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I was going to bump the old thread, but ... (DM Archive)


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Doing well, thanks :)


Not active at the RP side any more, which I miss terribly, but due to personal circumstances I didn't have the time or the energy (literally) for it any more. Loving the SG side, though!

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aw, that's sad that you don't have time for that side. But then I'm not surprised as you're the Ammy over here. yikes! hehe


I have realised over the years that I'm still burned out on WoT RP, and no matter how excited I may think I am to try it again with a spark of new inspiration, inevitably I'm going to realise I just don't have the will anymore. I am too busy writing my own stories, maybe? and also I had such great times in the past, and I'm not sure there's any point trying to out-awesome those times :)

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I have realised over the years that I'm still burned out on WoT RP, and no matter how excited I may think I am to try it again with a spark of new inspiration, inevitably I'm going to realise I just don't have the will anymore. I am too busy writing my own stories, maybe? and also I had such great times in the past, and I'm not sure there's any point trying to out-awesome those times :)

Too true.

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