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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. What do you mean your not a Red?


    Jaydena, Arath (her future Asha'man bonded, and Zarinen the Highest of the Red all hook up by accident and Jaydena goes into Zarinen's office after discovering that Zarinen is the Highest of the Reds. They hatch a plan to find out who the other ajahs heads are and to make things better between the ajahs.


    Looking for a new Warder... I mean Asha'man


    Jaydena and Arath meet up after their accidental meeting in the Red quarters and end up bonding...


    The Weight of the World


    Jaydena and Zarinen must go out in public to help cement their alliance and their mission to find the other Ajah Heads. They see Serena of the Blue in the library, little do they realize yet that she is the First Selector.


    Putting two and two together


    Tayva sees Zarinen and Jaydena together and begins to put two and two together, she contacts Jaydena for a meeting and to find out what is going on between the two of them. Accepted Kathleen is also involved in the entire story.

  2. "Very well, If you are sure ...?" She nodded her head at him, apparently the man wasn't used to free thinking women who took initiative and just went for. Well he would have plenty of time to become accustomed to her before they both passed for this life, if he did indeed take her offer. "Ummm ... I suspect our way of doing this is a little different from yours.  It's a little ... unorthodox." She blinked and wondered what was going to happen, was she going to feel a burn, or a chill like when someone healed her. Perhaps she was going to pass out or scream in shock. She looked around quickly to see who was in the yard and noticed that no one was anywhere near the two of them at this moment. That would keep her actions from being spread around the Tower for everyone to speculate on. Shock filled her when Arath reached forward and grabbed her head forcefully. A part of her started to fight him but he didn't seem intent on hurting her. He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her while she began to feel weaves settle into her head. She was tempted to kiss him back, it had been a long time since she had kissed a man, but she might scare him and that wouldn't do.


    His emotions slammed into her as the weave settled fully into place and she almost fainted at the intensity of it all. He stepped back with a sheepish look on his face with the emotion strong inside of his head and spoke, "Sorry, one of the Asha'man first discovered the weave with his wife, and so far nobody has been able to do it a different way." Jade stared at him and began to analyze the emotions in her head, she held her hand up and put her head on his chest. "Sorry that's a bit overwhelming, I can't say I have ever had a bonded that strong before. It's a bit hard to get around." She took deep breaths and worked on toning the emotions hitting her down so she could function. "I can feel the taint, I can feel it inside of you when you channel. How do you deal with it everyday?" Tears ran from her eyes and she didn't even notice they were there, "Light it's so strong, and I can feel your revulsion to it." She leaned forward and kissed him and than pulled back, "Thank you for being willing to share this with me!" She stepped back and spoke again, "So shall we go announce this to the Greens, or should we go practice some weaves, learn to link, or do something else? Dinner perhaps?" She did her best to appear normal, although she was shaking inside at the amount of strong emotions pouring through her mind and he had to have known it. This was going to take some serious adjustment.


    Jaydena Mckanthur


    ooc- *squeels* OMG we finally did it!! *dances and hugs*

  3. She glanced at the woman walking next to her and wondered how she had ended up here. Zarinen had been fine with her until they reached the door to her office. As soon as they had left the Red Halls she had started in with her cold and aloof act again. Obviously it was an image she cultivated for the world around them, and the women of the Tower. She hadn't been nearly as cold, in fact Jaydena had even thought she might be a woman she could like, and now they were back to this. She shook her head and walked into the library with the other woman, glancing around she checked to see who was in the Tower and was happy to notice several Aes Sedai from different Ajahs as well as Novices, and Accepted. The more people that saw the Green hating Ajah Head with her the better, and quicker this all would be. Than maybe they could go back to her office and she could deal with the nicer woman and not this prissy one would stood next to her. She grimaced as the other woman sent her a small glare and turned to see her looking at Serena of the Blue Ajah.


    Jade looked back the shelf for the book they had been going to do research with, hitting two birds with one stone. The book was missing from it's spot and she saw the Red looking over at Serena again and the open book in front of her. Serena must have the book they needed and wasn't this just the creator intervening, a Blue all by herself who they could test for information. They could check on the subject they had been conversing about and be seen in public together, and talk to Serena, this was indeed a red letter day. She smoothed a hand over the skirt she wore, a nervous gesture she had picked up since her face was burned. Jaydena never knew how someone was going to react to the burns on her face or the mask she wore. Some took it all in stride, some stared at her with pity, and some with horror. Serena wasn't one she had had much contact with so she didn't know how the other woman would react to her. Zarinen stepped forward and began to speak, “Good day, Sister. Is that ‘Saidin, the Taint, and Madness’ you have there?”


