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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. Hey peeps I am going to meet some DMers this weekend, I will be gone from Thursday to Monday, if you have any questions, need help, or anything please contact one of my ADL's and they will assist you.

  2. "I think that is enough, Jaydena Sedai." She turned and looked at Cairma in absolute shock, she couldn't believe the woman would dare to speak to her in such a manner. Her voice was totally cold and she talked to her as she would a child or perhaps that was exactly how she talked to Jaime when he misbehaved. "Go to the hospital wing now, Addi. I will meet up with you there." She watched as Addison bowed to her and spoke, “It is, indeed, my intention to one day serve a Sister.  Goodbye, Jaydena Sedai.” The young woman hobbled off in the direction of the Yellows and as soon as she was far enough away, Cairma began to speak, "If you wish to ignore my presence, Jaydena, next time do it from across the Yard and not in front of my face. Now, get out what you were thinking and leave. I have a mentee to attend to and do not have time for Aes Sedai games. Especially from you." Embracing the Source she quickly wrapped her once Gaidin in bonds of Air and walked up until their noses were nearly touching.


    "How dare you Cairma. I am not the one ignoring you, you ignore me everytime you deny the love you still hold in your heart for me, and the dedication you hold to the bond we once held. How dare you speak to a Sister like that in front of a Trainee, you had no rights, and now she believes it is acceptable behavior to speak to an Aes Sedai in that tone and with those words. Is it possible that if you actually listened to me, you would have heard me saying how much I respect you and how amazing as a Gaidar you were. I am not playing games Cairma, you don't want me just like every other person I have ever cared for, but that doesn't mean I have to face you and watch the emotions of how much you don't want me cross your face." Her anger had disappeared and tears flooded her eyes as she stared into the eyes of the woman she had known so well. I can't believe that you would disrespect me so deeply in front of that Trainee, do you believe that that I should have to speak to you in front of her. I addressed you and mentioned you several times and since you don't want me why should I speak to you." She paced away from where Cairma was tied in the bonds, unable to move. "You will never dare to speak to me in that manner again." The anger had come back in a rush and she walked up to Cairma again, "If you dare to do so again, I will show you exactly who I am, that weather you care for me or not, or weather you realize or not, I am a force to be reckoned with in this Tower, and fully capable of bringing all form of pain down on your foolish head. Do not ever order me around again in front of anyone, you lost the right to do so when you made me break the bond between us. To not trifle with me Cairma, I mean it." She released the bonds on the woman and spoke one more time, "You will report to your Commander and you will tell them of what you have done, if you do not I will know it and you will not like my response." With that she turned and walked away, on her way to speak to Addision in the Infirmary...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  3. She heard the voice from within and gracefully opened the door, leading the new Novice inside she smiled at the Mistress of Novices, who was a friend of hers. "Welcome home, Delanna, dare I presume that your trip has been rewarded?" Larindhra nodded at the girl standing next to her and she stepped forward a few steps and spoke with a twinkle in her eye that only the other woman could see, "Thank you, Larindhra. And yes, it has, I am pleased to say." She smiled at the other woman, letting the dimpled at the corners of her mouth deepen before she gently pulled Allisia forward to face Larindhra at a closer level. "This is Allisia. Alyssil and I found and tested her in Caemlyn. We are all rather travel weary." She carefully moved her eyes toward Allisia and watched as she saw the Mistress of Novices acknowledge what she was getting at. Larindhra nodded slightly in understanding and so she continued, "So if you will forgive me, I'll be heading towards my rooms and a hot bath." She smiled again at the other woman as the Mistress of Novices responded, "Of course, Delanna. We will catch up later, when you are rested?" Delanna nodded and walked with Larindhra to the door, where it was closed quickly behind her. She headed off to her rooms and that bath, she also needed to write in her travel journal about the newest girl they had found. It wouldn't be long before they were out on another to trip to find more Novices...



    Blue NSW

  4. She sipped her tea as she waited for Dante to answer her question, he seemed to seriously consider it before he replied, "I check on everyone she talks to or even looks at her regularly and observe their daily patterns so I know where they may be found. I take more precautions than Rasheta Sedai would feel needed for her safety... I dont tell her what precautions though. Middle brother made the mistake of letting her see him take precautions for her. I have been brushing up on Daes Damar as well as counter intelligence. As for a blade... well I train to make sure a blade will touch neither of us and I have found that I am more afraid of Rasheta Sedais anger than monster in from my nightmares. I will see to it that I have training to fight Shadow spawn as soon as she takes her second Warder."



    She nodded, "This is good, a Gaidin is ever aware and vigilant in your dedication. Your Aes Sedai should not be aware of everything you do for her, it only makes her paranoid to know all the dangers that she is protected from by her Gaidin or Gaidar. You are well on your way to being an excellent Gaidin if you have already come to this conclusion. She has also done well if she has put fear in you, a Gaidin should always be respectful and aware of the power his Aes Sedai wields. That he often will be all that stands between her and death. That he alone may be the one there to dry the tears that she cried when she can't take anymore death, when she feels like she will explode from it all. You wield far more power than you realize in this but you must always be respectful to her, try and steer her in the direction she needs to go without making it obvious. Greens tend to be headstrong and they don't always think about what they are doing before they attack. Watch these things and you will do amazing Dante." She turned to Rasheta and spoke, "I approve of this one Rasheta, have you considered already who you will take for your second and have you given him his cloak?"


