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Xbox One - Great System, or the Greatest?


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got online to post this



dunno how many fan boys are on here telling us "but you don't understand so stop knocking the xbox one" but its pretty apparent hat we're not misunderstanding anything when we say Microsoft doesn't care about what there consumers say.



I mean really?  almost 80% of the gaming community looked at xbox ones required internet connectivity and did a collective "BAD IDEA" sign to them.  Microsofts answer to that "gfys, you don't like it then stick with he current model"



stay classy Microsoft, stay classy.

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Wouldn't this all be better as one thread? And where is the Wii U thread?

Console wars have started again, we can't be expected to argue about them all across multiple threads!

We don't speak about the Wii-U. Nope. Not at all. :wink:

Its not a real console anyways...

Don't we all agree on that? :tongue:






So can we have a thread for the WiiU now? Or better yet can we just have one thread for discussion on all three consoles? I don't understand why the discussion as been split in the first place when we all know that every console would be brought up in every thread because people are going to be comparing and contrasting.

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Nolder, if you want a thread for the WiiU, Make it. No ones stopping you. If anyone wants to make a thread about any console, or any video game. DO IT. You don't have to wait around for ME to make it for god sakes.

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i've decided to get cheeky with Xbox on their Twitter feed reguarding questions for the X1


me - & if a Hurricane comes & knocks out my power for a week, what then? i just wasted $500+ dollars, thats what.

them - If there is no electricity then no electronic device will function. ^RH

me - actually no, few knock out power, most knock out cable/internet. + its called a generator. whats ur answer now?

me - because obviously with an answer like that u dont live in Hurricane prone areas. #uknownothingjonsnow

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IMHO people are making a bigger deal about the 24 hour thing than it deserves

First of all no one buys consoles without an internet connection anymore, it's expected for multiplayer and system updates and all that

Just like you're expected to save your games nowadays for nearly every single game even if it's just some kind of profile which tracks your achievements which is why it was really stupid when the 360 came out with a version without a hard drive like wtf guys


But yes so if you're buying a console you have a stable broadband connection (that is, you're not expecting to cancel your service any time soon)

If your net goes out for a full 24 hours+ that sucks but seriously unless there's a storm or something and all power is out (in which case you have bigger problems than not being able to play video games) you can usually still watch tv or hey if that's not your thing spend some time with friends or family or read a book, for the vast majority of people gaming is not their life no matter how many people claim to be "hardcore gamers"


It may be a bad precedent to set because "real" always online is troublesome but this is still pretty far cry from needing a constant connection.

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Because shit never goes bad, and people never, ever, can't afford cable/internet... ever. Nor have to make a choice, of roof over your head, or internet....



And they should ask this question..


What if MS servers are down for 36 hours? (Its happened beforeright?)

What if my ISP is a dick, and can't fix my net for a week?


If you want to see what happens to always on games, sold to a mass audience, look into the SimCity phiasco.

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"First of all no one buys consoles without an internet connection anymore, it's expected for multiplayer and system updates and all that"


first of all, plent of people buy consoles and dont hopok them up.  namely, myself and bubba.   this is why they install system updates on new games. 


and plenty of people dont multiplayer unless its console co-op.  so your idea of "no one buys consoles w/out internet" is full of it.  theres plenty of us old school gammers that dont want to be social gammers and dont want our consoles on the net.


namely, i pay enough money for the console and the games, its none of Playstations or Microsofs business what i'm playing, how often i play or what i watch on my console.  i have a right to privacy, and just because i purchased their goods doens't give them the right to spy on my while i use them.



if i wanted to be a social gammer or game online, i'd go join an MMO on the PC.



and no Nol, if the power is out, the Cable is too.  infact the Cable usually goes before the power in cases of Hurricanes, because the Power infrastructure is more important and better reinforced than the Cable in my area.  and i have Cable Internet, meaning if my cable goes out, so does my internet connection.


because you know, we get these things called Hurricanes every year where i live, and you know they also spawn Tornados.  hell, a few years back, Gustav shut down our Cable for the duration of the storm (42 hours) and the power never flickered.  and you know, depending on damages and outages it could take up to a week or two for us to get our Internet/cable back up. people down here have the consoles for supplemental entertainment.  because we have these things called generators which supply our houses with elecricity if the power goes out, so we can still use things like gamming consoles to keep kids/spouses from driving us nuts.


