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Audiobook Giveaway: The Path of Daggers



It's time for another audiobook giveaway!  Yes, you're probably wondering why I didn't post this on Wednesday as originally planned.  Since we posted both the A Memory of Light Prologue and our birthday giveaway that day, I wanted to wait so our front page wouldn't explode.  Now, without further ado, here are the rules again for those who aren't familiar with our giveaways:

Macmillan Audio has partnered with us to bring you an amazing opportunity once again. We are going to give away free copies of each audiobook in the Wheel of Time series between now and when the final book is published.
On the first Wednesday of each month (and on the first and third Wednesdays of the month once we get to the final few books), I will post an audio clip for one of the audiobooks. The book featured in the clip will be the one we're giving away at the time.
As each clip is posted online, I will randomly select three winners to receive either a free digital audiobook download or a free CD. This contest is open to anybody world-wide, but non-US residents can only receive the digital download.
Entering to win is simple. Every time I post an audio clip, I will post a topic for discussion. Just post a response to the discussion question in the comments section of each news article. The winners will be randomly selected from the comments section exactly one week after I post the article.
There can be only one entry per person each time I put up an article. You cannot win more than once for this audiobook promotion.
If you are selected as a winner, I will PM you to notify you and request your contact information. Make sure to check your PMs, because if I still cannot reach you after two weeks from the date of my first PM, your prize will be given to another randomly drawn winner.



This time, we will be giving away a copy of The Path of Daggers. Macmillan hasn't sent me the clip for it yet, but I will add it as soon as I get it.
This giveaway's question is: Which Wheel of Time character is the most similar to you? You have until Wednesday, September 26th to answer in the comments section. Good luck!


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I would think Loial since he is reading all the time, as I tend to do. Otherwise it would have to be one of the Tautha'an since while I am not quite as pasifistic as they are described as being I am definitely no fighter. Although I am not as long winded as Loial.

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logain - tall, laid back, handsom(if i might say so), long dark hair, likes dressing in black, always up for helping the ladies, able to see the *light* in other people(wow theres a pun)...

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Probably Perrin. I'm fiercely loyal to those I consider friends and I think I would resemble and enjoy most his fighting style and special gifts.And even though I'm married, I also have trouble figuring out women. Although, that doesn't seem to be exclusive to Perrin, as Mat and Rand also have the same problem, along with most men in real life.

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Damandred: I am a good general, but my envy could drive me to the Shadow if I weren't careful.

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Rand. He has a less sentimental and more practical view of morality (cf. Natrin's Barrow). He worries about what will happen to humanity in the future (cf. the schools). He often comes off as unapproachable, but is fundamentally good-natured. He has good intuition and often a better grasp of the situations around him than others might expect. A lot of that I can relate to, and more.


It took a while to decide on an answer to this, and it wasn't very easy. I'm actually quite surprised at this choice, but it does seem the closest for me.


As an aside, does anyone know what the status is on CD copies of Path of Daggers. I've bought all the other audiobooks on CD, but I can't find the CD version of PoD anywhere (excepting truly unreasonable prices). Does anyone know if it'll be reissued at some point? I'm very disappointed at not being able to get a full CD set of the audiobooks.

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Somewhat randomly, I'm going to say Tiana Noselle. I tend to be straightforward in following established rules, but would want to oppose injustice as by going to Salidar.

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I'm going with Davram Bashere. I'm loyal, I like to lead, and I'll tell you exactly what I think, even if you're the Dragon Reborn.

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I think. I try to find the answer to most problems in a book. I'm not a girly girl & I'd do almost anything for my rand.

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Even though I would like to say Lan, it would actually be Gaul. The way he acts, the things he doesn't understand about girls and just they way he is always remind me of myself.

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Mervin Poel for me (the guy who invented the steam engine) - I am an engineer who loves research/tinkering. Definitely him.

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Most days, I want to feel like Lan. Strong, fully in control of myself and master of my immediate surroundings, with my close friends and companions by my side. A loner, but one with undeniable depth.


But I end up feeling more like Rand. Blown about on the winds of time and change. Never knowing where my center is, getting battered by life and the world. At the end of the day, the Last Battle seems like it would be an easier task than getting up and trudging to work the next day.

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The winners for this giveaway are:







Congrats! Expect a PM from me shortly.

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Awe..I missed it.


But my response would have been Perrin. Generally think things out before voicing any opinion.

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