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Posts posted by Jaydena

  1. Lyssa protected the Aes Sedai with her life and soon they had dispatched the Trollocs. They lay in pieces around their campfire, their blood soaking into the ground and turning it Black with it's stink. She stood panting and looked around, making sure that everyone was accounted for, though she could see Cairma doing the same near her. Checking her body she noticed a few cuts and feared the a bone in her foot was broken from kicking a Trolloc away from her legs. She turned to the Aes Sedai and started as the woman reached out and gently touched her forehead with both hands. A cold rushed over her and she felt her cuts knitting together. It had to be one of the strangest feelings she had ever felt and no matter how many times it happened you never got used to it. She thanked the woman and turned as Cairma began to speak, "Well, that was unexpected. Well done, all of you. We won't be staying the night as clearly our position has ben... made known." Someone snickered at Cairma's words and Lyssa didn't bother looking around to see who had done it, not she would have known. Tower Trainees learned early not to reveal themselves when they had done something the Commander wouldn't like.


    "Take a moment to study these. I hope you will never have to come close to a Trolloc again, but I want you to be at least knowledgable to describe them and their various types. What makes them different from other Trollocs. What is the name of a group of Trollocs this size. Study what you can and I will question you once we get to our destination. There is no reason to linger longer than we have to." Lyssa approached the Trollocs and began to look them over, right away she noticed that they all had a pile of human skulls somewhere on their person. Either a belt buckle, on their spear handle, or on their shirts. That alone identified them as members of the Ghar'ghael Band. They all seemed to have beaks of some kind on their face but there were a few that had pigs snouts or human faces with no animal features. She turned back to Cairma and spoke, "They are Ghar'ghael Band I believe Cairma." She looked back down at the Trolloc at her feet and than moved off to begin packing for the return trip, not that she had taken much out."


    Lyssa Simeone

  2. The young woman nodded at her and than smiled one of her rare smiles, at least rare around her. She hadn't seen enough of the woman in normal circumstances to know if she smiled more. The Ajah all seemed to like her and enjoy the fact that she had chosen the Greens but she kept to herself quite a bit. Perhaps she had a past she was still dealing with that had made her into more of a loner but Jade was glad that she had taken a gaidin. It would give her someone to rant to and spend time with. A Gaidin was more than a protecting arm, he also was a sounding board, friend, and so much more. She smiled at Rasheta as the woman continued, "Thank you Captain General, he is a good warder at that. I have not given him his cloak yet but I will. I have been busy and so have neglected that part of his gaidin rights. He will get it soon though I promise. I have decided to try and bond Visar a young tower guard from Tear. Dante seems to know him well and I would have bonded him already but Visar is off in the Borderlands and possibly the Blight at the moment. I didn't think asking him to bond before he left would be a wise idea if he died I would have been almost as distraught as I had been before. Dante would not have enjoyed that I am sure." She nodded and watched as the other woman stood up, "I will take my warder to find his cloak now unless you have something else you wish from me or he has something left to ask you." Jade chuckled softly and waited for the girl to finish for Rasheta was watching her Gaidin and smiling. "Maybe someday you will get to see the blight it would be a good way to get a Shadowspawn education for you."


    Jaydena smiled and spoke, "Dante I am glad that Rasheta has bonded you, you seem like a well rounded young man. However take care of her or you will hear about it from me." She grinned and stood up, holding her hand up she continued, "If you will stay her for a moment please." Turning away from them she glided across the room and walked to her wardrobe, she reached into the bottom and picked a package out of the stack. She walked back into the room and handed it to Rasheta. "It's a Fancloak dear, I can give you another one to keep with you for Visar if you decided to bond him while away from the Tower. Most Greens carry at least one with them on trips. I ended up bonding a Gaidin right before I lost two of mine at Namandar." Her eyes filled with sadness for a moment before she continued, "That's another tale for another day but back to my point. It's always good to carry one with you, the Fancloak is invaluable to a Warder and I am sure that Dante will love his." She turned back to Dante and continued, "Thank you for coming to see my Dante, good luck with this one, she's feisty." She smiled and watched as the two walked from her quarters with the Fancloak in Rasheta's arms. Oh yes she remembered the first Gaidin she had bonded and what a day that had been for her. It was something neither she nor Rasheta would ever forget...