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  4. Jade glared at the piece of art in front of her and almost stomped her foot. Things weren't going as she wanted them today and that irritated her to no end. She threw the paint brushes down the basin and walked away, it was better for her to walk with it half finished when it wasn't coming to her, when the inspiration wasn't flowing from her fingers. Otherwise she risked messing up all her work and making something she wasn't especially proud of. Since one of her Greens had paid for this commission for her Gaidin and it wouldn't do to tamper with it. It had been flowing so good for her yesterday but after recent events with Seia so hadn't felt inspired to do anything at all this morning. Pushing herself to do things she didn't want to would only make things worse for her, her sister would just have to wait. She wiped her hands on her smock and than moved to wash her hands and the brushes. When she was finished cleaning up she exited the room and began to walk towards her quarters.


    She stepped inside her rooms and moved to ring the bell for some food, no use in stopping eating just because she was lovesick over Seia and didn't know what to do about it. As she reached for the bell, she heard a knock on her door. She glanced around the room and moved towards the door, fluffing pillows on her couch as she went. Giving the room a final glance around the room to make sure nothing was laying out. She opened the door and looked out it to see an Accepted she had seen around the the Tower but didn't know her name or anything about her. The girl curtsied at her and Jaydena smiled at her, "Hell my child, how may I help you today?" She waited to hear the girls response and wondered who she was and what her story was...


    Jaydena Mckanthur

    Green Sitter and IC Ajah Head

  5. Jaydena watched his face closely as she stood before him with her flaws exposed to him. Waited for that tell tale disgust or horror at what was left of her face. She started as something pulled the mask from her hands and she watched as it floated through open air and landed on his own face. None of those standing near them would realize that it wasn't her that had done that, but the man across from her instead. Surprisingly his channeling in front of her didn't scare her at all, she had thought she might feel some kind of disgust the first time he channeled near her but it was obvious to her that any hold up she had was now gone. The old traditions and general feelings of so many in the Tower that she had been taught were gone from her mind, and she viewed him as a man. Yes he was a man with the full potential to go mad and kill her but she knew that they would both choose for her to kill him before he allowed himself to damaged anyone. She barely knew him and somehow she knew that about him. His sense of purpose radiated off of him in massive waves, hid love for the greater good, his intensity beckoned her.


    She watched his as he stroked the mask he held in his hand with a smile, "I resigned myself some time ago to the fact that I won't have much of a lifetime.  I already feel like I'm on borrowed time.  I've outlasted so many others at the Farm.  But I plan on spending what time I have making the shadow pay." Jade watched closely as he reached up and undid the buttons on the coat he wore, next he unlaced the shirt he wore underneath it, and than pulled the shirt to the side. He wore the dragonfang burned into his skin underneath his shirt, right over his heart. It was faded a bit so she could tell that it had been there for many many years. She could only imagine how long ago it had happened, and she would never understand how anyone could do that to a small child or teenager. Children were innocent and didn't understand the concept of the Shadow or the Light fully, they didn't deserve to be burned like that.  A gift from a darkfriend who had stolen his mother and ruined his life. "Mine is a little easier to hide, but I feel it every day.  A constant reminder of what I fight against."


    She nodded, this man understood what she fought for, what she fought against and would till the day she died. Hopefully she would go down screaming in the face of that evil that had tried to possess her. Arath reached up and placed the mask on her face, she quickly took it off of her face, and held it in her hands. "Jaydena Sedai, I would be honored to fight along side you until the Last Battle is won.  I find myself willing to enter a bond with you, if you will have me." She nodded, "I would ask that you bond me Arath, I have no need to control you. I come into this with an open mind and heart and it will not serve either of us if you doubt my motive or feel that I want to treat you like a leashed dog. It will be interesting to be bonded instead of being the one one doing the bonding. I want to come into this as equal partners and allies. I want to come into this with no pretenses and so I will not wear my mask when you bond me." She stepped forward and looked him straight in the eyes, she waited to see if he would lay the bonding weave over her or what he would say. "I am ready whenever you are Arath."


