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~~~CELEBRATE TODAY with Twinnie!!!!~~


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*laughs* The orange rubbing off would be FUNNY, I say! *grins*


And does that mean I have to give my sewing machine the day off or pay extra attention to it? *grins* I'm arranging for it to have an actual desk instead of just the folding table it has now... does that count?

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*busts out laughing*


mini belly dancer?  oh I love that...oh man now you know that means peanut will need to have a little harem costume?  lol


actually I would think the the orange on your skin would be like heaven Horn!!


yes! just for you Ursula!!  lol


By the way...today is National Cow Day!!!

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YOU?  oh i guess the burned retina's dont include the other senses then?  *grins*


Today is national "Stick out your tongue day"


Actually quite appropriate to how I feel like acting!!  LOL


Think of all the wonderful things you can do when you stick out your tongue, *eyes Jhea and grins*  no no not that!!  Catching snowflakes and edible confetti!  Licking ice cream cones and lollipops, helping the Dr. when he wants to look down your throat to name a few...

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chocolate covered cashews and peanuts sound wonderful! *growls* Of course, the dr told me not to eat them... *sighs* I'm going out for shrimp and double dipped peanuts when this baby is born, I tell you...

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oh fun!!  What's in New Orleans besides shrimp?


Sorry, didn't get a celebration for today here till to late.  It was Ugly Truck contest day, and National Lollipop day though.  You'd think that lollipop and stick out your tongue day would go together huh?


Anyway..tommorrow is easy to celebrate..8grins*




Soo..what's your favorite junk food?  mine is M&M's, chips and dips and frozen Twinkies...

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