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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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What's amusing about it?


I'm not amused


his entire post amused me.  fading words of a soon to be dead wolf always makes me happy and lolololololololol.




FWIW- i thought you responded to my lololololol of Shad's post but maybe Im wrong after seeing Besie's response.

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I believe in your ability to solve it if you're in this village.

Take your time.

Also, I get your point but I also believe you're better at this game than me so...I'll assist as best I can but I rely on your instincts more than my own as long as I think you're town.

Doesn't check out.


Congratulations Nolder you've made my list of things to do tomorrow.


Wow so now being encouraging is hoping someone will solve the game for me?


Well what the hell have I been wasting my time for then? I could have just let Cory do everything for me.

Why do I have a 130 posts when I could have just made like 4?


NOW I'm mad. You say shit like this all the damn time so what does that make you?

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I honestly have no idea what to say to prove to you people that I'm villa.


I can't argue - that'll look like I'm hiding something. I can't focus on that I'm town - because I already said i did that as scum. I've no idea what to do. Leave it - then I'm not fighting back. Every single thing I can think of doing will look scummy when you read it in that mindset.


It was the same when Pizza was posting and he ended up walking away, because he knew that nothing he said would be seen as town if read in a you-are-scum mindset.


Besie.....I dont know how this post makes me feel.....

It's not AtE. Not directed at your feelings. It's my honest thoughts. I thought it was a logical conclusion?

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And I don't care who you spend your time on tomorrow or any other time Cory because you're wrong about Lenlo anyway and maybe BFG as well.

Go ahead and fight your way into lynching me. Don't worry I wont try to revenge kill you out of spite or anything, that's not my way. 

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Alright guys it's time for the game's inevitable CORKY LECTURE.


Take your seats class. :P

*puts an apple on the teacher's desk and takes seat in the very front*

Sucking up!



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Not alot has changed with this night. Im disappointed and surprised Pizza flipped town, I had a gif picked out and everything, but it doesnt change my stance on Tina or Shad.


For Nolder I pushed him and got annoyed at him all last game and read him wrong and I dont wanna make that mistake again. I do like to try and be right sometimes afterall.


For Nikon, hes not my top priority. If we lynch Shad and Tina and they both flip town im initiating operation Skyfall.


ATM All  I can really do is wait for Pizza to get around to lynching someone and reevaluate after the flip.

Don't be silly. If you got something to say say it.

It's better to be wrong than not share your thoughts with the town.

I'm convinced you're scum but I'm sure Cory wants to hear what you have to say.

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And I don't care who you spend your time on tomorrow or any other time Cory because you're wrong about Lenlo anyway and maybe BFG as well.

Go ahead and fight your way into lynching me. Don't worry I wont try to revenge kill you out of spite or anything, that's not my way.

I sincerely hope that you are very wrong.

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A bit on villagers making reads


Maybe one of the things that really picks at me regarding Besie is the lack of behind-the-screen thinking behind her reads. It's hard to explain this outright, so let me find a comparison point.


Look at BFG's read on me this game. She picks out things to sway my alignment this way or that way, pressing and torturing herself to formulate the "correct read"; it takes her about four days to establish the read and a very large amount of evidence. But making the read is frustrating; she''s inherent paranoid, stifled by doubt and the thoughts keep running through her brain regardless of any attempt to stop them.


Similarly, look at Zander's read on Lenlo; Sooh's read on Pizza; BFG's read on dice; Lenlo's interaction and read on Pizza; etc.


There's torture and stress here. There's an internal CPU unit humming and trying to solve the equation that is another person. There is no "well, whatever, x is a villager/wolf".


Even Nikon seems tortured by his own process. He compiles this big list of "what every post makes me feel" and comes up with a list that barely makes sense to him and doesn't know what to do with.


Besie seems very comfortable just giving reads. There's no stress about her village read on me. It's just "Cory is now sufficiently villagery, so he's a villager." She doesn't wrack her brain about it beyond "except if I tinfoil, hehe!" sort of moments.