hell, with Katrina it took 3 days to get power back, 1 week for water, but 2 weeks to get Cable back.  and my area wasn't hit that bad.   so the best thanks Microsoft can give people in my area after dropping 500+ on their stupid console is tell me to stick with the 360.  allow me to not bend over and take it where they want to shove it, while at the same time telling them to gfy's.



and "always online" or even "connect every 24hrs" requirement isn't just troublesome.  its costly!  i pay 500+ for a console and games, and now i have to fork out what ever cost it is for the MB the thing eats into for my internet at the house?


how many MB's is this damn thing going to eat every time i have to connect?  especially when most people have the plans that allow for 1 CD download.  and you do realize that even if its just a 1 Kbp, your company charges you for 1 MB if you're in overage territory.  and most plans that poeple have are the basic, which allows for 32MB every month. 



atleast the PS4 allows you to turn the damn connection off, though dont get me started on the auto DLing, cause that grinds my gears as well.  but atleast you can still play the damn thing off grid and their not shoving the "always online" crap this generation has a fixation with down your damn throat.  i dont want my crap connected to the interent, i dont feel the neeed to let the entire world know every damn time i take a shit or what color it was, nor do i need to have a bajillon friends i've never met just to feel wanted and not alone.  i like my online life and real life seperated!  just as much as i like to game solo!!!


i've had enough with being forced into the 24/7 connectivity sphere from my Cell Phone provider, i'll not have it from something that i do to unwind as a stress reliever.  and, might i add, we see exactly where thats gotten people, just another avenue for BB to watch them with.  excuse me while i want my gamming time left in peace and to be able to use it as an escape from reality!  and excuse me while i fight this crap tooth and nail or just out right refuse to drop well over 1,000 a year in the gamming industry.  because i'm 100% posative i'm not in the minority with this one.

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 hell, some people dont even have Internet or Cable at the house and instead just use the gaming consoles and dvd's for entertainment.   either because they can't afford it or dont need/want the drama involved in their house.


what about those people?



its not a good business modle to alientate a good chunk of gamers. and a good chunk of gamers do not game online, nor want to game online.



and btw, you'd think with the targetted "i'm aatching you" style advertising they have for the X1, they'd have a cheaper price than $500's

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"First of all no one buys consoles without an internet connection anymore, it's expected for multiplayer and system updates and all that"


first of all, plent of people buy consoles and dont hopok them up. namely, myself and bubba. this is why they install system updates on new games.


and plenty of people dont multiplayer unless its console co-op. so your idea of "no one buys consoles w/out internet" is full of it. theres plenty of us old school gammers that dont want to be social gammers and dont want our consoles on the net.


namely, i pay enough money for the console and the games, its none of Playstations or Microsofs business what i'm playing, how often i play or what i watch on my console. i have a right to privacy, and just because i purchased their goods doens't give them the right to spy on my while i use them.



if i wanted to be a social gammer or game online, i'd go join an MMO on the PC.



and no Nol, if the power is out, the Cable is too. infact the Cable usually goes before the power in cases of Hurricanes, because the Power infrastructure is more important and better reinforced than the Cable in my area. and i have Cable Internet, meaning if my cable goes out, so does my internet connection.


because you know, we get these things called Hurricanes every year where i live, and you know they also spawn Tornados. hell, a few years back, Gustav shut down our Cable for the duration of the storm (42 hours) and the power never flickered. and you know, depending on damages and outages it could take up to a week or two for us to get our Internet/cable back up. people down here have the consoles for supplemental entertainment. because we have these things called generators which supply our houses with elecricity if the power goes out, so we can still use things like gamming consoles to keep kids/spouses from driving us nuts.


hell, with Katrina it took 3 days to get power back, 1 week for water, but 2 weeks to get Cable back. and my area wasn't hit that bad. so the best thanks Microsoft can give people in my area after dropping 500+ on their stupid console is tell me to stick with the 360. allow me to not bend over and take it where they want to shove it, while at the same time telling them to gfy's.



and "always online" or even "connect every 24hrs" requirement isn't just troublesome. its costly! i pay 500+ for a console and games, and now i have to fork out what ever cost it is for the MB the thing eats into for my internet at the house?


how many MB's is this damn thing going to eat every time i have to connect? especially when most people have the plans that allow for 1 CD download. and you do realize that even if its just a 1 Kbp, your company charges you for 1 MB if you're in overage territory. and most plans that poeple have are the basic, which allows for 32MB every month.