    Jaydena Mckanthur


    ooc- Sorry about the wait you two, things have been crazy.

  3. OOC- OMG so sorry I missed this.


    IC- "Thank you Jaydena, I think I have gotten all I can from this room, all who are here knew what it meant to be Green and what they were sacrificing. I think I understand a little bit more about the Ajah. I am ready to head to the gardens now." Jade nodded and watched the young woman, she had seen Rasheta stop next to one of the Sisters that had become an Amyrlin and rub her hands over the plaque. She didn't ask what the woman had said or thought, for this room was meant to honor their Sisters and that was what they were doing. Standing up she waited for the other woman to continue, after all this was her journey and her's alone. Though she was her with Rasheta she was there as a companion and not to guide her this time. "What do I call you after I am raised? Sister, Captain General, just your name?" In the Halls of course you may call me Sister or Jaydena. In private you can call me Jaydena or Jade. If no one is around but Greens most will call me Captain of Captain General. It's a closely guarded secret my position and so we are very careful to make sure that no one knows who I am or that we don't speak of it when non Greens are around." She nodded and walked from the room with a motion for Rasheta to follow her. She began to walk through the Hallways of the Tower and down into teh Gardens. "When I was raised to Aes Sedai my Captain General was Mandi Sedai and she was and still is a rough and tumble sort of green. Always ready to defend another Green but ready to knock them down if they endanger the ajah or the gaidin in any way. I did my battle weaves with her and learned not only the art of the weave but also how to control and temper your gaidin and how to flirt with the best of them to gain your objective. Mandi believed that you can use your body if you have to for the better of the ajah. When I was a younger Sedai I agreed with her and followed her teachings. These days the way I deal with anyone is far different than when I was a young Sedai such as yourself."


    Her mouth twisted and she walked forward to what looked like a wall covered in vines. Reaching into the vines she pushed them aside to reveal a wrought iron gate constructed to look to flowers growing rampant. Pulling a key that looked like the door from her bodice she unlocked the gate and walked inside. Once Rasheta had followed her she shut the gate, locking it behind her, before leading the way into a garden of amazing beauty. Flowers grew up the walls, and fountains splashed away in many places. The coubblestones were many colors and formed a Aes Sedai shawl of color. Benches sat beside many of the paths and the colors shocked the eyes. A small shed sat in the corner of the garden, and inside were tools of the trade. She smiled at Rasheta and took a seat at one of the benches, motioning for the woman to take a seat at the bench across from her own.


    "This is Rashima's garden, I am sure you will have heard of the great green warrior named Rashima. This walled garden is known to only the greens and only a woman about to go before her ajah can learn the secret. The greens all consider it an honor to work the soil and protect the garden and when you become a green you will receive a key to the garden." Picking a deadhead off the rosebush next to her she returned to her story, "I broke many hearts as a young Aes Sedai and then I did the unthinkable, I fell in love with my own gaidin and then someone's elses gaidin. I don't recommend it." She sighed and continued, "It went on battles and I almost lost my life more times that I care to think about. Eventually my gaidin was killed and I had to endure the pain of that loss. There will always be a gap in my heart and in my head where his bond lay. Being a Green is never easy but there is nothing more rewarding that belong to this ajah either." She twirled the deadhead and waited to see what Rasheta would say...


