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Need in Tel'aran'rhiod


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Genuine question - what happened to the ter'angreal that the BA stole when they left the Tower (way back when), most of them seemed on the surface to allow access to TAR, the only reason they didn't take the ring was because Verin had it. They recovered 2 (?) the disc and another (?), the hedgehog was broken, but what of the others?

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Genuine question - what happened to the ter'angreal that the BA stole when they left the Tower (way back when), most of them seemed on the surface to allow access to TAR, the only reason they didn't take the ring was because Verin had it. They recovered 2 (?) the disc and another (?), the hedgehog was broken, but what of the others?

Good question. It's never mentioned. It's possible that Moghedien took them once she took over running the remaining BA from the 13.


Genuine question - what happened to the ter'angreal that the BA stole when they left the Tower (way back when), most of them seemed on the surface to allow access to TAR, the only reason they didn't take the ring was because Verin had it. They recovered 2 (?) the disc and another (?), the hedgehog was broken, but what of the others?

Good question. It's never mentioned. It's possible that Moghedien took them once she took over running the remaining BA from the 13.


Except, she doesn't need them for access - it's doubtful that she'd view them as threats to be denied something, and although I'm not sure of the timing, at the end of tSR (?) when the girls are in Tanchico(?), one of the BA has pulled the Panarch(?) into TAR. Either the BA has remarkable talent or training, or they have a ter'angreal that doesn't require channeling, or the ter'angreal that require channeling can be 'triggered' by someone else channeling. Does anyone know if we have answers for that? At the end of tDR when Eg meets the BA in TAR they seem surprised that she's there - but it seemed to me that the surprise was that she had a ter'angreal not that a ter'angreal existed that didn't require channeling.


Based on all the ? I should edit this post when I'm back home and have access to the books...


Genuine question - what happened to the ter'angreal that the BA stole when they left the Tower (way back when), most of them seemed on the surface to allow access to TAR, the only reason they didn't take the ring was because Verin had it. They recovered 2 (?) the disc and another (?), the hedgehog was broken, but what of the others?

Good question. It's never mentioned. It's possible that Moghedien took them once she took over running the remaining BA from the 13.


Except, she doesn't need them for access - it's doubtful that she'd view them as threats to be denied something, and although I'm not sure of the timing, at the end of tSR (?) when the girls are in Tanchico(?), one of the BA has pulled the Panarch(?) into TAR. Either the BA has remarkable talent or training, or they have a ter'angreal that doesn't require channeling, or the ter'angreal that require channeling can be 'triggered' by someone else channeling. Does anyone know if we have answers for that? At the end of tDR when Eg meets the BA in TAR they seem surprised that she's there - but it seemed to me that the surprise was that she had a ter'angreal not that a ter'angreal existed that didn't require channeling.


Based on all the ? I should edit this post when I'm back home and have access to the books...

Yes, Mogh doesn't need them being either the number 1 or 2 dreamwalking forsaken. But, she takes over the leadership of those from the 13 BA left at one point and why would she leave them terangreal? She has other followers and might want them to use them.


I don't remember any meetings of BA and AS in TAR before the battle at Tar Valon off the top of my head. Does anybody else remember any?


Edit to add: you're right Eg meets them in TAR at the end of tDR. Were they (the BA) misty?


Away from books, but from Leighs summaries - in tGH she meets 2 (the 2 captured) Joiya is misty, Amico is flickering, because she's drifting off to sleep. But this is presumably the disc and other(?) that we know makes you transparent. Also Faile is sent into the dream, fully.


(On a side-note this adds to evidence that weaves don't matter in TAR, it's not that Eg wasn't shielded in TAR, she believed she wasn't and therefore she could weave - on the other hand, if it's just thought, then there's no reason for the weaves to be weak, hmmmm)




*pause as reads more leigh*


*they really are excellent*


in tSR Temaille and Amathera are in TAR - Temaille is misty looking, doesn't say anything about Amathera. It's likely that Moggy would teach them how to pull someone into the dream, depends on how it happens - I don't think the ter'angreal allow access to the dream sphere place and in my head - to pull someone into TAR you grab their sphere and pull it into TAR.


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