atleast the PS4 allows you to turn the damn connection off, though dont get me started on the auto DLing, cause that grinds my gears as well. but atleast you can still play the damn thing off grid and their not shoving the "always online" crap this generation has a fixation with down your damn throat. i dont want my crap connected to the interent, i dont feel the neeed to let the entire world know every damn time i take a shit or what color it was, nor do i need to have a bajillon friends i've never met just to feel wanted and not alone. i like my online life and real life seperated! just as much as i like to game solo!!!


i've had enough with being forced into the 24/7 connectivity sphere from my Cell Phone provider, i'll not have it from something that i do to unwind as a stress reliever. and, might i add, we see exactly where thats gotten people, just another avenue for BB to watch them with. excuse me while i want my gamming time left in peace and to be able to use it as an escape from reality! and excuse me while i fight this crap tooth and nail or just out right refuse to drop well over 1,000 a year in the gamming industry. because i'm 100% posative i'm not in the minority with this one.

Wow... what kind of backwards cable company do you have out in texas? That doesn't sound like cable, but satellite... I've never seen a "cable internet" have MB restrictions... its generally just 5mbps, 10mbps connection speeds, with no data limits...


Now satellite... I've seen those crap services, with speeds sub 56k modem speeds, with a 50 MB data cap, charging $50 for every additional 50 mb...

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Because shit never goes bad, and people never, ever, can't afford cable/internet... ever. Nor have to make a choice, of roof over your head, or internet....

Bad argument. If you don't have the money for internet let alone rent...why are you buying an Xbox One?


And they should ask this question..


What if MS servers are down for 36 hours? (Its happened beforeright?)

What if my ISP is a dick, and can't fix my net for a week?


If you want to see what happens to always on games, sold to a mass audience, look into the SimCity phiasco.

36 hours - not a big deal, play your games in a few days, it happens

a week - less reasonable but hey if a tree fell on the wires and messed'em all up what are you gonna do right? considering all the most popular games on xbox are all multiplayer with the exception of a few RPGs here and there if the net is out you aren't likely to even want to use your xbox anyway


and again SD this isn't always on, that's what I'm saying

It's a once per 24 hour check which is not the same thing

I agree with you guys in that I don't want to see MORE of this type of thing but this specific instance of the thing is not actually that bad

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"First of all no one buys consoles without an internet connection anymore, it's expected for multiplayer and system updates and all that"


first of all, plent of people buy consoles and dont hopok them up.  namely, myself and bubba.   this is why they install system updates on new games.

You are in a very small minority. Sorry.


and plenty of people dont multiplayer unless its console co-op.  so your idea of "no one buys consoles w/out internet" is full of it.  theres plenty of us old school gammers that dont want to be social gammers and dont want our consoles on the net.

Again, minority. Most of the kinds of people who don't play multiplayer are more likely to be found on PC or with Nintendo.


namely, i pay enough money for the console and the games, its none of Playstations or Microsofs business what i'm playing, how often i play or what i watch on my console.  i have a right to privacy, and just because i purchased their goods doens't give them the right to spy on my while i use them.

I'm not commenting on the privacy thing, just the 24 hour check.



if i wanted to be a social gammer or game online, i'd go join an MMO on the PC.

Well PC has an excellent mix of pretty much any kind of gaming you want, not gonna lie.

That doesn't change the fact that xbox is primarily a multiplayer console and has been since Halo 2 blew up xbox live.



and no Nol, if the power is out, the Cable is too.  infact the Cable usually goes before the power in cases of Hurricanes, because the Power infrastructure is more important and better reinforced than the Cable in my area.  and i have Cable Internet, meaning if my cable goes out, so does my internet connection.


because you know, we get these things called Hurricanes every year where i live, and you know they also spawn Tornados.  hell, a few years back, Gustav shut down our Cable for the duration of the storm (42 hours) and the power never flickered.  and you know, depending on damages and outages it could take up to a week or two for us to get our Internet/cable back up. people down here have the consoles for supplemental entertainment.  because we have these things called generators which supply our houses with elecricity if the power goes out, so we can still use things like gamming consoles to keep kids/spouses from driving us nuts.


hell, with Katrina it took 3 days to get power back, 1 week for water, but 2 weeks to get Cable back.  and my area wasn't hit that bad.   so the best thanks Microsoft can give people in my area after dropping 500+ on their stupid console is tell me to stick with the 360.  allow me to not bend over and take it where they want to shove it, while at the same time telling them to gfy's.

