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1 Year, 2 Weeks, and 3 Days Ago...

Aiel Heart

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Ishy, Minecraft is a game where you get to explore the world, and build things.  The world is made up of varying blocks, and you can break and move most blocks found there.  At night there is a zombie apocalypse, where Skeleton archers and Zombies prowl the world, and there are also spiders (who do not attack during the day) and there are creepers (tall green things that explode when they get close).  In the morning the zombies and skeletons burn up, but the creepers and spiders stay around.


you can build some pretty awe-inspiring things in minecraft, but unless you use hacks, it is VERY time consuming to do so (sides, placing blocks brick by brick gets pretty tedeous.


Here is an example of what you can do:


as you can tell, you are mostly limited by your own imaginations!

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you certinately should!


If you go to their page you can try an old version (online only, that does NOT allow saves, and is limited in what it can do, because it is an OLD version) for free to see if you are interested in making an epic world yourself.  IF you mess around a bit, AND like it, it might be a good thing to purchase.


Just be warned, if it is in the Hard difficulty, and zombies become ultra aggressive and will kick down your wooden door to get to you... I dont care for that kind of fight, so I just go with normal when my computer is acting ok... if it is laggy, I go with peaceful.  Spiders are hard to get to, and a skeleton-riding-a-spider is a deadly (albeit infrequent) combination when you are lagging. lol


If you get it and need help, just ask here, I am sure Heart and Davrick can give you some good pointers.

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