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Light v. Shadow OP tourney: Round 3 Rand v. Lenlo ... Lenlo wins!!

Ithillian Turambar

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Round Three! - Sauron versus Raistlin.


This would be a battle of Titans. One was a God, albeit a fallen and weakened one, and the other was like a God in the powers he could call upon. Only one would emerge victorious from this battle.


NO practice rolls


NO True Power


5 rounds or to 50 damage whichever comes first.


All use Asha'Man rank


link to Rollers


Please use your previous stats,as listen below, and then add 10 more levels as you see fit. Once you have decided where you want your ten extra Levels to be, please post your new stats and commence to battling.


Rand (Sauron)


F 18

E 18

A 15

W 14

S 15


Lenlo (Raistlin)


F 15

E 18

A 14

W 14

S 19




Good luck.


Thanks. :)


New levels:


F 20

E 20

A 17

W 16

S 17


Sauron stepped into the arena, and faced Raistlin. This would be a battle between two extremely powerful people. Many could not decide who would win this, but Sauron knew inside, that only he had the power to win. Power that had been given to him by the One Ring, and himself having been able to defeat Galadriel and Middle Earth, he knew none could stop him now. Casually, he wove fire, from Mount Doom itself and threw it at Raistlin.


Attack: Fire

Damage; 5


Lenlo: 95

Rand: 100


The fires burned his skin and singed his robes, but they were nothing to what he had felt in the Tower of High Sorcery. With a wave of his hand Raistlin smothered the remaining flames and threw back the hood of his red robes.


"Even with the Ring your powers are nothing, Old One. Surrender it now and I may leave you your life."


With that Raistlin reached into his pouches and muttered his words of magic. Missiles of magic shot from his staff and flew towards Sauron, converging on the center of his chest.


Attack: Spirit

Damage: 3


Len = 95

Rand = 97


I gotta find a good time to change his Robes to black. Thats when he gets crazy.


Sauron felt the magic converge on his chest and laughed. Raistlin did not know the pain that Sauron had felt when he had been seperated from his ring. Now that they were back together, Sauron could feel no pain. It appeared that Raistlin had not learned the power of the One Ring quick enough. Another lesson should suffice and tell him his place


Attack: Fire

Damage: 0


Lenlo: 95

Rand: 97


This time Raistlins magic defenses were up in time to stop the deadly fires.


"Your Ring could be mighty indeed, in the right hands. Sadly those hands are not your own."


Raistlin reaches into his pouch and pulls out an orb that easily fits in the palm of his hand and words of magic sometimes show through the green smoke that fills the orb. He raises the Dragon Orb in the direction of Sauron and once again Missiles of Magic shoot toward him. This time though they seem larger and they fly faster once again converging on his chest.


Attack: Spirit

Damage: 11


Len = 95

Rand = 86


The righ hands? It seems like you doubt me, Raistlin. Let me fix that. You may have a magic orb, let me introduce you to Mount Doom.


Sauron set free the raging of Mount Doom and released it onto Raistlin. He formed arrows with the pure fire of Mount Doom and sent it towards Raistlin.


Attack: Arrows of Fire

Damage: 10






Raistlin was forced back by the fire. He put up his magical defenses but some of the fire still seeped through the shield, singing his golden skin. While defending Raistlin tried to shoot another blst of magic at Sauron but it merely bounced off of his armor.


Attack: Spirit

Damage: 2


Len = 85

Rand = 84


So in the battle the question is answered: will the final three be all shadow, or will one member of the light attempt to prevail against all odds?


Raistlin? Do you feel all right. Here, a nice breeze should make you feel better. A nice, cold, strong breeze. Sauron took Raistlin and wrapped him up in air, and then threw him across the battle ground.


Attack: Air

Damage: 0


Len = 85

Rand = 84


As Raistlin falls back to the ground he chants "Pheather Phall" and his decent slows to the point that he has a comfortable landing. Having finally run out of Magic Missle he instead tries another spell but his concentration is broken by a cough that racks his body.


Attack: Riven Earth

Damage: 0


Len = 85

Rand = 84


If only I had stuck with spirit. Rolled an 11 with that.


[i[sauron noticed that Raistlin started coughing. He quickly took advantage and attacked him with fire.[/i]


Attack: Fire

Damage: 2


Len: 83

Rand: 84


The fire only served to worsen his cough, forcing Raistlin to take a few steps back. He barely managed to get out the words to a spell that attacked his opponents ability to use magic at all before the next fit of coughs came on him. "This is the worst time for this!" Raistlin thought.


Attack: Spirit

Damage: 4


Len = 83

Rand = 80


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