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Despothera's House of the Undead Mafia! Game over! Town wins!!!!!


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After the visit he received the night before, Despothera wasn't taking any chances tonight. Not wanting to let one of the other brazen heroes to get the chance to come after him this night, he figured he must take matters into his own hands.


With a snap of his fingers, he froze time.


Among the host of his other abilities, he knew this one in particular would come in handy this time. He would catch everyone else unawares, and undo their plans in the process. Before he set forth his plan however, he knew there was one bit of business he must take care of. One of the group had shown particular brazenness and disrespect for the game he had prepared for his guests, and this one would have to pay for his boldness in blood.


Besides, he was famished.


Finding the figure he was looking for, he allowed a bubble to spring up around them, and then let time begin flowing within that bubble. His target started immediately, and looked around at all the frozen figures around him.


"What the devilry is going on here?! Who... what-" said the simple villager known as Darthe.


"Who, what indeed" said Despothera, and Darthe spun around to face him.


"I should have known. I mean, I DID know! I knew all along! I..."


"Enough, vermin. I did not intend to play with my food this night. The game shall continue after my meal"


Realization dawning on Darthe's face, he was not able to react in time as Despothera flew towards him and immediately set upon feasting on him. Letting his appetite fuel his frenzy, Despothera tore apart the simple villager and left aside the parts which seemed too spoiled for even him to eat. Having his fill, he stood up and cleaned his visage with a handkerchief. Freezing time again, he let the bubble drop around him.


Knowing his minions would have taken care of the tasks he set for them, entrusting to their loyalty and fear lest they not obey his commands, he went back towards the place he had been standing. Assuming the same pose he had at the moment night had ended, he used his tremendous will to speed time up outside so that dawn would soon be upon them, and with a blink of his eyes, unfroze time again.


The townspeople looked around at eachother distrustfully, for moments before darkness had fallen, yet outside they saw the glimmers of sunshine starting to spread. It was then that they noticed the body. Already used to such grisly scenes, they attributed the strange happening to yet another of Despothera's silly little ploys, and decided to set upon the day's business.


Darthe, Villager with no abilities (Vanilla Town), has been Night Killed.



It is now day. Deadline is here

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Official Vote Count:


With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch


Mish: Dice (1)

Dice: Tink (1) 
Not voting: Turin, Peace, Mish, Wombat, Berf, Rorschach (Pralaya), Basel, Maw, Hallia, Yates, Cloud, Ed, RTE, BG (14)

Day 3 Deadline is here

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Sooo... You guys are gonna lynch me because Eddie hinted to a role I have never heard of and thus had no way of understanding his hints? Great work guys! This is absolutley the right way to win the game /sarcasm.


Now WTF is up with night ending so early? There's supposed to still be time on the clock!

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Sooo... You guys are gonna lynch me because Eddie hinted to a role I have never heard of and thus had no way of understanding his hints? Great work guys! This is absolutley the right way to win the game /sarcasm.


Now WTF is up with night ending so early? There's supposed to still be time on the clock!


Despo who is representing the mafia team in the scenes apparently stopped time and killed Darthe. I'm guessing it's some kind of ability.

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If a Mod has all the actions in, he can end night early. Or an action can do this, and there was something in the scene about time halting or whatnot. 


And you can't just brush off your flippant voting like that, Mish. We know you're mafia. 

Just be a dearie and let us know who your team is before you burn like the decrepit being you are. 

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@Mod - Does this mean Darthe was mod killed?

Before he set forth his plan however, he knew there was one bit of business he must take care of. One of the group had shown particular brazenness and disrespect for the game he had prepared for his guests, and this one would have to pay for his boldness in blood.

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Go rule 14, Ed and Cloud. I'm not a roleblocker. I'm Van Helsing. I have a stake. Each night, I can try and stake someone. If that person is a vampire, they die. If they're not a vampire, nothing happens. I tried to stake Ithi N1; it concerned me that she totally ignored me on D1, she usually go after me quite hard, and I even tried to bait her with making posts I knew she'd normally react to. The only other time she's done that she was mafia (DPR's ghost game). This night, I was planning on checking Maw to make up for my stupid last day. So thanks to you guys refusing to think that sometimes people to stupid things out of ignorance, you've forced me out in the open and basically made me useless. Thanks.


And Ed, if I was a mafia roleblocker, and the mafia messed with the time; why on earth would I bother posting and ranting about it here? That just doesn't make sense.


And before someone starts whining about a premature claim; if I hadn't claimed now, a lot more time had been wasted on these bulldogs determined to get me lynched. Can't be bothered with that.

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And for heavens sake Ed; just because it takes me five minutes to reply...! I was away from the computer having a smoke. So unless you think my husband is suddenly mafia and us talking about what we're gonna do in the apartment today equals QT, well...

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Well all actions weren't in; mine weren't in.

I don't think any actions were accepted last night. Which is why you are still breathing. You need to full claim, Mish.


After mod answers my question above we can make a better assessment of what's going on but right now you are the lynch du jour.

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