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Super Heros


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Yeah they are remaking alot of the cartoons of our childhood. TMNT is especially disheartening.....although it is infinitely better than the 90's live action show they had.


Not sure why Ed wasn't in the Avengers, but I know that RDj made more money on the movie than anyone else in the main cast. Early on with IM1 he had it in his contract that he would make "X" percentage of the box-office for any movie where he played IM.

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I always loved the Thunder Cats growing up.


Ditto! I was always Cheetarah when we played in the neighborhood. I won the race, fair and square! ;) My dad even made our Lion-O (who happened to be a girl) a Sword of Omens, complete with a Eye of Thundera that he painted onto a red bike reflector.


Yeah, there were no kids playing in the street when Thundercats came on when I was little. LOL



And the new TMNT isn't THAT bad. My five year old loves it and I'm not completely offended by it. It's just not as cheesy as our childhood version was. LOL

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