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Vampire Diaries Mafia- Mafia Wins!!!


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3. This is the wifomiest part of your post. There were three claimed town PR's yesterday. NONE OF THEM were NK'ed. Instead, one of the people questioning Darthe's cop claim was killed. You REALLY think if I was scum I wouldn't have let Tina live to hope that she would support my argument, and take out one of the other PR's?! Come on bro.

You are pushing the Tina thing way harder than you would if you were town. Town-Des would include it in his argument but not hammer it into the ground the way you have been. It's a time-honored scum tactic to kill one townie and then set up another townie as a patsy. I also wonder if Tina's reactions to Darthe gave you the impression that he was fakeclaiming as town, and she might have been the real cop. Did you kill Tina cause you thought she was the real cop?

You actually do make some good points here, Basel. I liked this post.


I think part of the reason I'm mentioning Tina's name a lot is because to me that's strong evidence to show that Darthe is lying. However, you do make a good point that its technically possible that I could be scum and figured Darthe might be lying and NK'ed Tina cause I thought she was the real cop.


Its actually still wifom, but its not unreasonable or completely unlikely of a possibility. I can tell you its wrong, but obviously you don't know me to be telling the truth. At the very least, it gives me some perspective from you why you might still be distrustful of me.


If you are town Basel, would you mind looking at the points I did raise against Darthe again and reconsider them, and his play overall this game?



I'm guessing you are posting from your phone, since your multiquote has failed you. I've been looking at your points on Darthe, and the stuff you raised is more indicative of bad town than it is of scum IMO. Darthe has had a pattern of lackadaisical play for a while now regardless of his alignment. Granted, he has made no effort to argue why he isn't giving his character, and hasn't really even acknowledged the requests for him to do so. But this isn't a scum tell to me; it's more like he is playing as if he doesn't really care enough. When he is scum, he is loud and out there, not low key like he is here.


As for you, your own refusal to character claim is sketchy. You've made an interesting argument as to why character claims don't matter, but you sort of derailed that by saying you didn't remember who you are and were meh about checking. Is it so hard to go to your PM box? That just tells me you couldn't come up with a good fake claim, and possibly that no one on the scum team was of any help there. (Maybe the entire scum team is made of non-fans of the show.) Also, if you were the real cop, why did you not CC when Darthe was being run up on D2? A CC right then would have made it evident that he was lying, and it would have gotten a scum lynched. If you were worried about being NKed and didn't think taking a scum down with you was worth the price, fine... but why not CC as soon as the day began? You waited until your CC was as shaky as it could possibly be, after he said he had viewed you as scum, so that it comes off as a desperate attempt to save yourself.


In other words, you could've gotten him lynched easy-peasy, and blew it. Instead he is the one with a claimed scum view, and you've left us with the toss-up situation we have now.

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:sub: you so much Dap. :biggrin:


I'm actually glad I never did an iso on Darthe, yours was awesome and you caught stuff I might have missed. Nice job.


As for those questioning the timing of my cc, you have to remember my normal mafia time schedule, which is at night when I'm at work. I sleep during the day, and spend time with my family in the evening. By the time I showed back up after Darthe's "claim", the deadline had already passed and it was nighttime. I'm obviously not going to CC at night, but intentionally questioned the claim to wifom the mafia team (not going to say why at this time).


Then day broke during the day when I was asleep, and Darthe "claimed" to have viewed me immediately after day broke. Really, it was more like he implied he had viewed me.


So yeah, I never had the opportunity to CC "at the right time". And really, considering how many players play on diff timezones, this seems like a weak argument to make in general.

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Imma get to your other point in a mo Basel, but as for your characterization of Darthe's play as "bad town" or "town who doesn't really care enough", you really think a Cop would still be that apathetic and non-responsive when his neck is on the line? Even if I wasn't the real Cop, I def wouldnt think that. A Cop that knows he might potentially be lynched is going to work a lot harder to make sure that doesn't happen.

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I'm guessing you are posting from your phone, since your multiquote has failed you. I've been looking at your points on Darthe, and the stuff you raised is more indicative of bad town than it is of scum IMO. Darthe has had a pattern of lackadaisical play for a while now regardless of his alignment. Granted, he has made no effort to argue why he isn't giving his character, and hasn't really even acknowledged the requests for him to do so. But this isn't a scum tell to me; it's more like he is playing as if he doesn't really care enough. When he is scum, he is loud and out there, not low key like he is here.


