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Telltale's The Walking Dead

Plan R

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I have just finished playing the Walking Dead video game by Telltale.Now I am running around the internet trying to make sure everyone is playing it. The game was absolutely amazing, I have never had a video game actually bring tears to my eyes. But this game surely did. The game does not follow Rick Grimes or his group at all (there are a few cameos) but tells a new story set in the same world. Whether or not The Walking Dead can even be called a video game is debatable, there is very little game play, and the skill level a player needs to finish it is null. Most action sequences are point at a Walkers head and click or done with the dreaded QTE. But the game is presented so well, the characters are sharply drawn and fully realised, the dialouge mostly works, the voice acting is unparalleled and the story is absolutely amazing. If you are unfamiliar with telltale's games, their one of the few publishers still making Point and Click adventure games. They release them episodically for digital download, The Walking Dead is 5 episodes long, but they have released a disc copy. Either way the game is simply amazing, I finished it in about 15 hours over 2 days, I was just that sucked into the story. If your into the The Walking Dead comic or show, this game is perfect for you, but if your not and just want to experience the most emotional story ever told through a video game, pick up the first episode for 5 dollars and find out.

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This was the first game I watched an LP of as well. This game fits Let's Play video's well. I was thinking about replaying it, but the idea of making different decisions fells like cheating to me, I made my choices and I have to live with them. But watching other people go through it, fills the void for me, and lets face it, its not like the game play itself is demanding to be tried again.


As for the pic Nol, I have seen one that includes Larry and Lilly, but I can't find it. But it would be nice if they were there too, especially since me and Kenny hated each other after episode 2, until halfway through episode 5, then he just had to go be heroic and ruin my negative opinion of him (I can't believe that big jerk almost made me cry, but I kept myself together, until the end where I promptly cried my eyes out).

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