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Tell me more about the Citadel


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There's the layout of the Citadel.  Originally, it was intended as the capitol of a new Manetheren, but that never happened.


The Citadel lies in the Two Rivers at the base of the Mountains of Mist.  The stone is grey granite mined from the mountains themselves.  Its construction began shortly after the Battle of Bandar Eban (DM's version of Falme).  The Ogier were contracted to do the construction, and everything that the Band could afford was put into the project, making for a speedy construction.  This was made faster with the Band's later alliance with the Black Tower.  One of the quarries lying near the Citadel is the grounds used for the Red Trench, a tournament and festival held sporatically by the Band.


The Keep at the top point of the triangle houses the offices of the highest-ranking officers in the Band, as well as several rooms for visiting dignitaries.


There is a proper city within the walls of the Citadel, where much of the merchant and financial support that an army needs resides.


Also inside the walls are large fields for training in formations or on horseback.


There is also a large cemetery-type area, the Field of the Fallen, where members of the Band who have died in the Band's service are memorialized.


The area around the Citadel is heavily-patrolled.  Nobody approaches the Citadel without being seen and, if not recognized, confronted.


Feel free to throw out more questions.  I'll answer as I am able.

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I was unaware that I posted spoilers to the books.  I just gave the basic outline of how things happened in the RP in regards to events surrounding the Citadel.  Figured that it's so different from the books that it shouldn't be a problem.  Sorry if I spoiled anything.  :tongue:


not really.

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That being said, I should warn you that the Roleplay area is quite a bit beyond book 6 right now in terms of major events.  The Band itself is at a point where we're one giant spoiler.

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the safest bet would be to read the next couple of books haha, but yeah besides the recent main storyline rp the story line isn't a big part of normal RPs imo


What he says.  There's one character that you should probably avoid interacting with because his very existence is a spoiler, but since he's more of an NSW to be trotted out at major events it shouldn't be a big deal.  Other than that, the average RP has nothing to do with where things stand story-wise in the RP.

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