Yes, I was on my phone btw.


As far as your description of Darthe's scum meta, in general, you're right. He's not necessarily more active as scum, but he doesn't megalurk or anything either.


However, I refer you to one of the points I raised about this a few pages back:


Lastly, and this is more for people who know Darthe's meta fairly well (so like mebbe 2 or 3 of the players left in this game that qualify lol, but if this helps convince them it's worth it). Darthe has been straight up apathetic as hell in recent games. It got me to thinking in another game when he flipped scum- he's done this before. Not too long ago, he kept getting roled as scum again and again, happened like 7 times in a row if I'm not mistaken. Towards the end, he was acting just like he is now, barely even tried making it look like he cared about scumhunting. He'd get rung up early, would try fake claiming, and would often still end up being lynched fairly early in games. Basically he was tired of being scum all the time, and lost his motivation to try and act like he was town. He even admitted as much himself at the time.


So fast forward back to the present. He's flipped scum in a couple of recent games, and is once again displaying that same apathetic attitude. Dude keeps getting roled as scum again.


If you want I can give you examples, but earlier this summer Darthe kept getting roled as scum. Like, again and again and again. After a few times, he got REALLY lackadaisical and sort of sloppy, tbh. In a couple of games he even pretty much got himself lynched day 1. He admitted himself at that time that it was hard for him to stay motivated when he kept getting roled as scum. And being scum is def more challenging, no matter who you are. It takes energy to keep up a charade for so long. So I understand Darthe's reasoning back then for his kinda sloppy play.


Well, I'm seeing the same thing recently. He's gotten roled as scum a lot lately (3 out of the past 4 games that have finished, if I'm not mistaken), so since he turned out to be scum again, this explains why he has gotten so apathetic again lately.




@Rags: You have to bold and red in this game. The double hashtag thing was really only used in that one game of Wombat's, I've never seen any other mod have their players code their vote like that. Generally speaking, the standard here is bold and red.

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Man. I quoted it right up there for you. By denouncning a post in such a way, yes, you say something personal to the poster. Now, please, GET. F**KING. REASONABLE.

Ley, you can not use profanity like that. And substituting a couple of letters with asterisks isn't allowed either, read the CoC.


And I NEVER got personal. I'm allowed to say your post stinks in mafia Ley. If you can't handle this game quit signing up.



I remember a time, long ago, when Dragonmount had a good community. People were nice to one another, said sorry, tried to be kind, even in mafia games. Back then, those who couldn't stay nice would have quit signing up, instead of those who can't HANDLE people who couldn't stay nice quitting signing up. But that is clearly a long time ago.


Des, I think you would have realized this two years ago, but as you do not anymore, I'll spell it out for you:


It is not about wheter the one saying something thinks it's personal, but about wheter the one hearing it thinks its personal. If you describe a post in the retarded way that you did, yes, it gets personal to me. You're just insulting me.



And the other most likely won't last a lot longer...

Really scummy thing to say here Ley. As was you trying to make Basel look scummy for his joke. Youre looking awful this game today.



What's scummy about that? If the real cop gets lynched, the fake one gets lynched the next day. If the fake cop gets lynched, the real cop most likely gets NKed. Either way, it's very likely the other is not going to last more than one day/night phase longer.


And I never tried to make Basel look scummy for his "joke" (also, it seems like you've forgotten something else too: At the internet, you don't have voices or facial expressions, just text. That sometimes makes it a lot harder to recognize jokes). I just explained him why there was no 3, because I thought he hadn't noticed it.


You're looking even more awful than me by the way, simply because you're interacting to me like you're an angry LoL player.



It's indeed tensing me up a lot if someone plays like that... Come on. Don't get personal, and stay reasonable. Those are supposed to be two basic rules of mafia, right? Des fit neither today.

1. I never got personal in any way today. Not my fault if youre overly sensitive and don't like getting called out fora scummy post.


2. I'm nothing if not reasonable in EVERY mafia game I play! :biggrin:



1. Yes you did. I don't have ANY. PROBLEM. IN. THE. DAMN. WORLD. getting called out for a scummy post, on one condition: You #$%^%@#$%^ tell me WHY you think it's scummy.


2. Then you are nothing.



PS I'm liking your case a lot more since the last one or two pages, but I'm not going to move my vote from you at ANY point in this game, no matter what in the world may happen, as long as you don't get a bit ******* reasonable about that post of mine.

