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BSG Season 4 confirmed (but there's a catch)


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BSG showrunners Ronald D. Moore and David Eick confirmed at an awards show in LA last night that Season 4 of Battlestar Galactica has been picked up by the Sci-Fi Channel and NBC. An official announcement should follow. More here.


There is, naturally, a catch.


As has been reported elsewhere, the SFC asked the BSG team to produce a straight-to-DVD movie that will be released before Season 4 starts airing. The movie will be more or less stand-alone and will take place earlier in the series' timeline, possibly involving characters such as Kat before they were killed off. However, the tight logistics under which BSG is produced means that the movie will have to be produced as part of the filming block for Season 4.


So, the price for getting this 2-hour DVD movie is that Season 4 may only be 13 episodes long. It will also not start airing until January 2008.


According to some, it is possible that if Season 3.5's ratings continue to rise, than more episodes could be ordered for Season 4 to get it up to the full 20 episodes. This may be more than wishful thinking: a 20-episode fourth season and a 20-episode fifth season would also allow the show to go into syndication, which is obviously very lucrative for the studio and the actors. Ronald D. Moore has previously said that his masterplan for the show has it ending at the conclusion of Season 5.

Guest Segurant

I say let the movie be done after Season 4 that way if no season 5, they can tie up the series with a movie.


I'm with Seggie *shakes fist in general direction of TV producerland*

Guest Emperor

Of course they are going to do a season 4. It is not like Sci Fi has that many shows that draw people in. If may be down in ratings but it is still their top show.


I am alright with them doing fewer episodes. Maybe we can get rid of some of the filler episodes.

Ronald D. Moore has previously said that his masterplan for the show has it ending at the conclusion of Season 5.


That would make it like Babylon 5... a freakin awesome "sci-fi soap opera" that runs 5 seasons, with conseqences from each episode affecting all later episodes. (as opposed to the "reset button" in star trek, where everything is back to normal in the next episode)


Maybe their similarities are what make BSG my fav sci-fi since B5.

Guest Emperor

Ok, lets do this.


How do you think BSG ends? Do they find earth? Is it like the old one where they are this close to Earth but give up? If they find earth, what is it like? In the future, present day or in the past?

Guest Segurant

I think they don't make it to Earth. I can't explain it but I just don't see it right now. It may be the population of the fleet. So many people, not that many ships now. So food, water, medicial care, etc is going to be scarce.


I bet they see earth out the window, there's dramatic music and then it fades to black.

Guest Emperor

But are we are technologically advanced as them in the show? If they landed, wouldn't earthlings freak out?


In the original series they found earth in the "70s" which was modern day earth at the time. And they were trying to integrate the children into the world but they had "super powers" because of the different gravity levels they were use to. At least that was the most recent old series episode I saw. It may have been an offshoot from the original series. I'd have to ask my husband for more details.


I know they aren't following the story line persay as they've changed quite a bit, but I think they'll find earth but maybe not as we expect it to be... cyclon's got there first or it's destroyed.



Guest Emperor

Oh wow, that would be a great ending.... kind of sad for us though. Damn dirty cylons!!!!

  • Moderator
In the original series they found earth in the "70s" which was modern day earth at the time. And they were trying to integrate the children into the world but they had "super powers" because of the different gravity levels they were use to. At least that was the most recent old series episode I saw. It may have been an offshoot from the original series. I'd have to ask my husband for more details.


I know they aren't following the story line persay as they've changed quite a bit' date=' but I think they'll find earth but maybe not as we expect it to be... cyclon's got there first or it's destroyed.




It was called "Galactica 1980" and it made Baby Jesus cry.

Guest Emperor

Sorry I do not think Farscape was as popular as BSG.

Guest Segurant

I think Helo should become a preacher ;)


I mean he is the voice of reason and morality


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