when she had told her she loved Sirayn and wanted her. A sob rose in her throat and Cairma placed a hand on her back again. Turning to the other woman she sent her a smile and said, "Thank you for being here Cairma." The other woman nodded with a quick smile and returned to watching the buildings for danger. As she walked she thought of all the tears she had cried for Seiaman, all the pain she had gone through, everything she had given up for the other woman. She still couldn't begin to sleep with someone without feeling like she was betraying her. Light how messed up am I, see leaves me and dedicates herself to the Shadow and I haven't slept with anyone but her, she thought.


    Those thoughts twisted in her brain, causing her more pain, as she remembered back in time and how they used to be, how hard Seia had fought to win her back at Namandar, and how the other woman had saved her life after Jared and Corbin has both died there. Finally, they reached the Inn and Cairma walked next to her through the door, looking for danger, and ready to fight any threat. Anyone ought to be scared of that giant sword of hers, light it was almost as tall as she was, Jade mused. With a hardening of her heart she pushed all thoughts of the pain Seia had caused her out of her head and than walked up to Serif, the other woman whispered to her the news and what room Seia was in, as well as the fact that she hadn't left. Jade thanked her and handed her a gold mark before she walked up the stairs. Cairma guarded behind her and Jaydena whispered to her that she needed to stand outside the door, after much whispering the other woman agreed but warned that she would break in the second she thought there was danger. Jade took a deep breath before the door, calming herself the best she could, and assuming the Aes Sedai serenity she had been trained to use. With a air of calm finally in place she knocked on the door loudly and waited for someone to answer....



  12. The lights of Tar Valon shimmered in the night, dwarfed by the luminosity of the White Tower. Seiaman Kera sat quietly on her horse who twitched impatiently to get to a warm stable with food and water. The last time she had seen the White Tower she left as a retired Tower Guard, former Gaidin of Sirayn Sedai, and a newly-created Darkfriend with a destination to a secluded manor to be trained as an assassin. Much had happened in that short period of time – she had turned around before she arrived to her destination and before the Shadow ascended deeper in her soul. And now she had nowhere to go except back to Tar Valon, to the assumed safety of the White Tower. A wry smile crept on her scarred face, the White Tower was far from safe. She could be safer in the slums of Ebou Dar. Before the memories could surface and bring reminders of pain, Seiaman urged her horse forward. The new moon barely illuminated the way but she knew where to go.


    Her first thought was to seek out the Inn she had established after her retirement from the Tower Guard ranks. Her face became grim as the memories of that not long ago time stormed back like a flood, filled with everything else that she fought to forget. Seiaman reached in her tunic and pulled out a flask to take a drink. Alcohol was a recently acquired habit – it was the only thing that silenced the nightmares and made her dark moods a little more bearable. Yet a single memory refused to be silenced, haunting her thoughts at every opportune moment. Seiaman took another deep drink from her flask, grimacing at the foul taste of the liquor. Her savior from the Shadow was not a sudden urge to be in the Light or to return to the White Tower to be reacquainted with familiar surroundings. Seiaman couldn’t get over what happened, it shook her to the core even more than losing Sirayn at Dumai’s Wells. Her eyes started to well up as the traumatic memory threatened to surface but Seiaman pushed it aside, giving more thought to the reason why she was returning to Tar Valon.


    Seiaman couldn’t go against those she called brothers and sisters. Against those she had wholeheartedly sworn to fight by their side and to protect, to be the steel against magic. While she sat with the manor within sight on the horizon, the voices of those she had fought with against the Shadow and had befriended with screamed their horror against her for what she was about to do. Her true heart had surfaced, scarred and battered. No. The strength of that single word denied the Shadow from taking over her existence. Be a tool for the Light but not the Shadow. Do not foul everything you have done for the Light, regardless of what happened. And at that moment, she could see two people clearly as if they were standing in front of her enforced that thought – Sirayn Sedai and Jaydena Sedai of the Green Ajah.


    She couldn’t turn against them. Sirayn stepped towards her, her eyes shimmered with fury. "If you dare, Seiaman Kera, I will hunt you down and wipe your existence from this very Earth." Jaydena stepped to Sirayn’s side, wearing the marriage dagger as Ebou Dari tradition demanded, her hands were balled into fists on her sides, "And when she’s done with you, then it will be my turn, Cuebiyar. After everything we have suffered at the hands of the Shadow, you do this?"


    A wicker from Seiaman’s horse brought her back to the present. Jaydena’s last words echoed in her mind. They were nearly at the gates of Tar Valon. She took the last of her flask’s contents and increased the pace. The guards gave her a wary look over but let her pass without a word. She knew if they had any idea of how many weapons she had on her person and tucked in her saddle bags, they’d definitely stop her. But all they could see was the quarterstaff bound to the saddle. Seiaman was grateful for the late hour for the streets were quiet with a few stragglers and drunks, she arrived to the Rose’s Thorn. She had no idea if her arrival to Tar Valon would be welcome considering the circumstances of her departure although if the White Tower knew of her betrayal, they would be alerted by now and would be en route to Seiaman’s location.