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Yes, Darthe, I would re-ask the same question, that was ignored by you and to which I had no answer. First Day, we were AJ, myself, Ley nd Despo - "being scummy", so why of all these people, you decided to make a view on Rag? You are not playng a Game of Champions, or etc. but a Basic VD game. Please respond to Arez and I.


Despo, I understand you love writing walls of words and now your'e sick to the bone people asking the name of the role. But when you turned out scum in the last game, your posts seemed to get larger and larger, just like in this game. I think you have so many words that might have not bee needed if you just full-claimed and clear any doubts. But now you are actually making town feel insecure and distracted, instead of helping us.


I am waiting for Darthe's answer.

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I remember a time, long ago, when Dragonmount had a good community. People were nice to one another, said sorry, tried to be kind, even in mafia games. Back then, those who couldn't stay nice would have quit signing up, instead of those who can't HANDLE people who couldn't stay nice quitting signing up. But that is clearly a long time ago.

So you don't think it's a nice community here? I do. I still have many people that I enjoy playing mafia with, and conversing with, etc.


And Ley, the onus is on you if you don't like playing with me. I'm not going to stop signing up for mafia games because you're acting so sensitive.


Des, I think you would have realized this two years ago, but as you do not anymore, I'll spell it out for you:


It is not about wheter the one saying something thinks it's personal, but about wheter the one hearing it thinks its personal. If you describe a post in the retarded way that you did, yes, it gets personal to me. You're just insulting me.

No, intent still matters. It's a judgement call by the staff. Otherwise someone could just say that everything offends them and get the entire site banned :rolleyes:


I have not once made a post with the intent to attack you personally. Everything I've said that you've taken exception to was about your gameplay. Mafia is a game where thick skin is a valuable commodity. If you haven't learned that by now, I don't know what to tell you.


What's scummy about that? If the real cop gets lynched, the fake one gets lynched the next day. If the fake cop gets lynched, the real cop most likely gets NKed. Either way, it's very likely the other is not going to last more than one day/night phase longer.

How do you know the real cop would get NK'ed so quick? How do you know the Doc wouldn't stuff the mafia's kill over and over till endgame?


You don't.


What's scummy about it is you make it seem like YOU wouldn't let the real cop survive if the fake one got lynched cause your team would try NK'ing him.


And I never tried to make Basel look scummy for his "joke" (also, it seems like you've forgotten something else too: At the internet, you don't have voices or facial expressions, just text. That sometimes makes it a lot harder to recognize jokes). I just explained him why there was no 3, because I thought he hadn't noticed it.


You're looking even more awful than me by the way, simply because you're interacting to me like you're an angry LoL player.

Why did you put "joke" in sarcastic quotes? Do you still think it wasn't one?


It's not easy to read tone through just text but it isn't completely impossible. To me, the joking tone was clear in Basel's post. You could have just misread it, or you could be scum that was looking for anything you could to make a townie look bad. Obviously I think it's the latter.



1. I never got personal in any way today. Not my fault if youre overly sensitive and don't like getting called out fora scummy post.


2. I'm nothing if not reasonable in EVERY mafia game I play! :biggrin:


1. Yes you did. I don't have ANY. PROBLEM. IN. THE. DAMN. WORLD. getting called out for a scummy post, on one condition: You #$%^%@#$%^ tell me WHY you think it's scummy.


2. Then you are nothing.


1. Let me break this down for you Ley. You aren't the boss of anyone else in mafia. If someone wants to say your post is scummy without saying why, that's their prerogative. If someone wants to vote you without saying why, that's their call. If it bothers you so much if someone does that sort of thing, again, quit signing up.


And there is literally nothing wrong with what I said about your post. I said it was scummy as hell. I used a lot more descriptive words to say so, but at the end of the day that's all I was talking about: your post. And it's not an insult to you if I think you're scum. Hello? It's a mafia game dude. If you're town, you should realize that other townies don't know your alignment and might think that you're scum. If you're scum, then why get mad at a townie for figuring out that you were fake scumhunting? It's pretty much ridiculous that you're this bothered about the whole thing, and the only conclusion I can come to is that you're embarassment at being caught is making you rage like this.


2. Just so you know, I have yet to say anything negative about you personally. That comment "Then you are nothing" is now at least the FOURTH time you have said something negative about me personally.


Which is HILARIOUS btw. Who was the hypocrite again Ley? Honestly I do feel a little guilty about enjoying this so much, I know you're still young and might not realize when you're being unreasonable. Why not try taking a break, step back from the monitor, blow off some steam, and come back so we can play a friendly game of trying to lynch one another.




