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January Sign in chatter


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I dunno. It's been a long time since I wasn't staff here (almost 8 years, but who's counting?), so I don't know what it looks like for folks who aren't staff. Since you're asking, I'm guessing it looks the same under there for you, too, though... *shrugs*



And I have no idea what you're talking about Twinny. I'm the innocent one...

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wow ive just been looking back on things here on DM and realised that ive not done to much but lurk since 2010!!!

I come in for a few days then get sucked into RL again!! I really need to make a concious effort to be more active, I love you guys and now that im doing transatlantic flights in work I might actually get to meet some of you one day!!!

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*is easily distracted* lol

I am cabin crew for Aer Lingus. The Irish national airline ;) so yea I've finally been to the good old USA twice so far both times to newyork, I'm going to Chicago the day after tomorow, and then NYC 4 more times before march 10th lol plus a load of EU flights in between. I'm actually posting this on my phone from a hotel in London hehehe

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wow ive just been looking back on things here on DM and realised that ive not done to much but lurk since 2010!!!

I come in for a few days then get sucked into RL again!! I really need to make a concious effort to be more active, I love you guys and now that im doing transatlantic flights in work I might actually get to meet some of you one day!!!

I live a couple hours from LA.

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