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Mommy's going to jail... And so are you for reading this!!!


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:lol: I like the Green Ajah. XD And I get the "You look older" a lot... I usually get 18-20... And did you just bond me? Didn't really get that last sentence... XD... Oh and one more thing.....


PEDOPHILES!!! :lol: 8)


And the Amyrlin is married? Was she of the Green Ajah? XD

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ohh my poor minty's delusions are destroyed..*sigh* I guess it lasted until she was an Accepted at least :lol:


*laughs* yah mother just has a large green stripe


lol Damon, I think you'll have fun here...make sure to stop by the Greens and Reds....:wink:


lol I wonder who you'll get for a mentor

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Well Mother, thats why you move to Canada

Its legal here...though our stupid new governmnt keeps trying to get it abolished every few months...stupid conservatives (your Rebublicans)


And I am still currently, happily single :P

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