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aging and the one power


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Yes. Unless one or the other has sworn oaths on an Oath Rod. Strength in the One Power also seems to affect when one starts to slow, although it's not certain to what extent that affects anything more than one's appearance.

  • 2 years later...

Yes. Unless one or the other has sworn oaths on an Oath Rod. 


By quite a bit going by the Kin.

in CoS-18, Egwene believes that swearing the Oath's cuts a woman's life span by about half.


Reanne(Knitting Circle) was over 400 years old, and looked to be about 60 yrs. old. Lews Therin was over 400 yrs. old and was described as being older, middle aged, with that was "more white than black." According to RJ, there's a direct relationship between strength in the Power and the ratio of slowing. Max. span for a channelers like Rand, Moridin, Rahvin, Lanfear, or Semirhage is 900 yrs. old. A female channeler of The Third Age, if she hasn't taken the Oath Rod, could expect to live about 500yrs. Aes Sedai average 250, and even Morgase may live 150 yrs.


more white than brown,lews therin hair colour was brown,don't forget the

considerable stress factor,he was champion of light for about 10 years

before he tried to seal the bore.

i have read the eye of the world prologue so many times that i remember it verbatim.


Actually according to RJ the men start channeling later, slow later, and age about 10% faster than a woman of equal strength.

Aside from channelers like Androl, most men were generally more powerful that the female channelers in raw power with notable exceptions like Nynaeve, Egwene, Elayne, etc.  So 10% really doesn't matter, they would age around the same or even a little slower than the women for the most part.  That 10% is probably another balance in the difference between Saidin and Saidar users.  



Actually according to RJ the men start channeling later, slow later, and age about 10% faster than a woman of equal strength.

Aside from channelers like Androl, most men were generally more powerful that the female channelers in raw power with notable exceptions like Nynaeve, Egwene, Elayne, etc. So 10% really doesn't matter, they would age around the same or even a little slower than the women for the most part. That 10% is probably another balance in the difference between Saidin and Saidar users.

Ten percent doesn't sound like much, but we're talking about normal human lifespans here. For instance, even as weak as she is, Morgase is expected to live 15 yrs. longer than Androl. For channelers of Forsaken-level strength he difference could be as much as 80-90 yrs. Even with channelers of average strength, a woman lives about 50 yrs. longer than a man.


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