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Welcome to the Band TGlems!!


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Welcome to the Band of the Red Hand!!! I'm Katiora, the second in command (Undercommander) of this crazy Social Group! Please bear with us! We're going through some very exciting (but occasionally confusing) changes! We have new leadership and some changes in our recruiting process that we're still working on, but it is a great time to join us! :biggrin: I do hope you will enjoy your time here and I look forward to getting to know you better! Jea will be here soon and will send in the request to get you added to our user group so you can see our private boards, but until then feel free to post anywhere on here you can see! We have a pretty cool book discussion going on right now and you can always stop in the Pink Loincloth and get you a pint of whatever your favorite drink may be :wink: If you have any questions feel free to post them here or shoot me a message!!


*hands the new recruit a UC Brew*


Thanks for the thread Kay! And thanks for the brews! I'm excited to check out some of the boards on brews and travel!


*buys a round for all*

*passes a brew to Kat and Wolf*


So tell us about yourself! How far have you read in the books?? Who is your favorite character? What brought you to join the Band here?


*runs in panting* So much to do, so little time - welcome welcome one and all you shall soon see many more exciting things around these parts!!


So tell us about yourself! How far have you read in the books?? Who is your favorite character? What brought you to join the Band here?


:-). Well, I've read all the books, including the aMoL spoilers (no self-control). I've read book 1 probably a half dozen times because I am constantly giving it away to people to get them to read it too, then rebuying it and reading it again. My fav character is Rand because I love his character development the most. From a simple farm boy to bearing such a heavy burden and how he deals with it is so wonderfully written. After Rand probably Mat and Moiraine are my next favs. Mat makes me laugh just thinking about how much trouble he and I would get in if we could hang out and Moiraine is so incredibly wise in so many ways that other characters aren't.


As for me, I am a physicist who has switched career paths so now I do science advocacy work and I really enjoy my job. But, I travel a lot for work so I figured the Band was the place to be! In fact, I am in Orlando right now, was in Rhode Island last week, and after going home to DC I'll head to AZ. Busy busy!


*runs in panting* So much to do, so little time - welcome welcome one and all you shall soon see many more exciting things around these parts!!




Oh, and I love all music. I grew up on a lot of rap and hip-hop but mostly now I listen to whatever suits my mood. Strangely I've been listening to a lot of Wale mixed with NIN lately. Strange mixes to be sure!


*grabs the flaming shots one by one, claps hand over shot glass, does shot*

*does another*

*combines the last two into a double and slams it home*


Phew!!! Last time I did these one spilled and we had a kitchen fire!


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