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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Thanks Pizza,


The tldr version of my read on you is that you seem to have enemies that you didn't actually go out and make, if that makes sense? You've gone after Lenlo, but not really explored or pushed the other people you found scummy, and based on your self explained meta from last game that worries me. Equally the longer you've been absent from thread the more I think it could just be that you haven't been here to push them :unsure:

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Thanks Pizza,


The tldr version of my read on you is that you seem to have enemies that you didn't actually go out and make, if that makes sense? You've gone after Lenlo, but not really explored or pushed the other people you found scummy, and based on your self explained meta from last game that worries me. Equally the longer you've been absent from thread the more I think it could just be that you haven't been here to push them :unsure:


One of the issues with this game is that Sooh and I are in the same house, and the same game, and thus can't be playing the game in the same room a lot.


Also, we've had precious little couples time due to Christmas-related family engagements, shopping, etc. And before that she was working.


I am prioritizing her over this game. I spent way way way way wayyyyy too much time on Lenlo yesterday when I should have been sleeping.


This means I slept a lot that day, that also cuts into couples time.

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Thanks Pizza,


The tldr version of my read on you is that you seem to have enemies that you didn't actually go out and make

How did I get those enemies, in your opinion?


It's more a rhetorical question. Everyone's opinion on me this game if they are a townie is based on my actions alone.


Scum have additional motivations.

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Thanks Pizza,


The tldr version of my read on you is that you seem to have enemies that you didn't actually go out and make

How did I get those enemies, in your opinion?


It's more a rhetorical question. Everyone's opinion on me this game if they are a townie is based on my actions alone.


Scum have additional motivations.


I mean that you didn't case. You haven't (prior to today potentially) pushed multiple people that an OMGUS vote from each would lynch you, to paraphrase

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Now I read Pizza´s unvote post again and my question is: Do you unvote Lenlo because he is fighting back? Is that the reason? 


If you read that post, this question doesn't make a lot of sense.


There was a point where a scum lenlo would have walked away after fighting back, and he never did.

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Now I read Pizza´s unvote post again and my question is: Do you unvote Lenlo because he is fighting back? Is that the reason?

Looked that way to me. Apparently Len would have stopped replying if he was really scum, according to whatever theory Pizza has.



Now I read Pizza´s unvote post again and my question is: Do you unvote Lenlo because he is fighting back? Is that the reason?



If you read that post, this question doesn't make a lot of sense.


There was a point where a scum lenlo would have walked away after fighting back, and he never did.

Okay so your reply here made me think twice about what I had replied to the same quote from Tina. Seems I understood it correctly. Initial thoughts were that it wasn't simply a "oh no he's stopped replying" thing. I'm taking that into consideration.

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@pizza   are you gonna tell me that all that len back and forth was a test?



For an example of me doing that exact behavior before as town, I can go back to the most recent game where I did it as town. Unfortunately, the last time I can recall that I had someone who actually stood toe to toe with me in the thread for a long while when I was actually pushing them, was all the way back in game 3, where I pushed DGZ Confuse Rei, who I hammered in real time because I didn't believe he was a townie. The last time I did it as scum is much more recently, when I pushed imabusinessman a lot in real time, very late into the game, when I was almost universally town-read and he was scum-read by half the game, and that game employed health, not outright lynches, so I was extremely safe from immediate reprisals. I also was far more patient with him for many rounds of play, where he was attacking a lot of townies and generally ticking off the entire thread. It's easier to let a townie like that implode than to actually tangle with him.


I don't get a lot of opportunities to press a suspect in real time, even though I ask a lot, and insist they not dip out in the middle of it. The reason being, most scumbags avoid it. And it's easy to avoid it, all you have to do is post more slowly.


I can't make someone post.


This is different from real life where you can actually physically confront someone, and sort of corner them and ask them questions in real time and hammer them verbally. There's an exit door that you can use at any time.


That is why generally speaking, a wolf will not sit there and battle with someone in real time. If they are in the thread with that person who is accusing them at the same time, they don't have to generate 100 posts of debate with their accuser.


It's easy to walk away, very easy. And it's easy to have a debate with them and then walk away and have it look completely normal.


There's no purpose whatsoever in doing what Lenlo did, as scum. To park and camp in the thread with me.


Why does a townie do that? Because they're under the impression they can actually corner and hammer a scumbag, and that said scumbag will crack under the pressure.


Even I have that instinct and I can't think of a time I've actually hammered a scumbag in real time and not watched them walk away or simply not engage me as much as I want to engage them. Meaning slower posts than mine.


Lenlo generated those posts fast. Now, I've seen scumbags try to confuse matters with their arguments, and post fast. But, on the same principle that guides my scum play, you don't actually want to dominate the thoughts of every player on day one.


Which means when the spat is over, you generally excuse yourself, especially if you've been at it for a long amount of real time.


That is the point where if I remember back, I can't remember any scums doing Lenlo's behavior.


As such, Lenlo would be the first in eight years.




yes, because you can tell from Lenlo's approach to the game that he's tenacious and not really afraid of anyone. So it would be possible for him to be the first.


But I've played a lot of people with a lot of different personalities.


The ones that post a LOT like Zander, and cory, even when they're a wolf, generally don't exhibit the same kind of pattern that Lenlo did during that engagement.


Because all people really notice is the number of posts and the content. They generally don't look at the timestamps.


Time is very important.


It's why BFG's posts in the previous game were a tell, to me, it was the speed at which they came, and the time of the round in which they came, a specific pattern I had rarely if ever seen from a townie. The posts themselves and the content therein are reasonable enough, that's why she wasn't universally scum read for them. But when they came is just as important as what they came with, and that's something I notice, which other people aren't paying attention to.


It's not always important, rarely is it a major factor. But sometimes they're more telling than anything else that happened all day.

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I mean that you didn't case. You haven't (prior to today potentially) pushed multiple people that an OMGUS vote from each would lynch you, to paraphrase

That's correct.


Yesterday, before the back and forth with Lenlo, I was ISO'ing Tina, who caught my eye. I said somewhere, in the thread, that I was "doing a thing", to Zander I believe.


The thing with Lenlo took up my attention for hours of real time. I didn't get a chance to do the thing.


Tina looked bad initially to me, then because I had Lenlo as a top scum read and she was saying a lot of the stuff I was thinking, it mitigated things, but I wanted to do more work on her.


I never got around to it.


Had I been scum, I would have blown off Lenlo completely and finished my fake analysis of Tina.


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I believe this is genuine.

... I am inclined to feel the same way.



I completely agree with the time stamp thing you mentioned, Pizza. On mobile version of DM I can't see time stamps or post numbers (which is why I refer to page numbers when I reference back) but you've reminded me to actually check that when I reread in desktop view.

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I didn't put you on my leans list, Nolder.


That's what you were barking about. My apologies. That was off the cuff, not from my notes, since I haven't taken any since before the Lenlo exchange.


No detail, etc. Didn't even list you.


I took the players list and tried to give a lean on everyone, I must have deleted your name during that process without moving you elsewhere on the list.

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I mentioned tone in my analysis of Pizza, and it makes sense now if the purpose of those posts was to give a reaction check and possibly rustle Lenlo. That makes the posts forced and that was the tone I was reading. 

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Pizza is still my top scum read. And Sooh is in my null-scum list. I can't help but feel like they could possibly be scum together.


Personally it feels like Sooh jumped at defending herself, and Pizza, at the opportunity that arose from Pizza's arguments.




I'm looking forward to see others opinion's on page 62-63.

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