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  5. She watched as anger flashed in Corin's eyes and waited for the attack to come. The man looked like a coil ready to spring at any moment, she wouldn't be surprised if he backhanded her. Not that she hadn't had that happen to her before but it wasn't something she had dealt with in a long time. Most people had more respect for Aes Sedai than that, especially a Sitter. She had earned the respect of most if not all of those that said she would never rise to anything, never get past her flirtations of the past to become anything of worth. Oh how wrong they had been in those thoughts, those silent whispers in the corners of the Tower.  Someday she would silence all the whispers and they would all respect her. Shaking her head to clear the thoughts she looked back at Corin who had relaxed some and had adopted a bitter expression on his face. “Did you ever wonder why Seia suddenly went so cold on you?” Her breath left her lungs as he addressed one of the biggest pains she had ever endured in such a cold voice. "Did you never see the darkness, feel the added edge in Sirayn's voice?” Folding her hands at her waist she waited for him to finish, she wasn't sure what this was, but she had been through much worse she was sure. “She knew you know.”


    She arched an eyebrow and waited as Corin slowly rose from his stool. He leaned only slightly over her body and continued, “I told her. I followed you and Seia in your less then subtle romance. Told her of your prevalent show of affection, the depth of the passion shared in kiss; the actions behind closed doors.” Jade didn't let a single emotion show, why this man wanted to hurt her she didn't know, but she knew it was obvious that he didn't know the entire story. “Seia was there when I told Sirayn and denied nothing. Painting you in the broad brush of acceptance. Really, did you think something so dark as taking Sirayn's own Gaidin would go without notice, without consequences.” She didn't say a word, didn't acknowledge anything he spoke of, he had no clue what he was talking about, and she wondered if he had been pushed over the edge into insanity. She saw his hand reach maybe in reflex for his sword, she felt Kyn move into position between Loraine and Corin. A part of her winced at the pain, she didn't have anyone at her side to protect her anymore. She would protect herself from any harm and hope her weaves were quick and sure. Behind her Loraine began to weave even more deeply, she could sense it, and it brought tears to her eyes. Lor loved her and was willing to die for her, light forbid it should come to that.


    She turned her body so that she slightly faced Lor and Kyn and watched as her sister came up next to her gaidin and spoke, "While it is apparent you know what to do with that little stick, you do realize I'm just as Green as Jade there, right? I could slice you into a hundred pieces before your sword was free of that scabbard and be completely justified in doing it. Is it a death wish you have, child?I'm sure your death is not the reason we came here, be at ease. It's far too early in the day to kill someone." Lor had put a stilling hand on Kyn's arm as she spoke and she nodded softly to the other woman as she waited for Corin to react. “It is indeed to early to paint the floor in red. Be at ease little sis, I have no quam with you; only to test your friends observations.” The man put his arms out on either side of his body showing that he wanted no fight at their hands. “He looked to be board out of his mind and I thought to see how awake he was.” She rolled her eyes at the man since no one was looking her way, Kyn could deal with the insult on his own. Corin stepped towards Kyn and continued, “Look, already the folks think they will see sport here. A foolish thought to be sure when the people of your stature are near, but still they look and wait. Almost a shame is it not?” Jade watched in shock as the man moved on the balls of his feet and lashed out at Kyn. He must have a deathwish to attack a man of Blademaster rank when he was drunk. Of course that was exactly what he had, he had lived as half a man for some time not and most likely wanted to end it. Looking over at Lor she saw the other woman hold her hand up, Kyn had it well in hand, and she knew he would have this man on the floor with his arm behind him and a knee in the back or something similar in short order. Loraine turned and walked over to the Innkeeper, Jade could hear her speaking softly to him about getting a room. Her friend and Sister came back and let loose one of the weaves on Corin. She could tell he was in pain and she waited as Lor spoke, "I believe this conversation should be more discreet, do you want into that room under your own steam, Guardsman, or do I carry you?" Jade reached her feet gracefully, and stood tall and proud as she waited to see what Corin would do next...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

    Green Ajah Head and Sitter





  6. Jade:

    A Broken Tool...A shattered purpose...


    Jaydena, Loraine, Kyn, and several others are outside of the Tower and encounter Corin, the old TG that was involved with Sirayn. Drama will ensue...


    Flaming Trees (Battleweaves for Janine)


    Jaydena teaches Battle Weaves to recruit Janine...


    Meeting a Bonded


    Rasheta and her first gaidin come to Jade's door for their introuduction...


    Rasheta Midnight Vigil


    Jaydena takes Rasheta through her midnight vigil and the morning that will follow...