I don't expect this from a first time villager. Maybe not from any villager, really.

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Like as much detail about what you've thought about this game as possible.


I don't care what you think of their opinions being right/wrong or whatever, just want to know what's on the mental page you are keeping in your head for them.

Sorry I missed this before making the last post.


Shad I can't give as much detail on because he's another player I skim a lot.

Probably more so than Nomi because at least Nomi knows how to separate his thoughts whereas Shad will just throw a block of text at you.

I will say this, I've found Shad's play middling this game compared to the last one we just played. 

It's not bad but it's not great either. He doesn't seem to have the same drive.

Granted I think he said he was sick somewhere? So he has an excuse but I also feel like Shad is one of those kind of obsessive players that wouldn't let something like that get in his way either. I feel like these kinds of thoughts are unfair and a lot of conjecture that can't be proven one way or another and something that Shad may not even be able to control regardless but that's what I'm thinking.


Like his play is meh but I wan't to give him the benefit of the doubt.


I don't have the same detailed feelings about Besie. My thoughts on her are what I already said.

It's mainly to do with how she's reacted to Lenlo.


Bold: FTR I absolutely HATE when you say this, Nolder. 




Just being honest. I'm not going to pretend I read something when I didn't and I'm not going to make myself miserable reading stuff that's frustrating to read. Ask Dice I also refuse to read when people write colored responses inside of quotes. I wont even try anymore because I got a really awful headache one time. After that I decided I'd rather be a little ignorant in a game than hurt myself over it. I understand this sometimes makes people doubt me or think negatively and I accept the times when it does. It's just the cost of playing the way I do.

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You don't seem to get it Nolder.


The problem isn't this:




I believe in your ability to solve it if you're in this village.
Take your time.

Also, I get your point but I also believe you're better at this game than me so...I'll assist as best I can but I rely on your instincts more than my own as long as I think you're town.

Doesn't check out.

Congratulations Nolder you've made my list of things to do tomorrow.


Wow so now being encouraging is hoping someone will solve the game for me?


Well what the hell have I been wasting my time for then? I could have just let Cory do everything for me.

Why do I have a 130 posts when I could have just made like 4?


NOW I'm mad. You say shit like this all the damn time so what does that make you?



The problem is this when compared to this:





If I had to pick one villager out of the five it'd probably be Nolder.
With that said, the gap between him and BFG/Zander/Lenlo/Dice/Sooh is large.
I believe in the line.

Still think Lenlo is obv scum and BFG is your deep wolf.
Time will tell though.


I think it's sort of weird you spent a lot of Day 1 saying "I'm kind of hoping Cory solves the game for me lololol" yet you refuse to even consider my top read of the game when it's someone A) I reliably read well and B) someone I'm extremely confident in my read on.
Can csarmi jump in and give the statistic trend to exactly how often I am wrong when I am this confident in a villager read?
It's basically the thing I am actually famous for in this silly little internet yelling game.


You probably think it's weird because it's a figment of your imagination.

In fact I spent a lot of Day 1 quietly observing you, only engaging when asked something directly or to play hypothetical "what if" games.

I've alluded to this fact at least twice if not more.


I grudgingly admit you're a villager at EoD and hold by it but in all honesty Cory I don't like how you played.

You set yourself up as town leader early, not by having town equity but by virtue of buddying Xander and then declaring you'd allow people to enter your village. I've come to the conclusion this was just your way of bullying your way into being town read by others because that's what you do but this game in particular I didn't like your methods. You will do what you have to do to get other villagers on your side whether you've earned that trust or not. It's a good strong way of playing and only very charismatic people can pull it off but you have to understand there are times when it just looks like a wolf edging in for control of the popular opinion. And that's what it looked like to me. I've been interested to see who else you'd let into your circle of trust and while I ended up not liking most of those choices I've come to read you as a villager regardless. Fair warning there may come a point late in the game, if you and I are still alive, that I'll tinfoil on you like Xander started to. But that's later.


