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Trick-or-Treat II Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!!!


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My top three have flipped to Kat, Aemon, Lenlo.  For the sake of competing trains, vote Aemon.  Let's put some pressure on Aemon and Lenlo and get some gameplay out of both of them.



@ John - TGlems made that list during the night, so not sure how he would have voted? Unless you mean he didn't as soon as day broke? It's just the start of day...


Can everyone make lists from townie to scum? 


Thanks for pointing that out Leelou.  I lol'd that Snow started the post with my quote about how tough it is to get thoughts in order when catching up.


Also, welcome back Snow.  Glad to see you here.  We were worried about what happened to you when you disappeared. 

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Also, welcome back Snow.  Glad to see you here.  We were worried about what happened to you when you disappeared. 


Yeah you should have said something about you dissapearing, because a lot of us were worried when you suddenly stopped showing up as the mod in your mafia game.

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Hnestly Aemon, it should be very clear for anyone bothering to pay attention what was going on between Leelou and Ishy.


SNOW! Am I ever glad to see you. You gave us all quite a fright!



Ok, listie thingie.



Leelou. Her interaction with me when I pressured here felt good, and I don't think she'd been willing to come straight out and say she believed me town if she was mafia, as she would essentially eliminate the possibility of going after me later. That added with the Krak/Ishy-situation lands her as solid town in my book.

Snow/Ishy: Town, when I first saw his post to Krak where he protested the block on Leelou he pinged me hard, but the explanation offered seems sound, especially considerig Leelou's reaction to it.

NotBob, after his near-lynch D1 I've been keeping and eye on him, and he's done nothing to ping me.

Cloud; good play, and that says something, because I'm always twice as susicious of him as anyone else. But this game I read him as town, and honestly if he was mafia he would have messed up by now :tongue:



Tress, I can't seem to get a proper read on her this game, she disappears a bit in the masses. Keeping an eye on her, now that we're getting fewer and fewer she won't find it as easy to hide if she's mafia.

Csarmi; I know he said he'd be busy, and that he's trying to cut down on his posting, but I don't feel like his posts contain enough. Normally he posts a ton, and every now and then he'll have some very good posts. But it feels like he's only got the shallow "spammy" (in lack of better word) posts he usually have, just way fewer of them. His list now seemed ok, but I hope he'll step it up with some more grounded posts.

TG; I see most look at him as derptown for his confused-posts during the night; I'm not sold. To me it read a bit like mafia trying to throw suspicioun without thinking about what he was doing. That coupled with his and Hallias general low post count, makes me unable to pin down a solid read on him so far.

Kat, too few



Len, too few posts, not enough content.

Aemon, he's mostly been tunneling, not really participating and commenting on what's going on, after Des' case D1 to me it feels like he's trying to stay low, participate just enough to not be noticed, but not sticking his head out. And cherry on top is that super-opportunistic move on Snow right now. Ugh.



Vote Aemon

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@Snow- i was not saying Leelou could confirm, I was trying to figure out why Ishy was askin Leelou if he could claim. I still feel strongly that Ishy is scum for the opportunistic claim that cannot be verified and put the hammer on Krak to give him town cred.




I definitely directed none of my previous post towards you. Paranoid much?


Also, my bad on this



@ John - TGlems made that list during the night, so not sure how he would have voted? Unless you mean he didn't as soon as day broke? It's just the start of day...




Can everyone make lists from townie to scum? 


Was reading your iso at the time, and didn't figure it took you 2 Game Days to catch up. My bad. Your previous life was still very scummy imo, and I'm keeping my vote where it is. 


Also, about my disappearance. I was fine, my house...not so much. Mafia wasn't exactly near the top of my priority list, if you know what I mean.  :wink:

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It is a point, but if Krak was telling the truth about N2 (we'll take it with a grain of salt, but if), that's another shot potentially blocked there. And there was just one kill N3 and N4, so unless either both mafia and IshySnow shot at the same target (or one of them at you Leelou). Also, in hindsight, Ishy's reveal look pro-town to me, I don't see why a third party SK would bother putting himself out there like that when the lynch on Krak was secure. I don't think anyone would have looked twice at ishy for hammering even without his softclaim (in lack of better words).

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Was reading your iso at the time, and didn't figure it took you 2 Game Days to catch up. My bad. Your previous life was still very scummy imo, and I'm keeping my vote where it is. 


Also, about my disappearance. I was fine, my house...not so much. Mafia wasn't exactly near the top of my priority list, if you know what I mean.  :wink:


RL takes priority, just glad things are (I'm assuming) getting better/back to normal for you.


As for my previous life looking scummy, I can't really defend that as I don't know what Hally was thinking as she made her posts.


There was only one kill the night Ishy shot me too. I won't rule out sk yet.



It is a point, but if Krak was telling the truth about N2 (we'll take it with a grain of salt, but if), that's another shot potentially blocked there. And there was just one kill N3 and N4, so unless either both mafia and IshySnow shot at the same target (or one of them at you Leelou). Also, in hindsight, Ishy's reveal look pro-town to me, I don't see why a third party SK would bother putting himself out there like that when the lynch on Krak was secure. I don't think anyone would have looked twice at ishy for hammering even without his softclaim (in lack of better words).


Agreed.  I think an SK is ruled out and I have Leelou and Snow as town.  Mish as town too for this ^^ post.

