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Shadow vs. Light OP tourney - Round Three - John Snow vs Tress ... John Snow Wins!!

Ithillian Turambar

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Round Three! - Feyd-Feutha Harkonnen versus Viola.


Here was a battle between two extremes. One took pride in his cruel and terrible nature, the other strove to overcome her obstacles and challenges whilst keeping a pure heart. Here in this place it would be decided if focusing all your energies into one terrible weapon would prove a victorious strategy - or if the blend of many talents would prove the stronger. Hate or Love - that was the question.


NO practice rolls


NO True Power


5 rounds or to 50 damage whichever comes first.


All use Asha'Man rank


link to Rollers


Please use your previous stats,as listen below, and then add 10 more levels as you see fit. Once you have decided where you want your ten extra Levels to be, please post your new stats and commence to battling.


John Snow (Feyd-Feutha Harkonnen)


F 40

E 10

A 10

W 10

S 10


Tress (Viola)


F 13

E 12

A 19

W 18

S 18




Good luck.


The end was nigh. This would be a quick battle, one way or another.

He shouted "Pyro, Pyro, Pyrofuego!"


Fire engulfed Tress, but not quite beating her. It all came down to her next blow, he knew.



Damage: 37


Tress: 63

John: 100


This battle will be very short, lol


Viola was in agony. Fire had engulfed her, sending her to her knees. She had never encountered anything like the cruelty in this man.


Baffled, she reached out for the Power, weaving together Air, Water and Spirit to form clouds that swirled and danced above her laughing opponent. Electricity crackled within that knot of clouds, promising devastation when their power was unleashed.


A single lightning bolt shot toward him, and Viola watched as he seemed to absorb the force of it, drinking in the power and causing the clouds to dissipate harmlessly.


She buried her face in her hands and waited for the end.


Attack: Cloud Dancing

Damage: 6 (SERIOUSLY? Air was 45... water was 30...


Tress: 63

Snow: 94

John felt the lightning coming, and had an suitably evil idea. As the lightning struck him, he absorbed its power and used it to turbocharge his next spell.

He pulled out a blasting rod, aimed at Viola, and said "Fuego."

Flames engulfed her. All that was left was a smoldering corpse.



Damage: 36


Tress: 27

John Snow: 94



Oh, and Len, what were you going on about?


Good match, Tress.


John felt the lightning coming, and had an suitably evil idea. As the lightning struck him, he absorbed its power and used it to turbocharge his next spell.

He pulled out a blasting rod, aimed at Viola, and said "Fuego."

Flames engulfed her. All that was left was a smoldering corpse.



Damage: 36


Tress: 27

John Snow: 94



Oh, and Len, what were you going on about?


Good match, Tress.


In fairness, bothparties should have the same number of attacks. If Tress fails to damage you sufficiently then you win after this turn.


She was dying. Viola knew she had no chance to survive. The cruel features of her opponent were fading to black as she lashed out once more in a desperate attempt to vanquish - or at least damage - her attacker.


His lips twisted in a grimace as her attack landed. It was not enough. It was... it was....


It was over.



Attack: Cloud Dancing

Damage: 12


Tress: 27

Snow: 82


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