And maybe you're not wrong often when you're this convinced but I'm sure it still happens.

They're called flukes for a reason.



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I love that even through all that, this entire 121 page thread, there are still people that think I ever seriously suggested we lynch a town player on purpose. Did 90% of that post fly over everyones head or was I just that freaking unclear?


"Would we ever want to lynch a towny to ensure a majority in the NK selection?"


Your exact words, btw.


It's phrased as a question, but you're presenting it as an option.


Thank you.

He's been trying to weasel out of it and pretend like it didn't happen.

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I've been killing myself trying to figure out this game since the end of Day 1 and probably far before that, so Nolder's sudden dismay with my playing style seems to be out of nowhere.


There's at least some viability Nolder's sudden frustration at me stems from the fact that I am starting to get close. I can remember a few times I saw in that situation; nofear used to get like that me, I think I can probably remember a few others off the top of my head. mets. mets mets mets?

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A bit on villagers making reads


Maybe one of the things that really picks at me regarding Besie is the lack of behind-the-screen thinking behind her reads. It's hard to explain this outright, so let me find a comparison point.


Look at BFG's read on me this game. She picks out things to sway my alignment this way or that way, pressing and torturing herself to formulate the "correct read"; it takes her about four days to establish the read and a very large amount of evidence. But making the read is frustrating; she''s inherent paranoid, stifled by doubt and the thoughts keep running through her brain regardless of any attempt to stop them.


Similarly, look at Zander's read on Lenlo; Sooh's read on Pizza; BFG's read on dice; Lenlo's interaction and read on Pizza; etc.


There's torture and stress here. There's an internal CPU unit humming and trying to solve the equation that is another person. There is no "well, whatever, x is a villager/wolf".


Even Nikon seems tortured by his own process. He compiles this big list of "what every post makes me feel" and comes up with a list that barely makes sense to him and doesn't know what to do with.


Besie seems very comfortable just giving reads. There's no stress about her village read on me. It's just "Cory is now sufficiently villagery, so he's a villager." She doesn't wrack her brain about it beyond "except if I tinfoil, hehe!" sort of moments.


I don't expect this from a first time villager. Maybe not from any villager, really.

Correh... corrrrreeeeh.....

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Besie, you have a few moments to persuade me that voting you is wrong.


Who would you shoot instead, and don't say Tina or Shad because they're going to be lynched this game a lot anyway.

Why do you want to shoot me, Pizza? You had me as town in page 62. Your reasoning on page 69. You were willing to defend yourself to me on page 95, then... didn't. I've already said who I'd shoot: someone that can't be lynched. I said that.


So no, I would not have said Tina or Shad because I know they're lynchable. Even I am lynchable, I believe - if I have read and understood almost everyone's opinions on me so far.


So again, why would you want to shoot me?

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Nolder if you are a villager don't get so mad bruv. I think I've been pretty reasonable this game in general so not sure where the "bullying" accusation comes from. Does anyone else think I've been a bully?


I'm just doing what I do and maybe I'm right and maybe I'm wrong but this is how I play and this is what I've read.

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I was afraid to be wrong on d1 and I regret it immensely as I would have nuked Tina if I had more confidence.


So I'm being the corky we need right now as opposed to the corky we deserve, but I don't think I'm being a jerk about it.


I just sort of have a job to do.

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Nolder is at best a distraction and at worst a wolf.


No idea where his "problem" came from.

Uhh maybe when you started making things up about me?

You took two posts that were within an hour or two of each other trying to be encouraging and nice and tried to make it seem like I'm relying on you to solve the game for me. 


Like wtf is that dude? Seriously.

I just make a comment saying I still think you're wrong about Lenlo and maybe BFG.

And you...decide to attack me from something like 100 pages ago? What?

Because I disagreed with you. Like wow. It's still blowing my mind how you did that.

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