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The Man In The High Castle

Basel Gill

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Has anyone seen any of this? I'm only two episodes in as I post this, but enjoying it so far. Alternate history has long been something I've gotten a kick out of. The character development seems good, and the world-building has been effective, with the little throwaway details that don't add much to the actual plot but make the world seem more real by fleshing things out some. (I took particular notice of Dragnet still existing in this timeline, but being about Nazi cops.)


So far, the changes from the original book have been done well for the most part. Joe Blake doesn't even exist in the book IIRC, but he works in the show. The big plot twist ending one episode was handled excellently: it takes you by surprise, hits you like a ton of bricks, and then makes you realize on further reflection that this explains so much that happened previously. The one change that I don't like much is that while the book is clear and straightforward that the Axis powers conquered America and created puppet nations, the show is more ambiguous as to whether they did so or if they directly annexed what they took.


I need to reread the book sometime. I haven't read it in 15 or 20 years but still have it on the bookshelf.

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