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@Snow- i was not saying Leelou could confirm, I was trying to figure out why Ishy was askin Leelou if he could claim. I still feel strongly that Ishy is scum for the opportunistic claim that cannot be verified and put the hammer on Krak to give him town cred.




Okay, so you think mafia is pulling an elaborate scheme and you're going to stop it.  Moving on, what are your thoughts on Lenlo's play so far? 

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Just a post to acknowledge I'm reading the thread. I've already posted my town to scum list the previous day.  Some slight changes but prefer to wait until everyone posts before updating mine.


I've detected some sheep and want to ensure no wolves are mixed in the herd.



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Ishy/John Snow - could be an SK or scum still, claimed 1 shot vig



Also, meant to include this in my previous post. SK is highly illogical. There has been consistently one kill per night. 



My thoughts exactly.



It is a point, but if Krak was telling the truth about N2 (we'll take it with a grain of salt, but if), that's another shot potentially blocked there. And there was just one kill N3 and N4, so unless either both mafia and IshySnow shot at the same target (or one of them at you Leelou). Also, in hindsight, Ishy's reveal look pro-town to me, I don't see why a third party SK would bother putting himself out there like that when the lynch on Krak was secure. I don't think anyone would have looked twice at ishy for hammering even without his softclaim (in lack of better words).


I agree with you, and furthermore I also don't see a SK holstering the entire game.

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Ishy-The most towniest person ever  :wink:

Leelou-Should be obvious

NB-His play so far has been good

csarmi-slight town gut read. Several times he's just posted iso's, though. More analysis in your posts would be nice. 



Aemon-His incessant tunneling on NB makes me go back and forth on him. It'd be stupid to do as scum, but it's not exactly pro-town either. He's mostly coasted on his old NB arguments since D1.

Lenlo-No content to speak of

Cloud-Can't peg down much of a feeling on him yet. Need to reread the first day and his iso a few more times. Gut says scummy, logic says slight town. :/

Kat-MIA, but she asked to be replaced out right?

Tress-TBH, didn't even realize she was even in the game. Slight gut scum read based on her iso. More content is needed for analysis



Mish-slight scum read here. Plan on casing her after work today, probably won't have time before

TGlems-Previous life made me 90% sure is scum. 


Yes, I've marked that I need to reread several people. When I replace in, I have to read, and reread, and reread, and...well, you get the point. I haven't read through this as many times as I would've liked yet.

I'm keeping my vote where it is. Hallia is still my biggest scum ping by far. TGlems is kinda stuck with that. 

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  • Club Leader

Vote Count:


Lenlo (3) – Salami, Leelou, Cloud

TGlems (1) – Snow

Aemon (2) – Tglems, Mish

Snow (1) - Aemon


With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch

Deadline – Thursday 4PM MST/7 PM EST


Not voting – Kat, Not Bob, Lenlo, Tress

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I feel like I'm talking to the friggin' wall here. Yes I get that Leelou protected herself. All docs protect he selves until there is a PR worth protecting. That's SOP. It is also why Ishy's claim is opportunistic. It's a sure thing that she would have been protecting herself. I know what you are going to say: how did he know which night she could protect? I would say lucky guess except for one thing: Leelou is still alive and there have been no Nights without a kill. Night 2 Leelou had already claimed and the scum team still had their roleblocker. SOP with a scum roleblocker is to block and shoot till you hit the doc. They had a doc claim, yet they ignored it to shoot someone else? Not likely. And if they had taken a shot and the other (if there is one) part time doc protected her, we would have had a Night with no kill.


My scum reads right now are Snow and Leelou, but I am more fovirable of a Snow lynch first to verify the theory.

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What? I actually haven't even fully claimed anything yet. Yes, I'm the doc (LOOK A FULL CLAIM) and no I haven't been countered. And Krak wasn't lynched until Day 3 so where are you getting that I claimed Night 2? It wasn't until Day 4 that Ishy revealed anything. 

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I feel like I'm talking to the friggin' wall here. Yes I get that Leelou protected herself. All docs protect he selves until there is a PR worth protecting. That's SOP. It is also why Ishy's claim is opportunistic. It's a sure thing that she would have been protecting herself. I know what you are going to say: how did he know which night she could protect? I would say lucky guess except for one thing: Leelou is still alive and there have been no Nights without a kill. Night 2 Leelou had already claimed and the scum team still had their roleblocker. SOP with a scum roleblocker is to block and shoot till you hit the doc. They had a doc claim, yet they ignored it to shoot someone else? Not likely. And if they had taken a shot and the other (if there is one) part time doc protected her, we would have had a Night with no kill.


My scum reads right now are Snow and Leelou, but I am more fovirable of a Snow lynch first to verify the theory.


Leelou already said this but... What? Before Ishy confronted Krak, there wasn't event he slightest hint from ANYONE that Leelou was the Doc. That is what make IshySnows claim believeable. Unless they are both mafia together (and the lack of CC for a Doc would indicate that is not the case) Ishy had no way of knowing Krak was lying, unless he himself had tried to shoot Leelou, and she lived. How can Ishy shoot at her, and Leelou live, if Krak roleblocked her? *shakes head*


I'm wondering how he's gotten the notion that Leelou claimed N2... Maybe some role the mafia has that lead them to guess Leelou's role that night? I don't understand how on earth he can have landed on that conclusion otherwise.

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