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don't be silly. you totally are. we just need to properly accessorize you. You didn't get to be a ghollam for nothing. Here, have this banana. It looks like a perfectly ordinary banana but when you squeeze this brown spot..no, this brown spot here..yes. that must be the right one. It shoots a 3ft long poisoned dart at your victim. go on, try it out.

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don't be silly. you totally are. we just need to properly accessorize you. You didn't get to be a ghollam for nothing. Here, have this banana. It looks like a perfectly ordinary banana but when you squeeze this brown spot..no, this brown spot here..yes. that must be the right one. It shoots a 3ft long poisoned dart at your victim. go on, try it out.


eww no...that kinda sounds like squeezing teh nana's pimples.... :unsure:mental image oh no >.<


Very true. I don't see you post often, and I already dislike you.

*fistpump* HUZZAH! I is getting repulsive an' nasteh with no effort at all.... :myrddraal:ONE DAY IN LE NEAR FUTURE THE WORLD SHALL BE MINE!


Shiny badge is shiny. Myyy precioussssss...

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Repulsive and nasty I can deal with. I tolerate Canuk, after all. You're just...fuzzy. Like a filthy WT member. Not like a Trolloc.

More fuzzy like a Wolfkin.

Besides Roxinos, you're just bitter because you didn't post this before Canuk. And you're just generally bitter.

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Wait, what? O.o Is this thread some grand achievement on Canuk's part? Am I missing something? Why would I care that she posted it at all, much less before I did?


I'm much less bitter than I used to be, trust me. :)

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Rox, be nice to Nyächen!


What do I get out of it? :-p


Also, what happened to your rainbow-laden avatar? I was so used to seeing it, it took me a few seconds to realize that you were the one who had posted.

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Repulsive and nasty I can deal with. I tolerate Canuk, after all. You're just...fuzzy. Like a filthy WT member. Not like a Trolloc.

I AM NO TROLLOC! :madmyrddraal::mad: :ghollama:

And Canuk is hairy fuzzy too. Evilly and shriek-inducingly so… O.o

Rox, be nice to Nyächen! Beneath all the glitter and rainbows lurks sarcasm and cynicism that would rival your own.

Being nice to anyone, here, would just be a contra-dictum eum üpsum. Whatever that means. :darkone:


But what teh Pandy said... I has fangs. I just don't overuse them :myrddraal: *dances an evil sacrificial ritual jig amongst blood-red glitter and blade-sharp rainbows*

then tell her to shake off the glitter and rainbows when she comes here

Ever heard of camouflage? Decoy masks? A façade cunningly designed to make everyone else drop their guard and thus let me inflict most damage? :likeagholambaos:

it fell victim to an unfortunate 'bearing down' analogy


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