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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. ooc- LOL it's Jaydena ladies.


    IC- Jaydena started as a knock came at her oak door, she turned towards the door and set the paint brush down. She had decided to paint a mural in her room, though she didn't know why she felt the need or in fact why she hadn't thought of it before, she was rearing to go. Jade had sent her warder down to Tar Valon to get her a bunch of paint and she had started sketching it. Now she was painting some black lines around the sketches she had done in this section. With a smile she walked towards the door and pulled it open. Before her stood the young woman from earlier who had brought her the note. "Hello Kathleen my child. I assume you have a response from Tayva?" The young woman had already curtsied and nodded as she came out of the movement. Jade nodded and took the note from the young woman, she opened it quickly and saw in the same script.


    Tea. Two in the afternoon. My quarters.


    May the light shine on us all.


    Tayva ni Ayvery t'Reyon

    Aes Sedai of the White Ajah


    Jade closed the missive and looked back at Kathleen, "Thank you my child, I appreciate your running these notes to me. There is no need for a reply for this, so head back to your duties." She smiled at the girl and shut the door with a sigh. Well this was really and interesting development and one she hadn't expected. Jade sat down at her desk and wrote a quick note:


    I assume you got the same note as me? Shall we meet for a battle strategy meeting before our tea or shall we just go with it. Let me know if you have time.

    Go with the Light,


    She sprinkled it with sand and than sealed it with wax and her sigil. With that she called for a servant and had it delivered to Zarinen's room while she waited for an answer...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  2. Rasheta no one has backs up of the old site where this all happened at, when one of the old DL's got fired they all moved over there and rped there. We were not given any back ups off of that site and that board is the time period in which all these reqs went into place. Everything was lost and about a year ago they got rid of those boards so ya it's all gone now except for all the stuff that I archived from the greens board to our current archive boards. Assuming those are still active.

  3. Sorry I am having huge issues with my son, allergies, hives and fevers. Turns out he's got grass, pet, etc allergies. However I am tired and out of sorts. I got him stuff today so hopefully the hives go down, and I will feel up to posting. So sorry guys, I know I haven't been very good about posting. Feels like one thing after another keeps hitting me in the face. *mutters*

  4. She watched, her green eyes clear and calm as Kathleen accepted what was being said, she saw the confusion, the pain, and acceptance on the woman's face. This one wasn't going to freak out it appeared, but she had never seen a future Green take things this calmly. "I understand my place, Sister. I have no questions. I have waited long for this day, I can wait a little longer to prove to you that I belong." Jaydena arched an eyebrow at the use of the word Sister, she wasn't just this woman's sister but they would get to that in a moment. She regarded the woman, waiting to see if she had anymore to say. Before she could speak Loraine pushed away from the wall and began to speak, "What if a little longer is measured in years, decades, even? Can you wait that long? What you've got to learn could take quite a bit longer than mere months. Can you keep that calm acceptance in check when those who you sat through classes with are leaving the Tower on various chores and missions? You cannot wear a shawl, as you have not been accepted by an Ajah. You, most likely, won't stray far from these Halls, for the temptation to cry on someone's shoulder will be overwhelming. Tell me, Kathleen, how long can you curl your fists around that acceptance when you're pushed to the point of tears every single day you draw a breath?" Jaydena gazed at Loraine and nodded her head, they had all been through it, it was a trial to be endured and Loraine has summed the feelings up nicely.


    She looked over at Kathleen, the woman looked almost as though she would cry. Jade could relate, she spent half of her day wishing she could cry and acting as though she was a wall that couldn't be beaten down. It was actually fairly wearing on her mind, soul, and body. It was however something they all learned to do early on in the Tower. Weaklings didn't make it to the Shawl, and that was what they were all here for after all. Jade waiting silently as Kathleen began to speak, the woman had the right of it. She didn't lack in courage, for after all, she had always believed that it took more courage to face it without whining and crying than to throw a temper tantrum like a 2 year old. Loraine began to speak and Jaydena smiled softly at the other woman's words, she had to agree with her. As Loraine spoke Jaydena turned to look at Katheleen, "Well my dear we shall see how your mettle is tested in the days to come. We are all looking forward to seeing what kind of Sister you shall be. Loraine you may go find your Warder before he has himself a heart attack. Kathleen you shall be escorted on your tour with Rasheta Sedai here. I look forward to seeing you at my rooms when you make it there. That is all. " Jade gained her feet and stood looking at Kathleen as the woman walked out the door with Rasheta.