You'd think you'd have more to worry about when the cable and power goes out due to a hurricane than whether or not you can play your xbox...just sayin



and "always online" or even "connect every 24hrs" requirement isn't just troublesome.  its costly!  i pay 500+ for a console and games, and now i have to fork out what ever cost it is for the MB the thing eats into for my internet at the house?


how many MB's is this damn thing going to eat every time i have to connect?  especially when most people have the plans that allow for 1 CD download.  and you do realize that even if its just a 1 Kbp, your company charges you for 1 MB if you're in overage territory.  and most plans that poeple have are the basic, which allows for 32MB every month.

Yeah I don't know about that and I agree.

We don't really have to deal with that kind of thing here in the LA area but I know people in rural-ish areas have different kinds of plans and some of them really suck. You get charged for what you use, I pay a flat fee for a certain rate that is (supposedly) always the same.

My opinion on this is spend more money and get better internet if it's available....or get a console that doesn't rely on having good internet so heavily like the PS4 or Wii U.



atleast the PS4 allows you to turn the damn connection off, though dont get me started on the auto DLing, cause that grinds my gears as well.  but atleast you can still play the damn thing off grid and their not shoving the "always online" crap this generation has a fixation with down your damn throat.  i dont want my crap connected to the interent, i dont feel the neeed to let the entire world know every damn time i take a shit or what color it was, nor do i need to have a bajillon friends i've never met just to feel wanted and not alone.  i like my online life and real life seperated!  just as much as i like to game solo!!!

Well what you have to understand is the always online "fascination" isn't really a fascination. It's anti piracy measures.

As we've seen in the past when these are implemented and they WORK no one notices and no one cares. When it's implemented badly and it effects paying costumers they flip out like the world is ending and I don't really blame them. I think these big companies need to stop worrying about piracy so much. It's a small portion of what MAY have been potential sales and the benefits of piracy (word of mouth and popularity) tend to boost sales and profit more than they hinder them.


If games really want to decrease piracy in a meaningful way, they need to bring back substantial demos.

People don't like to make a $60 investment and then realize the game they bought is crap. Especially now that xbox is cracking down on reselling and trading. If they bring back demos I guarantee the number of games pirated will go down at least somewhat.


i've had enough with being forced into the 24/7 connectivity sphere from my Cell Phone provider, i'll not have it from something that i do to unwind as a stress reliever.  and, might i add, we see exactly where thats gotten people, just another avenue for BB to watch them with.  excuse me while i want my gamming time left in peace and to be able to use it as an escape from reality!  and excuse me while i fight this crap tooth and nail or just out right refuse to drop well over 1,000 a year in the gamming industry.  because i'm 100% posative i'm not in the minority with this one.

Just don't buy the console, that's the best thing you can do in protest.
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Bad argument. If you don't have the money for internet let alone rent...why are you buying an Xbox One?


Because in that argument




36 hours - not a big deal, play your games in a few days, it happens

a week - less reasonable but hey if a tree fell on the wires and messed'em all up what are you gonna do right? considering all the most popular games on xbox are all multiplayer with the exception of a few RPGs here and there if the net is out you aren't likely to even want to use your xbox anyway


and again SD this isn't always on, that's what I'm saying

It's a once per 24 hour check which is not the same thing

I agree with you guys in that I don't want to see MORE of this type of thing but this specific instance of the thing is not actually that bad          

Once always 24 hours, may as well be always on.


You know how many games I play on my console, that are online?



How Many do I play offline?.

Uncharted 1-3, that are single player. Sure, 2-3 have multiplayer, but I don't play uncharted multiplayer.

GTA IV. I played that solo

Saints Row 3. - I played that totally offline.

Metal Gear Solid V - Played that solo.

FFXIII - Solo.

FFXIII-2 = Solo.

Twisted Metal - Solo. (one online match)


Heavy Rain


Assassins Creed 1-3

Dark Souls

Demons Souls

Resident Evil V

Resident Evil VI




There are more games out there, that are NOT ONLINE, and just because a game is popular does not mean that is the only games ever played by anyone.


Again, minority. Most of the kinds of people who don't play multiplayer are more likely to be found on PC or with Nintendo.