    One of those necessary discussions


    Lor comes to Jade to tell her friend and her ajah head that she had gotten married to Kyn...


    Janine's Initiation


    Jaydena takes Janine through her tour of the Green quarters, this rp is finished...



    My Unfortunate Morning


    Jaydena encounters her former Gaidar Cairma working with a mentee and a confrontation occures...




    A retro rp in which Cairma tells Jade she doesn't want to be bonded to her anymore...


  7. Jaydena watched as her friend closed her eyes and dropped her head, she wanted to reach out and touch the woman, who was showing emotions she rarely allowed herself, but she knew that comfort would not help the woman get through this conversation. "We didn't ask permission." She arched her eyebrow as the other woman raised her eyes to hers again and continued, "Even aside from the rules, you should've known, Jade. I could've put it off a little while, long enough to make sure..." She almost smiled, as Ajah Head she shouldn't, but a part of her wanted to laugh. Never the conventional one herself, it didn't bother her that Lor had gone and gotten married to the man she had been in love with for so many years. "I'm sure it's not a surprise, and, as Head of this Ajah, you probably saw it coming a mile away. I should've, I guess. I'm too old not to have. It's not the Captain General I came to apologize to, though. It's my friend, I came to apologize to. It's my friend I came to make sure it was fixed the next time." She smiled and nodded at her friend, she appreciated the consideration and respect but it wasn't needed. They were married to the Tower, nothing said they couldn't have two husbands, and things happened.




    "My legal representatives in Cairhien aren't happy with the documentation supplied as proof of our marriage. They're insisting that we have another ceremony, in keeping with my title in Cairhien, to prove that we've married. They won't acknowledge the contract." She gazed at the other woman, deep in thought for a moment before she spoke, "Loraine, I have no issues with your getting married to your Gaidin, it's not something that happens very often, but it does on occasion. If there were one person in this Ajah that I would say should be married it would be you. You have loved this man for so many years that I can barely remember when it started, he loves you, and would give his life for you. I am sorry you didn't have time to tell me before it happened but I am not upset about that, in this life things happen and can't always be planned. I have lived a very long time and have come to accept that. I was once married though only two people know who are still alive and neither of them are here to tell. So I won't be issuing a penance for something I did myself not that long ago. As for the contract, where were you married that they aren't honoring the contract, it's not like they can deny that it happened. Why are they denying the contract, it makes no sense to me?" She put the marriage knife back into her bodice and waited for Lor to speak...


    Jaydena Mckanthur


  8. ooc- Dang topic replies getting buried. *mutters* Sorry about the late reply sweetie.


    Rena waited anxiously as Rhya looked the herbs over, she was worried that she had gotten something wrong and was about to be told that she had no idea what she was doing, but finally the other woman smiled and spoke. “That's all we have to cover today. I know you'll find these herbs will serve you well when it comes to basic ills but there is one last task to be undertaken.” She nodded and returned the woman's smile, waiting for the next task in this lesson. “What I need you to do is start a small herb garden, something that contains the herbs we have talked about here. These herbs are not always easy to find, as you discovered with the Andilay Root, and the Sages always need more supplies. To aid in that, every student is asked to plant a small herb garden of their own. Given the weather, you may not be able to plant all of them immediately of course but if you find a sheltered spot, they should thrive well enough. If there are any others you'd like to grow, feel free. I must admit my own garden grew rather rapidly once I started and Aislyn's glad of the extra when I can't use it all myself. Any questions? If not, we're all done."


    She nodded and thanked the woman for her help, gave a nod to the wolf standing nearby, and than headed down the ladder. Thinking quite deeply she wondered where she was going to plant a garden. She didn't have her own quarters and so many of the good spots were taken. Finally she decided to look around the Stedding some more. It took her most of the afternoon but she finally found a spot that wasn't attached to someone's home, and didn't seem to be used for anything. She began to work the ground with her tools, it took her most of the rest of the day but she finally had the ground ready for the next day, and had planted the herbs she found that day. The following day dawned sunny and bright and she set out into the woods to pick some more herbs and had them ready to plant. She headed back to her garden and planted those herbs, and than hauled water to give her new garden some much needed moisture. The spot she was picked was in the shade of an unused building, part of it was shade and part was sun. She had put the herbs that needed shade in one area, and the ones that didn't in the next. When she was done with all of this she added some of the horse manure they had in the stedding and than began work on a small fence to keep people from stomping on her flowers. She had it most of the way finished that day, and finally at the middle of the next day she stepped back to look at her new garden with it's fence, she felt a sense of accomlishment and excitement. In addition she had planted a bunch of vegetables that one of the Sages had given her and so she would have some vegetable before the harvest ended all the way hopefully.


    Katrina Candarr

  9. Well see you have written consequences into what happened to her, so that's what we are talking about, and yes I do believe Aes Sedai have emotions, they try to hide them, but they do. Their dedication is to the Tower but they can multitask. *G* Rasheta yes there is a rule. Let me know if you want to rp that. *giggles*

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