    As the women walked from the room she sat down at her desk and put her head in her hands, this part of being Ajah Head was one of the hardest for her. They all knew why it was done, they all understood, but they weren't the ones facing these women's faces as she tore their dreams to bits. Jade took a deep breath and felt a hand on shoulder, she looked up and saw her warder at her side. With a smile she took the hand offered to her and stood up. Her warder handed her a chocolate bar, just what she needed and they strolled arm in arm to her rooms, where she would meet with Kathleen and Rasheta...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  5. Rasheta if you want to take Kat on her tour go ahead, I will edit my post to reflect that. *G* Lor sounds good to me. I would like to do Earth as that's Jade's strongest talent and that also gives me a chance to use her talent for admin purposes. :tongue:

  6. LOL ya that's why I didn't suggest the BW stuff, because of the Timeline. I figured by the time she is 90 or so, it's viable for Jade to train her for Eyes and Ears and honestly I don't feel the need to hog Head of Eyes and Ears, Sitter, and Ajah Head. *G*

  7. Jade hardened her heart as she watched Kathleen and the look on her face. The woman was clearly confused as to her wording. It was a scenario she had seen so many times that she could all but see it in her mind. Kathleen filled with passion and purpose would state all her reasons for wanting to go Green. Her family was killed by shadowspawn, the world was in their hands, she wanted to protect them all, she wanted to learn Battle Weaves and right the evil of the world. Oh yes, she had heard every reason there was in her many years. She had seen girls cry, she had seen them rage, she had seen them smile and agree to everything they were told. In fact she had even seen a girl with blood leeching out of her body as they healed her to save her life. Jade cringed inside as she remembered that day. It was only by the grace of the Creator that they had saved her that day, neither she or Sirayn had been able to heal to save a life. Luckily one of the other Sitters had been able to.


    She shook those thoughts from her mind and prayed that Kathleen would take this news with dignity and respect. That she wouldn't throw a hissy fit as so many before her. That she would realize that they had all gone through this say trial and they had all come out of it stronger and more capable of holding up the reasons she was about to state. "I chose the Green Ajah to be my Ajah because I believe that it is the best suited place for me to accomplish my goals. I have given my choice more thought than I have given any other decision in my life, and I believe that the Green Ajah is where I belong." Jaydena listened silently as the young woman states her reasons, and they were many. Her feelings were well thought out and she articulated them very clearly. That didn't stay her hand though, she had to do what she had to do. There was no going back or going around, the woman had made her choice, and that was that.


    Jaydena listened as Kathleen said her final words and than she replied, “I would say I would and do feel much as you do, however while your reasons are just and sound you are not yet a Sister of the Battle Ajah. From this day forward you will be an Initiate of the Green Ajah, you will have a set of rooms which will not be your final quarters, you will take classes in Battle Weaves and such things as how to be a Battle Sister. When you are deamed worthy you will go before the ajah and they will decide your fate, at that point you will either become a Battle Sister or continue your training until you are ready. To the rest of the Tower you will appear as a full fledged sister of the Green and you are to represent yourself as such. You will tell no one of your status as this is a secret known only to those who are part of the Greens. I personally will see to some of your training and I am sure that it won’t be long before you are standing before the Greens. At this time I will take your on a tour of the Green quarters so that you may meet your future Sisters. Remember that being part of this Ajah is not a right it is a privelage that we all sacrafise for every single day of our lives. Do you have any questions.”


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  8. *ponders* Awesome. Ok so let's work the ideas through here and see how to include you. I want for sure for you to get some rping time in with all of us and what a wicked cool first out of the Tower trip. So let's see, there are some options. Jade has been running the Ajah and handling the Eyes and Ears of the Greens for years. She's been looking for someone to train to do Eyes and Ears for a long time. Perhaps Kat could be that person. Or ummm they could take her with to help with any fighting. LOL ok I am out of ideas at this moment.