MMORPGS = the biggest sellers on the PC.

So, want to try that again, or want to pull more 'facts' out of your ass?


You'd think you'd have more to worry about when the cable and power goes out due to a hurricane than whether or not you can play your xbox...just sayin


Have you been in a Hurricane?

1-2 Weeks without Cable-Internet because of it?

Do you really think, given that time frame, you'd never turn yours on, if your house was-A-Okay, and wasn't in need of massive repairs? Or better yet, if it survived and you had to stay in a hotel for 3 weeks, that you'd never, ever turn yours on?


People use consoles to escape reality..

After going through a Hurricane, and all the stress that involves..... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm



 Yeah I don't know about that and I agree.

We don't really have to deal with that kind of thing here in the LA area but I know people in rural-ish areas have different kinds of plans and some of them really suck. You get charged for what you use, I pay a flat fee for a certain rate that is (supposedly) always the same.

My opinion on this is spend more money and get better internet if it's available....or get a console that doesn't rely on having good internet so heavily like the PS4 or Wii U.



1. You.. really don't know much beyond where you live locally do you? If Red has the satellite based Internet I think she does... That meant here really isn't a true cable-line where she lives.... Which means that if there's a cable company, that actually has real cable internet, guess who has to put that physical line in?

You, the consumer. Want to talk about installation fees? Try running 1 Mile of cable, for around $25,000

2. That's the entire point Nolder. She likes the Xbox 360, but because of what they are doing, they are forcing her to get a ps4, or Wii u. That's a middle finger to the consumer, and abandoning consumer loyalty.


Well what you have to understand is the always online "fascination" isn't really a fascination. It's anti piracy measures.

As we've seen in the past when these are implemented and they WORK no one notices and no one cares. When it's implemented badly and it effects paying costumers they flip out like the world is ending and I don't really blame them. I think these big companies need to stop worrying about piracy so much. It's a small portion of what MAY have been potential sales and the benefits of piracy (word of mouth and popularity) tend to boost sales and profit more than they hinder them.

This is why we say they shot themselves in the foot. the implemented the PC model, where you install a game, and input a CD key. Only its now tied to your account, so your disc is now worthless. (so, kind of like the Steam-Model. only unlike M$, you can play games offline with steam.)


Consoles you were always able to trade games with friends, borrow them out. And yes, the idea of being able to trade and borrow with friends on-line, is one I do like. But the internet requirement, is fairly -ass-hattery- of them. 


If games really want to decrease piracy in a meaningful way, they need to bring back substantial demos.

People don't like to make a $60 investment and then realize the game they bought is crap. Especially now that xbox is cracking down on reselling and trading. If they bring back demos I guarantee the number of games pirated will go down at least somewhat


They claimed they stopped doing demos because.

1) it kills sales, because  people play the demo, and hate on it before trying to 'real' thing.

2) It causes pirates to pirate the game even more...

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How hilarious is it, that microsoft's even needing to reverse their planned policies in the first place, eh?

In the sense that it sure doesn't take anything more than an idiot to tell you how stupid it is to limit peoples ability to share their games, or that people are really against the concept of having to be always on, or having to "check-in" daily to even have their single player games work. That ultimately the market you're in is about gaming, and shouldn't be about having a redundant set-top box so you can go through at least another pay-wall to..watch...television?

...Instead you go through two major industry events, one of which planned specifically to unveil your own product, and need "consumer feedback" to tell you you've got egg all over your face, and it's flowed down & soiled your underpants as well?

Shit, Microsoft....shit! Hope you can alter your plans with less than 5 months til release! Lol.

Man, talk about clueless though!

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not "good on Microsoft" for listneing to outcry.  more like 2 little 2 late for microsoft.   that bit about "stick with the 360" in response to outcry for over 3 months over their specs was the icing on the cake for me with them.


also, please link where Microsoft is changing their minds, i haven't heard this before now.



@ SD - i have Cable One, https://www.cableone.net/FYH/Pages/highspeedinternet.aspx   basic package is 50MBs of data; which roughly equates to downloading/uploading 5 CDs off of iTunes before you hit overages according to their customer service.


i have multiple devices i use, to include playing Minecraft (single player yes, but still online).  just like with Cellphone companies, if you go 1KB over your MB allowance, the company charges you for the full MB.  if all i do is check in every 24hrs and its only 1MB per check in, the X1 would be eating over half of my alloted MB usage every month.   add into that internet usage from Laptops and our soon to be smart phones, its easy to go over that alloted data.


and the 1MB will be on the low side with the consoles.  which is why i have a big problem with the PS4's auto download feature for demos.



