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This Is What Did it For Me


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On the comparison to Mozart, no one ever got his blrilliancys there, I think Beethoven didn't have them, he had his own thing, and the thing needed to be printed down to survive.


I meant, the brilliancys Mozart put on page. Haydn and Beethoven both had a different style, their comparative overall brilliancy is uncomparable, but there are passages everywhere in Mozart's mature work that could only have been done by Mozart.


I think no need to say, but if either had somehow been interested in finishing the work, it would have been a Requiem in D minor by Mozart and Beethoven/Joseph Haydn, now it is by Mozart, though everyone remembers Süssmeiers role. Was there a further correction to what he did, I think there was, I don't recall by whom, but Süssmeier was a pupil of Mozart's, whom Constanze asked to complete the work.


Thankfully Sandersson completed the work, else we'd have been stuck at a very dark place in the story, Rand being as he was. If we don't believe the dialogue sometimes, Sandersson not being of age to finish it, we can read between the lines, a good practise that is in that. An older author would not have been a better choice, I think Sandersson was good.


So it is, we have what we have.

 Your Royal Bloody Pain in My Back, 
We're bloody waiting here to talk to you, and we're getting angry perturbed. (That means angry.) Thorn says that you're a 
queen now, but I figure that changes nothing, sense you acted like a queen all the time anyway. Don't forget that I carried hailed your pretty little backside out of a hole in Tear, but you acted like a queen then, so I guess I don't know why I'm suprised now that you act like one when you really are a queen. So I'm thinking I should treat you like a bloody Queen and 
send you a bloody letter and all, speaking with high talk and getting your attention. I even used my ring as a signet, like it was paper proper. So here is my formal salutation. So BLOOD Y STOP TURNING ME AWAY so we can talk. I need your bellfounders. 
It's bloody important. 
p.s. Salutation means greeting. 
p.p.s. Don't mind the scratched out words and bad spellings. I was going to rewrite this letter, but Thorn is laffing so hard at me that I want to be done
p.p.s. Don't mind me calling your backside pretty. I hardly ever spent any time looking at it, as I've an awareness that you'd pull my eyes out if you saw me. Besides, I'm married now, so that all doesn't matter





Your Royal Bloody Pain in My Back,

We're bloody waiting here to talk to you, and we're getting angry perturbed. (That means angry.) Thorn says that you're a

queen now, but I figure that changes nothing, sense you acted like a queen all the time anyway. Don't forget that I carried hailed your pretty little backside out of a hole in Tear, but you acted like a queen then, so I guess I don't know why I'm suprised now that you act like one when you really are a queen. So I'm thinking I should treat you like a bloody Queen and

send you a bloody letter and all, speaking with high talk and getting your attention. I even used my ring as a signet, like it was paper proper. So here is my formal salutation. So BLOOD Y STOP TURNING ME AWAY so we can talk. I need your bellfounders.

It's bloody important.



p.s. Salutation means greeting.

p.p.s. Don't mind the scratched out words and bad spellings. I was going to rewrite this letter, but Thorn is laffing so hard at me that I want to be done


p.p.s. Don't mind me calling your backside pretty. I hardly ever spent any time looking at it, as I've an awareness that you'd pull my eyes out if you saw me. Besides, I'm married now, so that all doesn't matter






Stuck at a very dark place in the story indeed.


That it not be completed would have for the next 20 years invalidated the series for anyone starting it now. Robert Jordan still wrote it, and I trust all he wrote ended up on the page, much he meant to put too though it in another form. There's this work by Robert Jordan, James Rigney, and he has put much of his adult life into and experience unto it.



To be honest, and many have said it, we should be grateful we actually got resolution. Because RJ had said he would destroy everything. Leaving us without an end. Sure, the final three aren't the same. But they are an ending. Which is what we all wanted. For that I am eternally grateful.

Given the choice between nothing and something bad, nothing has its merits. A lack of an ending would have been disappointing, but then the ending we got was disappointing as well. One way leave sit open for us to imagine what comes next, the other tells us what happens and leaves us feeling that we wish we didn't know. Yes, we got closure. That alone does not excuse all failings. If you are going to do something, do it well. Also, learn from the bloody mistake made in CoT: RJ produced the book rather than go back and rewrite from scratch, which is what he felt was needed to fully sort out the problems, and it resulted in the most widely loathed book in the series. So Sanderson comes in and does a rush job, putting books out to appease fans eager for the next taste of WoT rather than taking the time to fully sort out the problems. The result is a decidedly mixed reaction, with those who are happy just to get an ending being pleased, and those who are willing to think critically being underwhelmed.



Exactly. Luckily the characters were written so implausibly (I just made that word up), that with a bit of mental twisting I can (almost) make myself believe that I accidentally read some weird book that has absolutely nothing to do with WoT.


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