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The fan names put into AMOL


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Yeah, the link does that sometimes, I am not sure why. But did you find your way to the site? You can just look up something similar to "Theoryland Interview Database" on google. 


Alternately, I believe Terez has a link in her sig, and she can definitely point you in the right direction. 


I don't know about Brandon's site, it was apparently there - I haven't looked there myself. All I know is that it is recorded in that Theoryland database. 

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I tried to message Sanderson on his facebook page, but something tells me his entire team is complelty swamped right now, what with the book tour and everything!


I just want to know if the Asha'man Mish'raile was named after me ;D (My RL name is Michelle and the moment I saw that name I was like... could it be?!)

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 I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don't think this is the case. Mishraile has been around for a long time now. He was first named in WH I believe. I think that he was around - his description, but not a name - before that, but WH prologue is the first confirmation of his character. 


He was the unfortunate...man...who Taim clubbed in the head for speaking too much in the KoD epilogue, Pevara's PoV with the whole "Let the Lord of Chaos Rule" line. 


He has been a regular since then as one of Taim's cronies. 


So unfortunately, Brandon didn't name him. However, it is possible that RJ did do so like he did with Guybon - I have not heard anything about this being confirmed or denied. Not sure if there was ever a competition or something you entered when RJ was alive. 


You could just ignore this and tell everyone he was named after you anyway :tongue: 

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When I first signed up here at DM, I did so as Tiana (which is similar to my RL name of Tina). So does that mean I can claim RJ named Tiana after me? She was the Gray Aes Sedai that was made Mistress of Novices in Salidar . . .


Yeah, I know - there's not a chance he actually did! LOL! But maybe I could get away with telling people he did anyway . . . :biggrin:

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