  9. Ok hun I just posted, and again sorry about that wait. I wanted to know, would you like me to take it into the next day with her coming the the FR's door or do you want me to leave it where I did and let you describe her quarters and read the missive etc. Just let me know and I can edit it in a cinch.

  10. Jaydena watched as the young woman held out a letter to her in a thick and expensive parchment, sealed with wax and seal imprint she didn't recognize. "I have been sent to give you this letter, Jaydena Sedai, and I was instructed to wait for a reply." She arched her eyebrow at the young girl and than spoke, "Alright, my child I shall see what the missive says. Please come into my quarters while I deal with this matter." She held the door open and waited for the girl to follow her into the room. As she walked towards her desk she heard the door click softly closed behind her. She heard a soft exhale behind her and she turned around the see the girl looking around her quarters with a look of awe on her face. Jade smiled softly as she watched her gaze around at the swords, daggers, books, crystal carvings, and so much more that showed exactly how long she had lived. Coughing softly she said, "Please have a seat there while I reply to this my child." With that she walked over to her desk and took a seat. She slit the letter open with the sword letter opener with it's jade stone handle and her name worked into the medal that one of her Sisters had given her on her last name day. Her hand ran over her personal sigil worked into the stone as she slit the letter open.


    Inside she found a matching piece of paper with a script she didn't recognize, in a think and clear ink that clearly wasn't the cheapy ink you found at some of the stores in the market.


    Jaydena Sedai,

    Important things to talk about. Saw you visiting a friend today in the Red Halls. Would like to talk about it over tea tomorrow if you are available. Please give the messenger a reply for me as to when you're free. She's a patient girl so I'm sure she'll be happy to wait.



    Tayva ni Ayvery t'Reyon

    Aes Sedai of the White Ajah


    Raising her eyebrows in shock at the words, she was glad that she was facing away from the young woman seated on her couch. Jade reread the page and than shaking her head she picked up her special jade pen with the dragon on it, and the unstoppered the ink vial. Turning her body she looked at the young girl, "Give me a few moments to write this and than you can be on your way. I am sure you have many chores and studies to be about my child. What was your name child, I didn't catch it." She waited as the girl answered and than replied, "Very good, as I said it will be a moment. Turning back around she opened her desk and pulled out her stationary with it's roses, Aes Sedai symbol, and a sword. She dipped her pen into the ink and wrote:

    Tayva Sedai,

    I appreciate the missive you just penned. I look forward to meeting with you for tea tomorrow afternoon to discuss our mutual issue. I do believe that you may be one the "friends" I have been searching for. Better relations in the Tower being foremost in my mind. I will see you tomorrow my dear.

    Go with the Light,

    Jaydena Mckanthur


    She smiled in satisfaction, there were only a couple of possible reasons for this woman to contact her. One she was a Sitter and wanted to discuss Sitter duties, or two she was an Ajah head who had noticed the two of them together and wanted in on the plotting. She hoped it was the last one as they could use the help of another Ajah Head figuring this out and helping the unite the Tower. She slid the pale green paper with the flowers embedded in the paper that she had made specially for her and warmed the wax up in the candle flame on her desk. When it was warm she put the blob onto the envelope and pressed her personal seal into it. Standing up she turned back to the girl and spoke, "Thank you for waiting Kathleen, you may take this to Tayva Sedai now." She escorted the girl to her door and than opened it for the young woman. As she closed it she considered the meeting tomorrow and moved to her desk to pen a note for the Highest, she must let the woman know what had happened...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  11. She strode down the hallway in the early morning, her heart hard and steeled against what was to come. Of course all Greens had to go through it, she herself had done it, however it didn't make it any easier to be the one imparting the news to these woman. Especially on the one that must sit calmly in her desk and break the spirit of the woman in question. She knew why it had to be done, light she had seen the results and knew that they worked, didn't mean she liked it. Her feet fell steady on the white floor tiles, with their green borders, and swords inlaid on each and every one. Her long legs ate up the ground toward her destination, her green formal slippers flashing from under her dress. Jade wasn't a giant by any means but she was on of the taller Aes Sedai in the Tower. The walls that she walked past were green and white and were hung with paintings and tapestries of battles gone by. Some of them she had painted herself, as painting was something she did to deal with the heartbreak of losing her friends, sisters, and lovers even.