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  6. OOC- Sorry about the wait on this


    IC- Jade tasted the hint of mint in her tea and pondered on what the other flavor was as she waited for the Highest to reply to her question. She wondered if the other woman would take her offer or if she would back away. Her hatred of the Greens was well known throughout their quarters. Though she had no idea what had caused the hatred, she could only hope that it could be healed. They didn't need issues with the Reds, they had often been their allies in the past and they needed each other now more than ever. “Yes, I do believe you are right. We should try to put our … differences aside and work together on this.” She watched as Zarinen stroked the rather large ruby that dangled from a necklace around her neck. Jade admired the size and cut of the ruby for a moment before she focused on what the other woman had said and was still saying, “I just worry about how other Aes Sedai will react to the thought of Bonding male channellers. As you say, Greens are used to having multiple Warders, and your kind do tend to love men.” She chuckled softly at the other womans words and smiled back at her. She wasn't going to get offended at the Zarinen's words, after all they were true. The Greens liked men, but not in the way that so many thought. Instead of looking at men as stupid or foolish, they did their best to understand them on a human level and to understand that they just though different.


    "My Reds are having a hard enough time with it, and they're used to dealing with men who can channel! I can only imagine how a Yellow, for instance, would balk at the idea. It’s a pity we don’t know who the other Ajah Heads are – they would be the logical people to approach about this. They would know best how to present the idea to their own sisters.” The other woman looked at her with a gleam in her eyes and than continued, “I don’t suppose you have any idea who some of the others are?” Jade shook her head and spoke, "Yes it's going to be interesting to see how some of the other Ajahs approach this matter. In fact it makes me want to sit back and watch with a cup of tea and chuckle." She smiled and than continued, "I agree that approaching the other Ajah Heads is the best choice but sadly I have no idea who any of the others are. I am sure if I started paying more attention I would be able to pick up on it. I think that part of being in the Tower is that we are often trained to look the other way when certain traditions are brought into the light or in our face as it would be. So I suppose our best course of action is to get together and do some walking through the Halls together, maybe see if it draws any other ajah heads out of the dark? Or maybe the combination of our experience will allow us to recognize some of them. What are your thoughts Zarinen?"


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  7. Sorry about the wait on this, crazy couple of weeks for me and it's not over yet. *G*


    Meeting the Second


    Jaydena meets Visar, Rasheta's second bonded and she learns what it means to him to be bonded.


    What do you mean your not a Red?


    Jaydena, Arath (her future Asha'man bonded, and Zarinen the Highest of the Red all hook up by accident and Jaydena goes into Zarinen's office after discovering that Zarinen is the Highest of the Reds. They hatch a plan to find out who the other ajahs heads are and to make things better between the ajahs.


    Looking for a new Warder... I mean Asha'man


    Jaydena and Arath meet up after their accidental meeting in the Red quarters and end up bonding...

  8. I don't think she means that kind of split, and no I don't think we do and it was decided long ago by the Incarns that it would not happen at DM.  We do have the numbers to stir up a little ajah drama on who sides with who and who takes what views on the Asha'man though. *G*

  9. Doesn't matter to me at all dear, however you want to tackle it. I am just here to rp and handle that side of things. If you want me to field questions I can do that too. *winks and hugs*

  10. Your Handle: Jaydena

    Character Name: Jaydena Restona Mckanthur

    Ajah: Green Ajah

    Rank: Sitter and OOC Green Ajah Head

    Last RPED: June 8th, 2010

    LINK: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,53696.0.html

    Talent: Delving

    LINK to using talent: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,45176.0.html


    Handle: Aubrey

    Character Name: Cairma Vishnu

    Division: Warders Yard

    Link to Profile: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php?action=profile;u=10491


    Handle: Arath Faringal

    Character Name: Arath Faringal

    Division: Black Tower

    Bondholder: Arath Faringal

    Link to Profile: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php?action=profile;u=484


    Handle: seiakera

    Character Name: Seiaman Kera

    Division: Warders Yard

    Link to Profile: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php?action=profile;u=17841


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