    Jaydena Sedai




    Jaydena watched the man get painfully to his feet and she braced herself mentally in case he decided to attack. Instead of spoke, “It seems you have collected a new kitten to replace the old Jaydena Sedai. Where the old one danced with steel this one plays with knitting." She almost almost laughed at his comments. He knew nothing of Loraine or he wouldn't be so quick to write her off or to compare her with anyone else. He was breathing rather heavily and she could all but feel the satisfaction coming from Loraine who stood behind her again. Corin turned and bowed to her and than to her Sister before he continued speaking with a sickly smile. “I believe I will walk in on my own kitten, though it was nice of you to offer.” She followed him down the hallway as he made his way into the room they had been offered. Luckily it was actually cleaner than the front room. Lor and Kyn followed her into the room behind Corin and she took a seat across the table from her. He looked at her and than lowered his head, speaking softly. “She would have had my hide stripped from me for even a tenth of this wouldn’t she?” Jade looked him up and down and than spoke, "If anyone would have done just that it would have been here. Our Sirayn had a taste for violence but that's what made her such a good Green. She would not have stood for what you did that's for sure Corin. Sirayn believed in many things but one thing more than any other. That Aes Sedai deserved respect from everyone and should be treated as the power brokers so many are. Yes strip your hide she would have Corin."


    Jade leaned back in her chair and folded her hands at her waist as she continued, "Now let us set a few things straight since you seem to be existing under some very strange misconceptions. Loraine and Kynwric know this entire story and so they are free to stay at their leisure or go find a room." She looked at Lor who has taken a seat next to her and to Kyn who stood behind Corin's chair. They both shook their heads, she hadn't thought they would leave her alone with this man but she still offered. "Corin I know exactly why Seiaman went cold with me. There is so much history behind all of this that you have deluded yourself into believing you know. Sirayn always knew dear. Sirayn and Seia hated each other when I met Seia. They had a bitter relationship and wanted nothing to do with each other. I fell in love with Seia and we decided that we would bond as soon as we were able. We headed to Ebou Dar and that's where it all went down hill. We were attacked in the night and I was hit in the head a killing blow that would have slain me if Seia hadn't blocked most of it, while I was knocked out and Seia was protecting me, she was almost killed. Sirayn chased the ruffians off and while I was knocked out she had to bond Seia to save her life. She did it for me and nothing more, we had become dear friends. Sirayn was like that and so many people never got past the core to see the woman within. She bonded a woman she hated so that I would lose my bondmate, all along planning on passing the bond to me as soon as she was able.  However Seia had different ideas, she refused to pass the bond to me, and that ended out relationship for some time. Eventually we ended back together after much coaxing from Seia and Sirayn was always aware of it. I am not sure where you got the idea we hid anything from her but you are very wrong young Corin. Sirayn became cold with me for another reason that had more to do with her relationship with me than mine with Seiaman. That issue is over for neither of them are in my life any longer but you need to stop thinking that you hold any sway over me or anyone else Corin." She smiled and said, "So you say you watched us, did you enjoy the show?"


    Jaydena Mckanthur

  5. Saya Rishada walked slowly, her peg slamming onto the ground each step, thump, thump, thump. It sounded much like a death sentence of a gavel striking down and rendering judgement. She wondered if this was in fact the truth. Would they all have the blade slice down on their neck by this channeling men. Saya had never thought she would see the day when she would lead a party of Asha'man and Red Sisters, her peg thumping on the ground in the uncomfortable silence. All of the women were still linked and she was holding the link. Despite being told to release it she wasn't listening. The woman wasn't a Sitter and maybe she trusted these men, but Saya did not. Oh no, all it took was one misstep and she was zapping one of them with something. She might die in the attempt but she wasn't going down without fighting. She turned the corner and walked up the stairs to the Amyrlin's office. It was actually quite comical that they followed her at the slow pace she set. Mind you she wasn't crippled by any means but she also didn't sprint where she was going. Luckily she had learned a weave that she wove around the stump of her leg each day. Since she had learned the weave she hadn't endured any pain from the peg rubbing or being to active with it.