    Her thoughts strayed to losing Jared and his picture that hung with the other warders she had lost within the Green Vault inside of her display. There were quite a few of her warriors inside of that display and she didn’t want to think about losing another one. Her heart broke silently, although her face stayed calm and serene. The picture of Aes Sedai serenity that she maintained, even when she was crying inside. The loss of so many loved ones could be hard on anyone, add in the lack of companionship, and the constant stress and she was bound to want to sit down and cry once in awhile. In fact she had done just that last night, in the cold and lonely bed she shared with no one. The sounds muffled by one of the giant pillows on her large bed. The next day there was no sign of her crying jag the night before, nor would there be. Greens stood tall in the face on danger and heartache, at least to the outside, and most of the time they even managed to do so in private.


    As she rounded the corner out of the quarters, the torchlight glinted off her auburn hair; with it's caramel colored highlights, her green eyes sparkled inside her pale face with its sprinkling of freckles across the cheeks and nose. Her body was hourglass shaped and there were times she hated it, more than once in her youth she had felt fat, and had hated the looks she got from men. That might be why she had started sleeping with women, they looked at her too, but not in the same way that men did. They all looked at her like a possession, something they could own, use, and then throw away. She had experienced that very feeling to many times in her life to want to feel it again.


    Shaking her head she thought, my thoughts shouldn’t be straying in this direction, I should be thinking about the coming trials. Of watching another woman swear her oaths to the Tower and take on all the responsibility that comes with it. Turning her thoughts away from that subject she smoothed a hand over the green satin dress with it’s Aes Sedai symbols worked in real gold thread across the bodice, along the waist, across the sleeves, and ringing the hem. She wore a golden belt which her warder of long ago had given her. It was made up of golden links, in which rubies carved as roses, and emeralds carved as leaves glinted. A matching necklace, earrings, bracelet, anklet, and hair pin graced her pale skin. It was a treasured possession and something she only wore on occasions like this. Around her shoulders she wore the symbol of her station. A white shawl with green fringe that trailed almost to the floor, ivy leaves and vines were embroidered across it, a large Green flame on the back of it, and a pin in the shape of the serpent kept it closed.


    Her auburn hair was twisted up onto her head in an intricate design, it's wave tightly contained, and the hair pins kept it in place. She smoothed her hand over her skirt in a sign that some would recognize as restlessness in her if they knew her. Not that many knew her these days, she had no warders left, and her best friends and lovers had all either died or left the Tower to never be seen again. The only one who might recognize what that move meant was already inside the room she was about to enter, so she had better get herself under control. The door loomed in front of her, something they all must face in their time in the Tower, taking a deep breath she pulled it open, all her Sitters were already assembled, as was the last raised Sister in the Greens. Nodding at Loraine, Rasheta, and Kabria she took her place with them and waited for the ceremony to begin.


    The young woman walked in and Jaydena almost smiled, she looked so young and scared. She was trying as they all did to appear ready and tough but she really had no idea what was in store for her. Her life would change so much from the regimented existence she was used to over these many years. Jade glanced over and Loraine and her eyebrow arched, one side of her smile pulled up into a half smile. Looking back at the girl she wondered if she would go Green as it was suspected. The oaths began and just as quickly as they had started they ended and the new Aes Sedai stepped toward them. It was clear that she was choosing the Green. Jaydena nodded at her and spoke, “So you have chosen the Green Ajah, please follow me Sister and we will begin your journey.” She nodded at the other Sitters and then led the way from the room. They reached the Green quarters quickly and they parted ways with Kabria before they reached the office. Jade opened the door to her office and walked over to take a seat behind the large desk with it’s carvings of the Aes Sedai symbol in the dark cherry wood. She looked Kathleen up and down and then spoke, “Kathleen Sedai what are your reasons for choosing the Green Ajah as your future Ajah?” She crossed her hands on the desktop and waited for the new Sister to speak…


    Jaydena Mckathur

    Head of the Greens

    Sitter of the Greens

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