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Welcome to the Band Davrick!!!


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Yes, I know.. I'm a slacker... but regardless of that WELCOME TO THE BAND!!!!!!! I'm Katiora, the Undercommander (second in command) of the Band. We're very glad to have you join us! You've joined us at a very exciting time! We're going through some changes and you get to be part of it :biggrin: One of our biggest changes (besides in staffing) is getting the Raw Recruit Program started up again. Our Executive Officer, Dicetosser, should be around soon to collect you and get you started on that, as soon as our illustrious Leader and Marshall-General Jea gets your permissions sent in and the site admins get you added to our roster. Until then, please feel free to post and join in all the fun on our public board! We have a book discussion as well as some other discussions going on, just join right in! Also feel free to visit the Pink Loincloth, although I must warn you it gets a little crazy in there (though I must admit it's normally not as crazy as the chat...)


I hope you have an awesome time here and if you have any questions feel free to post them here or email me, Jea, or Dice and we'll do our best to answer them :biggrin: *hands the new recruit a UC Brew*

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