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Black Tower - The 1st Hunger Games **Game Over!**

Ithillian Turambar

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Once more the cold light of Day slowly seeped into the Gamezone. In the Night three more cannons had sounded ... 6 in total.


The first to die was Player. They came upon him in the Night with knives. Both of them hooded so they could not be identified. They were not precise with their strikes and it took Player a long time to die.


Secrecy and stealth was the order of the Night, as another pack of killers closed in on their Target. Three pairs of unidentified hands reaching out and pulling Arez into to darkness of the cave they had chosen for their ambush. All that could be heard were the screams as he struggled, but there was to be no survival from this attack, the odds had definitely not been in his favour.


Lolguy felt no need to hide in the Shadows. He stalked his prey with care and dedication. This Kill would be a work of skill. Lolguy climbed up into a tree and as Rand passed underneath he dropped the rope down and caught Rand around the throat - he never even had a chance of surviving. Holding tight to the other end, Lolguy jumped down, pulling Rand up, kicking and struggling and his life was slowly squeezed out of him. Lolguy tied the loose end of the rope to a nearby root and walked of whistling.


John Snow was set upon by two assailants. Tress went in hard and fast with a knife to the stomach, a killing blow in itself, albeit a slow and painful one. Perhaps Mawthtex felt merciful, as rather than see him suffer he drove his knife deep into the base of John's skull - killing him instantly.


Maybe Mawthtex was distracted by the kill as he jogged back to his own particular place of safety, he certainly wasn't expecting LZM to rise from the undergrowth, a crossbow aimed directly for him. The bolt between his eyes absolved him of any guilt he might feel and he dropped down dead.


LZM stood there for a moment, feeling triumphant and then a small trickle of blood ran from the corner of his mouth and his eyes glazed over - cold and dead. As he crumpled to the floor, he revealed Hoof, who had quite literally just stabbed him in the back.


The Dead may NOT post in this game. Not even a Bah Post. Please block the Dead from any PM conversations you are having or set up new ones. The Dead may NOT communicate with the Living with regards to this game. You have been WARNED!



6 were Dead. 9 Still Survived.


BTHungerlogo.gifIt is now Day 4


Countdown: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20120923T21&p0=136&msg=Day+Four+Deadline

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Player List


1. Smiley

2. Player - Night 3 : Killed two Un-Named Competitors

3. Hoof

4. Arez - Night 3 : Killed by three Un-Named Competitors

5. Rand - Night 3 : Killed by Lolguy

6. Ledzepman - Night 3 : Killed by Hoof

7. Lolguy

8. Tina - Night 1: Killed by Player

9. Turin - Night 1: Killed by Arez and Un-Named Competitor

10. Len

11. BG - Night 1: Killed by Mawthtex

12. John Snow - Night 3 : Killed by Tress and Mawthtex

13. Taltos

14. Mawthtex - Night 3 : Killed by LZM

15. Kate - Night 1: Killed by Hoof and Un-Named Competitor

16. Cyan

17. Despo - Night 1: Killed by BG and Tress

18. Dice

19. Tress

20. Eddie

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It had only been three Nights and there were less than half of them left. After the quiet of the previous Night, the sheer number of deaths had come as a shock and those who remained realised that when everyone was out to get you, it was unlikely that the Odds Taint was ever going to be in your favour.


And the Day was already almost half gone


BTHungerlogo.gif11 Hours 25 Minutes till Night

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