    She flipped a coin at the half-awake stable boy one she didn’t know of and took her belongings off of the horse. Seiaman knew if her suspicions were correct, she would not have much time. Entering the Inn through the kitchen, she startled the Innkeeper who instantly grabbed a meat carving knife with a scowl on her face. “Relax, Serif. It’s me.” The woman’s eyes widened at the mere sight of her but before she could utter a word, Seiaman stepped closer. “It’s critical that I avoid being seen right now. Anyone who asks if I’m here, you are to tell them I have not returned from my travels, is that understood?” Serif nodded dumbly, as if she saw a ghost. Without a thought, Seiaman moved quickly and silently up the stairs, the years spent in training and in battle becoming second nature. Seiaman walked in her quarters and instantly went towards the far corner.


    Before long, two small wood boards had come loose and Seiaman was sorting through her saddle bags, placing two recent journals and several valuable belongings that she could not afford for others to find. Seia pulled out a wrapped bundle from her bag and hesitated to put it in her safe. She felt as if time was running out quickly but she could not just put it away without looking at it. With deft hands she pulled the covers away and revealed the slim dagger that Jaydena had given her so long ago. Her fingers caressed the emerald at the hilt with the dragon draped elegantly around the hilt. Seiaman shook her head, she knew it was impossible to be reacquainted with Jaydena. The last time Seiaman had seen her, she boldly and harshly pushed the woman away from her heart in the midst of a fervent rainstorm. Jaydena had threatened to kill her with the marriage dagger but yet – she didn’t.


    Seiaman extinguished the memory, tucking it deep into her subconscious – just as she did with the dagger, tucking it deep into her vest. It was too valuable to allow for it to be lost. Recovering the boards in their place, she stood and walked towards a cupboard, opening it up, took a bottle of aged brandy and a glass and poured herself a hearty portion. At that instant, the sky crackled and thundered, opening a flood of rain from the sky. A knock resounded through the room Seiaman closed her eyes and let out a long sigh, preparing to face the worst.



  13. If I remember correctly and granted it's been awhile, Rashima's journal has the basic creed of the Greens, the traditions etc, she is the one we look up too. That's why we have her statue in our secret garden etc. Ohh and off to my parents for the night so I won't be around to post on this till tomorrow night. Have a great weekend everyone. *hugs*

  14. *nods* The faster the better, though we could check out the current angreal on the website and see if any work for the function. Elgee is in this thread so she can let us know if we need approval to use it, which I think we do. *hugs Lor* Ohhh and Aran said he would love to be in the rp!

  15. Should be an interesting experience for Kyn and Visar that's for sure. *laughs* Jade do you think your warder would come with us on this mission? I'm not sure how the Asha'men are around those they bonded do they help out or just kind of run off?

    I would think he would want to but I will go Pm him to find out and see if he's intrested. He is staying in the Tower with Jade as it's up to the Asha'man where they stay.



    As for Healing, that is Lor's handicap. She is very strong with odd elements (Fire and Earth) and can destroy large things very easily. However, she can't Heal a scratch. She knows first aid and she can help out in the energy department, but otherwise, she's pure destruction. All wrapped up in a petite Cairhienin Noble... *grins* See why I like her so much?

    Good to know, well Healing is something Rasheta is good at so if anyone gets hurt.....well besides her, she can help out.

    Jaydena can't heal so I guess it's a good thing we will have Rasheta with us. *G*



    As for location, I think hiding something of ours close to the enemy is something an old Green would do, so it's completely plausible that we need to go rescue it. Hiding in plain site and all that. Kyn is from Amadicia, which is the "home" of the White Cloaks, so he'll know the terrain. Choices for small towns: Mardecin (where Nyn & Elayne were served forkroot tea, so we know there are Tower E&E here) and Abila, where Perrin picks up Messema later in the series. I like the Mardecin idea, personally, since we know there are supporters there. Perhaps it gives us a point of contact (if the Yellows have a contact, the Greens might, too, right?) AND it gives us someone else to hide from while sneaking around looking for our little <enter weird Greenie thing here>.

    Okay so we'd be sneaking into a little town inside Amadicia? That sounds like LOADS of fun!!!! As to what the greenie thing should be.....gotta be something important to the whole Ajah. Short of a thing of power I can't think of what it would be and if we wanted it to be an Ajah specific ter'angreal or something we'd have to send in a request for it. Jade got any ideas???

    I like the sneaking into their home idea, perhaps we should create an NPC Green that they end up getting hold of and torturing or something and we have to get her out? That was the Children don't feel like we went in their and got away with everything? For the item I think a angreal is a good idea of some kind, perhaps one like the journals that allows Ajahs to contact each other from book to book or one that houses all the secrets to the battle weaves? *ponders*

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