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Ok. I'm not really sure how to jump in here and get started so I'm just gonna start.


If you haven't seen the announcement, um, surprise, I'm the RGL now. No seriously, its true. Go check the main board if you don't believe me then come back here.


*waits for everyone to go check and come back*




I have a few points I want to cover in this, but I'll try to keep it short:



1) I want you to all know that I am here, but for me to get started I have a lot of reading up to do and figuring things out. I'm not gonna rush into any major changes or big crazy stuff. So basically, you may not notice much in the first few weeks as I'll be hold up in the staff boards reading up and learning all the stuff I don't already know and trying to figure out what buttons do what and how to not implode the Tower.


2) There is a good chance that some things will change, so though it may take a while for anything to happen, I want you all to be aware that stuff could, and very probably will, happen. I just don't want it to be a shock if/when something does.


3) I am not running this place alone and I know it. I have a big 'Team' mentality and almost all decisions etc. will be discussed and finalized with you guys. Even if it doesn't get to Head and Sitter level know that I will have someone else in the know and there to help keep me accountable and true to the ideals of the White Tower and the PSW.


Ok, a tricky one for some, so I'm just gonna say it:


4) If you were staff under Elgee and do not want to be staff under myself, I will not take it personally so please feel free to PM me and let me know you wish to resign.


If I DO NOT get such a PM I will assume you are all pleased as punch to stay where you are for the time being. And I'll be honest, I'm hoping this is the case, because until I get my feet solidly under me (and after that, I'm sure) I'm gonna need all of your help with keeping things going in and out of character!


In the spirit of keeping this short, I'll stop now :)


Please post here to let me know that you see this and if you have any questions feel free to ask them here or PM me with them.


Yours in the Light,




Edited by Kathleen
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4) If you were staff under Elgee and do not want to be staff under myself, I will not take it personally so please feel free to PM me and let me know you wish to resign.


If I DO NOT get such a PM I will assume you are all pleased as punch to stay where you are for the time being.



There had better not be any such PMs.

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As much as I do hope there are not, I understand that some people may wish to take your leaving as a chance to step down and take a break as well.



I don't want to pressure people into staying, its a choice and I don't want anyone feeling like they're doing it cause they have too. And I know from experience it can be hard to convince yourself of timing to leave if you are considering it, so I'm giving you an out if you want it with no guilt or hurt feeling on either end.

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Kick you out? Oh goodness no! Imma need you for all sorts of stuff. Finding the stuff I can't find (I know you stole that 'find it' terangreal and love to use it), scapegoat for when things go wrong, thinker when the tough questions come in, yeah no worries I'd not dream of booting you :D

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I'm around but as you know im busy preparing for my surgery so there's little chance of anything happening in the Browns before the new year. If there is someone ready/willing to take over as Head for the Browns to kick it back in to action I won't be offended if I'm replaced. I can always retro-RP my character stepping down at some point. All I ask is that the manner in which she steps down is left open and not written by others so I can figure out where to go with her from there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

*dusts off the cobwebs she gathered while she hid in the office*


Ok folks, step 1 is complete! Thanks to Elgee for all her help showing me how to sort through her wonderful, crazy, organization :)


On to step two: when I show back up again and turn the tower upside down. I told you I was plotting in there!


I have received a number of confirmed keepers of their positions, and I too have had a few positions resign.


Elgee, Ama and Mystica have all left their staff positions, but I'm sure they will never be too far. Thank you for all you put into this place making it what it is!


With that though, we have lost the AGL of N&A and the Brown and Red Heads. Emily, too, had stepped down from the Blue and the Grey and so we have quite a few vacant roles.


With this all in mind I made a few small shifts in the staffing of the WT and opened applications for those positions. Please feel free to apply for a second role, if you wish and if you are up to the added demands.


The only real change is that, at this time, I do not feel the need to have two AGLs. however, at some point I may change my mind, and in the mean time we most definietly do need a MoN.


In that light, I have split the duties of the AGL of N&A and the Duties of a MoN. I will be taking over the duties of the AGL and I have posted a vacancy for MoN.


I have spent my time 'in the office' editing and prepairing new stickies for some of the boards. for the most part this is just updating the information in it to reflect the recent staff changes and outline/refreshing the duties and expectations of each staff position.



Please do read through them though and be sure I have posted your information accurately. (that would just be this board and as soon as this post is done I'll be doing the main board - I'll start looking at the others next).



If you have any questions/concerns about anything you see (missing information, incorrect information, any changes you wish to challenge or inquire about) please feel free to post here, pm me directly or email the WTDiv [at] dragonmount.com email address about and I'll be sure to reply ASAP.

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