@ Nol - you entirely miss my point.  in Katrina, my house got a 24 inch hole in the roof.  thats it as far as damage was concerned.  clean up in the yard for debree takes less than 2 days when everything else is shut down.  my immediate area (ie my property) was fine.  looking at the news, you can obviuosly see that wasn't the same for the surrounding area to include all the cable lines.


my point, which you obviously missed, is why should i drop 500+ on a console, when the time that i can really benefit from having it, i'm gonna be SoL.


as a business, that model will get you bankrupt and is isolating almost half of your consumer base.   and telling people as an swner to this "hm well thats why we have the 360" or "well then get a PS4" is not a good business model either.


if your selling Coke and people want a product that tastes like Pepsi, you dont say "well go get a Pepsi", you develope a side product that tastes more like Pepsi and sell it along with your Coke to get more people to buy form you.



Again, minority. Most of the kinds of people who don't play multiplayer are more likely to be found on PC or with Nintendo.


are you kidding me with the bolded?   the PC has the fewest catalouge of solo-play games out of any of the platforms!


#uknownothingjonsnow & #obvioustrollisobvious

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also, please link where Microsoft is changing their minds, i haven't heard this before now.





On that note, considering the "one-time" setup requirement, retailers could probably earn a smidge of loyalty from customers if say they set up an area, in-store, with an access point so folks who purchase a new xbox can also set things up in the store at the same time, without having to worry about having a connection at home.

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basic package is 50MBs of data; which roughly equates to downloading/uploading 5 CDs off of iTunes before you hit overages according to their customer service.


i have multiple devices i use, to include playing Minecraft (single player yes, but still online). just like with Cellphone companies, if you go 1KB over your MB allowance, the company charges you for the full MB. if all i do is check in every 24hrs and its only 1MB per check in, the X1 would be eating over half of my alloted MB usage every month. add into that internet usage from Laptops and our soon to be smart phones, its easy to go over that alloted data.


and the 1MB will be on the low side with the consoles. which is why i have a big problem with the PS4's auto download feature for demos.


Wow red... I had CableOne up in Fargo, ND, And there data plans didn't suck that bad... most of the country that has cable internet, doesn't have an actual data cap, but a throughput cap.. (the speed.)

That really sucks donkey balls that they are screwing you over so bad up there.

To be blunt, not even AT&T sucks that bad.


Have you considered going through Sprint, with there wifi hub-thing? It should be unlimited (in data cap at least) I don't know if that changes much from state to state though... might be slower...


I went through Virgin mobile for a while (thy use sprint network), and I routinely downloaded 15GBs of data or more a month! (At speeds sub 100KBS! Lol)

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Again, minority. Most of the kinds of people who don't play multiplayer are more likely to be found on PC or with Nintendo.


are you kidding me with the bolded?   the PC has the fewest catalouge of solo-play games out of any of the platforms!


#uknownothingjonsnow & #obvioustrollisobvious

You obviously don't play flash games. I'll leave it at that.

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Again, minority. Most of the kinds of people who don't play multiplayer are more likely to be found on PC or with Nintendo.

are you kidding me with the bolded? the PC has the fewest catalouge of solo-play games out of any of the platforms!


#uknownothingjonsnow & #obvioustrollisobvious

You obviously don't play flash games. I'll leave it at that.

Said games, are also available on console, and are basically irrelevant, as we are primarily talking about retail games. Go take a look at the Steam library. The majority of all PC games have multi-player components, and unlike the console, MMORPGs, even the free ones, are one of the most popular/most played games on the PC, withstanding Zanga games. Which are Java based, and not flash.

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X-box One didn't change ENOUGH. You still can't self publish indie games (and if I'm being honest, some of my favourite games recently have been indie games). I also still don't care for the kinect being part of the package... I don't care to use it, and there are the privacy concerns... not going to change really.


And THEN they changed too much, they removed a lot of the positive aspects the console had going for it, like being able to share/play your games on other consoles through the cloud, and various other apects of the online benefits (not that I was a fan of required "always on" or the required "regular check in" options).


I realize that they're changing things around fast and can't make everything work as they would probably like to, but jeez they can't quite get it right can they?

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