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Gray Ajah Thanksgiving Dinner: Hangman!


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Kaylee - you got the N, but Cindy was like a ninja with her correct guess of Alice's Restaurant!

Great job guys!


Here is the Next one!


_ _ _ _ _/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/ _ _ _ _/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _




Have fun!

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S _ EET/ _ _ TA _ _ ES/ _ _ T _/ _ A _ S _ _ A _ _ _ _ S




*NOTE - I am ok with it - it's happened before, and as long as someone posts in between to give other people a chance too. 


ALSO - Fair warning, I will take breaks from DM sometimes to get some writing done  :wink: 

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Cindy got it for 5 points! I love me the sweet potatoes with Marshmallows!


I just didn't want anyone to get sad if I went like 15 minutes without an update - I have been forcing myself to take breaks all day, but I come back regularly to check the game! I won't force anyone to go into hangman withdrawals... LOL


Next one!


_ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _/ _ _ _




I won't forget your point for W either Kaylee!

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I'll only be sad if you end up leaving out letters in your nano...

I know! And I have a ridiculous amount to do in the next few days. But don't bet against me - I am going to finish! I might be beat up and bloody on Dec. 1, but by the light, this book is getting finished!


Sorry Kass - no H.


_ _ _ E _ / _ _ _ _ E _/ _ _ _





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