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Hey all, My name is Seto, i have been reading the WOT for about a year almost and i recently finish KOD. I'd like to try my hand at some role-play possibly and I would like to Join the WT as a Male Aes Sedai!


Hello again Seto 8)


Good luck with your career in both Org and RP. Any idea yet which RP Division you might be thinking of joining? Are you thinking of creating a trolloc, a warder, a wolf etc... or maybe fancy taking part in our revolt in Cairhien? Could do with a few more rebels... prepare to die soon, lol... the Aiel are already on the roof tops and about to take us out *g*


Hi Seto! Hope you enjoy the roleplay. I'm afraid the White Tower is for female channellers only, but if you'd like to join us with a female character and one day become Aes Sedai, that would be just peachy. You can find us at www.whitetowerdiv.org . Alternatively, you can try that male channeller at the Black Tower. Let me know if I can help you any more. :)


lol... hey... why would you want to be boring and join the WT? Far too many of those Aes Sedai running around *g*


*ducks as a china plate goes wistling past... thrown at her by some WT inhabitant*


Go for something unusual... an evil, evil darkfriend... or join Nynaeve in the Children of the Light. She'd be absolutely thrilled to have you on board *g*


But, seriously, they do have some strict rules about what you can and can't do with your RP character. But there is plenty of choice and if you have your heart set on creating a male channeller, the Black Tower it is for you!


The White Tower was created in the aftermath of the Breaking. By that time all male channellers had already gone irretrievably insane and Broken the World. It was made by female channellers, for female channellers, and has been that way for almost two thousand years. So no - I'm afraid no male novices. :P You are quite welcome to join with a female character. Our Division Leader is a man, as was the Division Leader before that, and we've always had a complement of men in our Div. But all White Tower characters must, without exception, be female.


awwwww.... now there, there... *hands Seto a tissue*


Have a look on the RP boards and read some of the story lines... you might see some that you really like... that don't involve the WT :wink:


Is it a surprise to you that an institution that the series shows has been female-only for almost two millennia ... is still female-only? I don't get it. :?


But the Dragon broke all bonds! And wut better way for the Tower to keep up then to Train their own form of Ash'aman? But i understand alittle better now that i've read the current histories of the groups, i didn't know where you were in the books...


But the Dragon broke all bonds!


If you join the Children of The Light you can be a male if you want ;)


You might not be able to channel....but we can all go out and throw pebbles at the mean Aes Sedai *LOL*







The Children of The Light - "We mean well, but we suck." :D



thank-you, but no thanks.

i have no desire to join the Whitecloaks, maybe if i didn't know so much about their leaders. ;)


All tho it is very tempting to stand near the shores of Tar Valon and huck stones at it.




oh...that's too bad.


I can vision it now....you could call your character...Bob. Bob loves the light. He chases butterflies...he is a good good boy.


But one day Bob realizes he's not like the other children. Bob can channel! O_O

Bob does not know what to do.....he is a children of the light....everything he believes in....everything he is...is a lie. His world is askew! What should he do? He is TAINTED. He is a darkfriend! Should he go to the BT? no....he can't, because they're all darkfriends...then Bob comes to the conclusion that he should get rid of the power. So he seeks out Aes Sedai to gentle him!


God....i'm brilliant O_o







Yeah..That sounds..cool..If his name wasn't Bob.

Now wut would be crazy is:


After Bob realized in his head he was evil, tainted. His commanding officer approaches him with news of his new promotion. If he turns it down, he's scared they'll find out for sure. He wants to live but, will it be bad if they do find out. Is he dangerous? to himself and his comrades? He will most certainly die. The Hand...


There now we have a timeline.

He has to make a decision.


oh yes. Because if he is discovered he will be hanged for sure. Poor Bob.....what will he do???

He has no where to go to. One path leads him to certain death.....the other leads him to betray everything he believes in. That might not kill him but it would leave him empty. Which is the worse fate?



Now....if only someone would actually RP Bob.... :D








Seto... you ought to look in on Fiddlesticks *g* I think you have talent :wink:


Nyn... looks like you have to try harder *g*


I am not worried, Egwene. It's just needs to sink in. The realization. The understanding. He will one day see the truth of my words *lol*



besides.....he can have more then one character, you know :D







Fiddlesticks is an evil place, my boy. EVIL!


nah, just kidding. It's a nice place but i'll let Egwene do the introduction since she knows best.


When you're established have your peopole call my people ;)






Fiddlesticks is all about randomness... some call it spam *g*


It's fun, there are lots of friendly people and you can come and go as it suits you. It is also home to the Werwolf/Mafia games... if you don't know them... check out the sign-up thread on Fiddles. It's a great place to practise posting, give it a go! :)


Thanks Ny i'll get my people to call yours soon.

Maybe they'll even do lunch..*shakes head*


So this Fiddlestix eh? Hmm, maybe i will take a look.


Another Question?


Can i join the PR side of things?

And how would i go about it?


since i already joined the Org. Towers..hehe 8)


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