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Kin Quilt


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the quilt conversation didn't come up in that thread, I'm debating putting it IN that thread. It might be a bit big, but perhaps we can make it our "on topic" thread for research purposes. What design would you use for a quilt block on X book...? *ponders*


Sorry, to be honest, there's not much to the Social Faire. Each Social group runs a thread for a given period of time (last year it was a month, it's shorter this go round, I think) and monitors it/keeps it moving. It's a way to promote your Social Group and draw in newbies. One thread has to be book related, the other can be whatever shows our group off in the best light. Does that help? 

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*nudges this thread back to the front page*



So, who's in with trying this this month? I vote we do a pot holder quilt, meaning go ahead and do the square and back it before you put it in the mail. That way it just has to be put together when whoever is going to put it together gets the pieces. What do you think? 

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You generally do, but if we do a potholder style, then it would only have to be stitched together by whoever got the blocks without any added expense of getting the batting and backing.


I'm cool either way. That just sounded like a cheaper way to handle putting it together.

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