    Saya walked forward and knocked loudly on the door, signaling that they were here to all of those who hopefully were inside. It wouldn't do for them to show up at the door and for their Highest not to be there. She heard a voice from inside and she carefully opened the door. Immediately she saw Mother and the Keeper standing facing the door as well as their Highest and Sitters that weren't with her. She nodded at them and walked inside, she curtsied before Mother and the Keeper which wasn't easy considering she had a peg leg. Saya was sure she looked like some strange bird but she didn't care. It was all about showing the proper respect to one of the most powerful women in the lands. Turning she bowed her head respectfully to their Highest before she spoke. "Mother, Keeper, Sitters. I bring before you these Asha'man who have come to speak with you. I  fear I do not know their names so I will step back and let you begin." She took a step back and waited to see what would happen next...




  6. I am sorry to announce that our beloved Quis needed to step down as Bio Checker, she did an amazing job for all of us and I know she will be missed in her position. In light of that we have promoted White Wolf to Bio Checker for the Division. If you have any questions about bios be sure to fill up his pm box. *winks*

  7. I am saddened to announce that Raeyn has stepped down as your Ajah Head, she did an amazing job for all of you and I do hope that she comes back to rp someday. I am not even sure if there is anyone who is able to do the ajah head position but I am putting this up, if no one applies I may open it up to Novices and such to have a NSW.

    Application : Brown Ajah Head


    Name : 


    Age :


    How long have you RPed at DM?


    How long have you been RPing all over?


    What kind of IC positions have you held on this site or others?


    What do you think our expectations of you are?


    Do you have any leadership experience at DM or RP in general (references)? 



    What sort of plans would you have for the character you wish to play? If you are applying for an OOC position, what ideas do you have for the division and your ajah? 


    What are your talents (ie website building skills, spreadsheets, graphics, etc)?


    What sort of plans do you have for your ajah IC, rp plans?


    Will you be playing an NSW and if so do you have a bio for her?

  8. Saya folded her hands at her waist while she waited for the Asha'man that their once Highest had addressed to speak. Finally one of the men in the black coats tossed a small sack towards, she barely managed to keep herself from jumping back several stepped when it made a hollow thud as it bounced towards them. She could only imagine what was inside the bag considering the look of hatred on the man's face as he threw it. "Brent Enios no longer speaks for the Black Tower.  And you'll notice that we didn't arrive and immediately try to shield and subdue everyone in sight." Saya raised her eyebrows, well this was an interesting development, perhaps without that monster at the helm, negotiations with the Black Tower would run much more smoothly. After all, he had felt it was a wonderful idea to force bonds on unsuspecting Aes Sedai and than hold them captive. Forcing them to do chores and the like for the compound in which they were housed. She shuddered, that Sisters could be treated that way by anyone when they should be respected just disgusted her. Forcing her eyes back to the bag she looked at it and than raised her eyes as one of the men began to talk again, "We meant to arrive in the Grove, but I suppose this will do.  We demand to speak with the Amrylin.  I trust the treaty Brent made with you survived him?"


    Saya looked out of the corner of her eye at Maegan and than turned her attention back onto the men. Just as she was about to respond, one of the younger Aes Sedai spoke up. "Hey, enough hob-knobbing. This is not a debutante party . . . did we send a runner to the Amyrlin yet?" She nodded and turned as the young girl from earlier ran up. Seemed like Jerinia was her name if she remembered correctly. "Aes Sedai, the Amyrlin wants the ambassadors from the Black Tower escorted with all respect to her waiting room." She watched as the girl bounced back and forth on her feet obviously anxious to get away from the staring eyes of everyone in the group. She stepped forward and grabbed ahold of the bag the Asha'man had thrown at their feet and rushed off with it. Saya shook her head, that one needed a talking to for her behavior, and than spoke, "Welcome to the the White Tower, respected members of the Black Tower." She almost choked on the words but she managed to convey them as their Amyrlin wanted, "If you will be so kind as to follow me, I will take you to our Amyrlin Seat." She turned and began walking, the pricking of eminent doom on her back, they could take her out with our weave and she couldn't even see to defend herself...



    Red NSW


    - "I'll just... carry your bags to the Amyrlin for you!"

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