PS I'm liking your case a lot more since the last one or two pages, but I'm not going to move my vote from you at ANY point in this game, no matter what in the world may happen, as long as you don't get a bit ******* reasonable about that post of mine.


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Despo, I understand you love writing walls of words and now your'e sick to the bone people asking the name of the role. But when you turned out scum in the last game, your posts seemed to get larger and larger, just like in this game. I think you have so many words that might have not bee needed if you just full-claimed and clear any doubts. But now you are actually making town feel insecure and distracted, instead of helping us.

Was there a question here or something specific you wanted me to respond to here Theo?


If there is something else about my role I have not revealed yet, there is a completely pro-town reason for me doing so.


I won't reveal my character's name. I have a great dislike for people focusing too much on that sort of thing, it ends up distracting town and it's usually gaming the mod.


I have not received any guilty results. I will not reveal any innocents I have viewed until I feel it necessary to do so. Mafia love to NK confirmed townies. This way I can make them sweat a bit more when selecting their NK; instead of getting rid of a confirmed townie, they have to resort to killing someone which may reveal info about them.


Even had I full claimed everything and spurted it all out, there's no guarantee everyone would have just believed me and lynched Darthe. And besides, as I said to Darthe- what do I care if I die? If enough townies don't believe me and end up helping the scum lynch me, my death would reveal Darthe to be the LLL he is anyways. A lot of people assume that you should do whatever you can to stay alive in mafia if you're town, and this isn't true. You should try to help your team win, at w/e cost that takes. Everything I have been doing I have done for the sake of a town victory.


It's not my fault if anyone is feeling insecure or distracted, or at least not all my fault. Those are extremely common feelings to have when playing mafia. You have to learn to live with the indecision. Trust me, I have spent far too many hours to admit not being able to get to sleep cause I keep rolling different mafia scenarios around in my head.


As for me writing a lot of words, as I have mentioned before, I do this every game regardless of my alignment. You'll learn this as you keep playing with me :smile:

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I'm not acting sensitive man. You're just being an asshole all the time. Let me just tell you that the last time someone else than my parents nagging about homework got me mad in real life is over TWO YEARS ago. That's how irritating/annoying/whatever you want to call it you are to me.


Next, I thought that it was likely that the mafia had a roleblocker, if AJ was speaking the truth? And besides, roleblocker is a very common mafia role.


I put joke in quotes because I had not realized it was one when I read it. And I repeat (because apparently you're skimming that much you didn't notice it the first time), I did NOT intent to make Basel look scummy. I was just explaining something.


1. Look, I don't want to get lynched over something without being able to defend myself about it, okay? If I get 6 or whatever we need votes over that post without explaining WHAT is scummy about it, then you're not giving me a chance to play. And I don't want that. If you turn out to be the real cop after today, everyone's gonna turn on me because you attacked that post, but I now know already that noone else is going to explain WHAT is scummy about it. So I want to be able to defend myself in case you ARE the real cop. You're not giving me a chance for that right now. That's a lot of things, but most of all it's unsportmanslike play.


2. I just used your own words. You said you were nothing if not reasonable. And you're not being reasonable at all, therefore, you are nothing.


And I would LOVE a friendly game, but a friendly game includes explaining why you think someone is scummy. If you don't explain why you think I took a bad action, I can't explain you why I took that action. Stop being so damn stubborn and explain that goddamn post.

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I'm not acting sensitive man. You're just being an asshole all the time. Let me just tell you that the last time someone else than my parents nagging about homework got me mad in real life is over TWO YEARS ago. That's how irritating/annoying/whatever you want to call it you are to me.

If anyone's going to get in trouble with the staff for anything here Ley, it's you. Quit cussing and launching personal attacks. It's just going to degrade the game more and more every time you do so.


Next, I thought that it was likely that the mafia had a roleblocker, if AJ was speaking the truth? And besides, roleblocker is a very common mafia role.


Could have been a town RB'er that blocked him. He could be lying. Could be a mafia RB'er but that it only had X amount of shots. Too many variables to just assume that I would get NK'ed soon after.


I put joke in quotes because I had not realized it was one when I read it. And I repeat (because apparently you're skimming that much you didn't notice it the first time), I did NOT intent to make Basel look scummy. I was just explaining something.


Meh. Not sure if I believe you but it was a minor thing anyways. You do seem awfully defensive lately btw.


