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I just figured i should register here after reading some of the interesting wot-related discussions. Have been reading the books far to long now and this site seems to have some nice talks about the books, looking forward to join into them every now and then...


I did read the books in Dutch btw, so sometimes i might be using weird sounding names;)

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no worries, Kalinzar, there are quite a few dutch members about, to give us translations :wink:


In the meantime, have a look around the rest of the boards. You might find other stuff of interest. The announcement thread at the top will give you a little more info on what most of them are about :D

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Oh, i can't see Jordan finishing all his story lines.. i think there will be enough debate left;)


During the look around that Egwene suggested i noticed the roleplaying section (hard to overlook). It looks a bit confusing with all the different boards, but very interesting too. I remember when i did some RP on another wot-forum, but it got ruined by some childish superhero-wannabe's.. i might try to join in sometime/somehow here.

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The easiest is to jump on one of the regular RP guys and ask for guidance if you are at all unsure, Kalinzar. Sirayn is the resident expert here on the Newbie Board.


Did you have a look at the announcement thread? Let me know if any of the sections (on RP or others), did not give you enough of the information that you needed. It's totally new, and I am trying to find the bits that to a new person don't make enough sense. :D

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Hi Kalinzar! I'm a long-time roleplayer here and my job on the newbie board is to help hopeful new roleplayers get settled in. So if you want to get started or just to figure out what's going on, don't hesitate to give me a buzz - that's what I'm here for. :) Cheers!

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Well, at least i can't complain about the amount of help that's offered.


I just read a long post that you (Sirayn) wrote about how to start with roleplaying. It made things a bit more clear allthough the amount of divisions and orgs and systems and all is still a bit overwhelming;) But i think i'll look into it a bit more after my test week.. might be a bad idea to start roleplaying now

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lol... in case you missed it, Kalinzar... Ata just put in her bit of subliminal advertising for the Shayo Ghul Roleplay Division :lol:


sneaky, Ata!

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Ah, i thought she wanted to say it was a good idea to start roleplaying during test week:D


When i did some roleplaying on another wot-forum i made a two rivers bowman.. He was fun to play, but i made him die after some people in that topic thought it was possible to kill a trolloc with needles :? So not sure yet if i want to revive him or make something else..

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