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This is just a little note to let you know that I'm not ignoring you. My migraines are being triggered by my sinuses the last few days and it's all I can do to not put myself to bed as soon as I get the girls to bed. :(


Throw in some bad news from the friend I told you about that has PML and it's just rough all the way around, lately. :(


How's everyone else doing?

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I've had this one in the same place since Wednesday. Naturally, my class was noisy last week and so were my kids. *sighs* Peanut whacked me upside the back of my head this evening pretty good with her knee, so I'm paying for bedtime reading. ugh.

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I'm draining, but the headache isn't along my sinus passage and sinus meds aren't touching it. I'm hitting it with Imitrex tonight, This needs to go.


and the cold doesn't seem to help. I've been hitting it like a sinus pressure, leaving the fans off in the shower and taking a nice hot one to loosen it up with the steam, but that's not helping, either. *sighs*


I can't seem to win with this one.

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I'm actually going to my primary doctor tomorrow, since my neuro just shrugged when I asked if there could be other things (severe allergies, early onset diabetes, heart issues, etc) causing the dizziness. She asked if I had already had blood work done. Umm... so, you don't have a chart that tells you that my OB is the one who referred me? ugh, I hate that place.


Anyway, I'm headed in for a second opinion tomorrow, which will probably get me another appointment for some blood work. We probably won't be able to do anything about whatever's going on until we get the blood work results back, so I'd imagine this will be at least another 2 weeks before anything productive gets done.


I'm very tired of waiting on it to stop, though. I shouldn't have to lean on something every time I stand up to keep from falling over. Sitting down (right now, even, because I just ate something) feels like I just got off a roller coaster. The world is spinning to the left pretty badly.




And the headache is probably worse today because I've been crying on top of it. Throw in a bit of sinus issues to go with the 2 week old migraine and what do you get?




Bigger migraine. *grumbles*

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I'm actually going to my primary doctor tomorrow, since my neuro just shrugged when I asked if there could be other things (severe allergies, early onset diabetes, heart issues, etc) causing the dizziness. She asked if I had already had blood work done. Umm... so, you don't have a chart that tells you that my OB is the one who referred me? ugh, I hate that place.


Anyway, I'm headed in for a second opinion tomorrow, which will probably get me another appointment for some blood work. We probably won't be able to do anything about whatever's going on until we get the blood work results back, so I'd imagine this will be at least another 2 weeks before anything productive gets done.


I'm very tired of waiting on it to stop, though. I shouldn't have to lean on something every time I stand up to keep from falling over. Sitting down (right now, even, because I just ate something) feels like I just got off a roller coaster. The world is spinning to the left pretty badly.




And the headache is probably worse today because I've been crying on top of it. Throw in a bit of sinus issues to go with the 2 week old migraine and what do you get?




Bigger migraine. *grumbles*


Oh, I am so sorry.


I went through something similar. In order to have my surgery, I needed cardiac clearance. I had 2 EKG's, 1 chemical stress test, 1 echocardiogram, and 1 PET scan of my heart. I had to go to a Hematologist (I have a hereditary blood clotting disorder.) After I saw him, I had to wait until he spoke with the neurologist (who prescribes my blood thinning medications. The consensus was, I needed to be off the thinners for 2 weeks prior to surgery.


Lor, don't wait for them to do it for you. You need to follow up or nothing gets done.


Go into a quiet dark room, breathe deeply and let your husband take care of the girls. Don't go to work. They can get a sub.

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Alas, the doctor cancelled my appointment today and no one bothered to tell me. I can't take any more time off work, so, the next slot I could get is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Apparently, this headache will be 6 weeks old by the time I can talk to a doctor about it and then nothing will get done because of the holiday weekend.


And I'd love to take time off and stay home in my nice shaded bedroom, Ryrin, but I can't afford it. :( I have been out 4 times this school year, already, and it's only the 9th week of school! I'm already going to be out next Thursday and Friday to be in Atlanta for the NSTA Conference, and out again on the 9th for state mandated training. So, as much as I'd love to have a day to take it easy, it's just not in my cards for a while. :(




Oh, and you can't scare me, EP. I'm a mother and a teacher. ;) I've either heard it, done it, graded it, or cleaned it up! ;)

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I so wish you could take some time off but I understand. I've been off since August and I'm doing ok with both my state and private short term disability.


Brainstorming here.... can you go into an urgent care or ER to get pain relief?

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I have Imitrex to help with the pain, but I can't take it if I don't go to bed at 9 PM. I'm too groggy and Tadpole has been waking up before 6 every morning, so it's got to have a full 8 hours (plus a little extra because I have a very SLOW metabolism) to work itself out or I'm just stumbling around for a bit. I have taken it when the pain was just too much, but I try to save it until I am nearly in tears before I go there. Tonight may be one of those nights, though...

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I have Imitrex to help with the pain, but I can't take it if I don't go to bed at 9 PM. I'm too groggy and Tadpole has been waking up before 6 every morning, so it's got to have a full 8 hours (plus a little extra because I have a very SLOW metabolism) to work itself out or I'm just stumbling around for a bit. I have taken it when the pain was just too much, but I try to save it until I am nearly in tears before I go there. Tonight may be one of those nights, though...


That's tough. Isn't it harder to get rid of a migraine if you wait until it is in full force? I wish I lived nearby so I could help. I actually could now.

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That's tough. Isn't it harder to get rid of a migraine if you wait until it is in full force? I wish I lived nearby so I could help. I actually could now.


Yeah, it's harder once it's hit the REALLY BAD stage, but I don't really have much of a choice there. I don't have the husband that will take the kids when he walks in and let me go take meds and stay in a quiet bedroom until it gets better. That only works for him. I get put on a time limit (an hour, tops) and that's often not enough. So I have to wait until the girls go to bed and, by then, it's hit the Imitrex level. Ugly, but that's my reality.


You may have a chemical imbalance Lor, they put me on some prevention meds for awhile to see if the frequency of my migraines went down, they did but the first week or so after stasrting it was hell, however I ran out of those and the doctor I was seeing is gone.


I'm hoping that's all it is and it's easy to fix, EP. I tried getting in to my primary doctor this week, but they cancelled the appointment and didn't bother telling me about it. I'm out of sick time because of all the other crap appointments I've been to this month, so I have to wait until there's a school holiday before I get time to go to the doctor. Since they did away with Veteran's Day as a holiday for us this year, that means I am waiting until the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (the 21st) to get in to see her and I'm hoping THAT one doesn't get cancelled, too. No one has done blood work prior to this. Although, my OB, who referred me to the neurologist, did do pregnancy related blood work and I'd like to think an imbalance big enough to cause this level of migraines and dizziness would've been detected in that testing. Most of the time, though, what I'd like to think and what actually happens are two totally different things, so I'm going to have the doctor do a blood test for everything I can think of when I go.


Especially since webMD will freak you out when you start plugging in symptoms...

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yeah, I've been going to one for the last year and a half. They just want me to swallow the drugs and get over it, I think. He's the one who has ordered the MRI's, EEG, ENG and sleep study. Not that it's done any good... *sighs*

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Thanks, dear. *hugs* me, too. Sorry I'm whiney about it. I'm just tired of it.


Someone actually told me to try Mountain Dew and Magnesium for the migraine. I'm tempted to try it since I have to wait until Thanksgiving...

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