1. Look, I don't want to get lynched over something without being able to defend myself about it, okay? If I get 6 or whatever we need votes over that post without explaining WHAT is scummy about it, then you're not giving me a chance to play. And I don't want that. If you turn out to be the real cop after today, everyone's gonna turn on me because you attacked that post, but I now know already that noone else is going to explain WHAT is scummy about it. So I want to be able to defend myself in case you ARE the real cop. You're not giving me a chance for that right now. That's a lot of things, but most of all it's unsportmanslike play.


If I think you're scum, WHY should I give you the chance to defend yourself? So that you could try twisting out of a lynch?


And if you got lynched, it would be because a majority of people find you scummy, it WON'T be because I said you were scummy but never explained why.


It's not unsportsmanlike at all to not give reasons for something. What if I was playing a gambit? What if I wanted to see if others would jump on you for that post, so that I could then go "Ah HA! Ley's post wasn't scummy at all! I fooled you!"


Again, if someone doesn't want to explain why they feel a certain way about something, that's their choice. You're just coming off as a bully to me right now.


2. I just used your own words. You said you were nothing if not reasonable. And you're not being reasonable at all, therefore, you are nothing.


When I said that, it was obvious I was trying to be funny, and trying to introduce some levity into the tense situation. When you said what you did, it seemed a lot more like you were just trying to disparage me.


And I'm being perfectly reasonable this game btw. Please quit insulting me.


And I would LOVE a friendly game, but a friendly game includes explaining why you think someone is scummy. If you don't explain why you think I took a bad action, I can't explain you why I took that action. Stop being so damn stubborn and explain that goddamn post.


There's nothing that says that a friendly game can't exist without explaining why everyone does exactly what they do. Have you ever read the first mafia games on DM (they started on Fiddlesticks, and the writer's board)? They were completely random for the most part. People didn't explain everything, they mostly followed their gut and stuff. And yet the games were very friendly.


You're just once again trying to force how YOU think the game should be played on everyone else. You did it last game, the game before that, and I've seen you do it before that as well. That's why I say you're coming off as a big bully.


But you know what Ley? Since it's the holidays and everything, and I'm such a generous (and reasonable :wink:) person, I'll go ahead and show you why that post was so scummy it made my laptop stink while reading it. But I'm not going to get into a big protracted argument with you. You've treated me like crap the past few posts, and my compassion only goes so far.

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I'll wait for that then. But just let me tell you that I am at the point of asking to get replaced.

Eh screw it then. I was just working on it for a bit but hit a wrong freaking button and lost everything I had done so far. I'm not going through that trouble again if you're just going to replace out anyways.

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Despo, I understand you love writing walls of words and now your'e sick to the bone people asking the name of the role. But when you turned out scum in the last game, your posts seemed to get larger and larger, just like in this game. I think you have so many words that might have not bee needed if you just full-claimed and clear any doubts. But now you are actually making town feel insecure and distracted, instead of helping us.

Was there a question here or something specific you wanted me to respond to here Theo?


If there is something else about my role I have not revealed yet, there is a completely pro-town reason for me doing so.


I won't reveal my character's name. I have a great dislike for people focusing too much on that sort of thing, it ends up distracting town and it's usually gaming the mod.


I have not received any guilty results. I will not reveal any innocents I have viewed until I feel it necessary to do so. Mafia love to NK confirmed townies. This way I can make them sweat a bit more when selecting their NK; instead of getting rid of a confirmed townie, they have to resort to killing someone which may reveal info about them.


Even had I full claimed everything and spurted it all out, there's no guarantee everyone would have just believed me and lynched Darthe. And besides, as I said to Darthe- what do I care if I die? If enough townies don't believe me and end up helping the scum lynch me, my death would reveal Darthe to be the LLL he is anyways. A lot of people assume that you should do whatever you can to stay alive in mafia if you're town, and this isn't true. You should try to help your team win, at w/e cost that takes. Everything I have been doing I have done for the sake of a town victory.


It's not my fault if anyone is feeling insecure or distracted, or at least not all my fault. Those are extremely common feelings to have when playing mafia. You have to learn to live with the indecision. Trust me, I have spent far too many hours to admit not being able to get to sleep cause I keep rolling different mafia scenarios around in my head.


As for me writing a lot of words, as I have mentioned before, I do this every game regardless of my alignment. You'll learn this as you keep playing with me :smile:


Desp, this is my observation only, I think you've said enough already.

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