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We're Told There Are *6* Current False Dragons - Who Are The Other Four?

The Fisher King

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I apologize if I'm brainfreezing on this and its been discussed to death. Ok - In Book 2, Liandrin mentions three False Dragons are on the loose and Moiraine corrects her Red Sister and says that in the past two years there have actually been SIX False Dragons to declare themselves. Now, obviously, two are Logain Ablar and Mazrim Taim...buuuut...do we ever learn anything at all about the other four??




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None of the others could channel, so they weren't big news. If you're reading book 2, then you know essentially everything we know about them; it's all explained in that passage. Fain talked a little bit about previous ones in his first scene in TEOTW.

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At that point Fish, Logain wasn't one of the three Liandrin mentions(he a been gentled). One was some poor fellow in Haddon Mirk. The other was already captured in Murandy(could he have been a part of a Demandred plot?) the last of the three was Taim.

The three Moraine mentions (that came before) are Logain, and two randoms from Kandor and Arad Doman who could not channel.

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I'd imagine we have.


The two Morain mentions from pre-Logain are over and done with. As for the other two. The one in Hadden Murk was hung by those who captured him. I'm not sure on the Murandy one but I recall something similar there as well.

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I was replying that we don't know if Logain is currently "going strong", what with the dilemma surrounding him missing and Mezar's turning. (not suggesting Logain has or will be turned, just that he could be in an... undesirable position at the moment. A bit of a humorous reply.

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True - and I guess my point is really about the other False Dragons that were mentioned. There were four of them.I know they weren't of the same notoriety as Mazrim and Logain, and I know that most of those four could not Channel, but I always wondered if they might be a Gun on the Mantel type thing. Something Jordan made a point to mention early on that may come in to play at the end. For those four guys to pop in at the last book and be in any way significant would be beyond lame imo, but, like I said, I was just wondering about the *possibility* of it.




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