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silvy ??


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I think she was a dreamwalker possibly the same person as nakomi we see at the end of ToM. We don't know what she is. It is never mentioned. I doubt it's Lanfear because she is incredibly vain and would not make herself ugly to trick egwene.


She was happy to do this in the shadow rising.

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my prob with Lanfear theory is simple:


WHY would she help Egw ??


granted Lanfear wasnt bas blood/control, thirsty as the other forsaken , but i c no reason for her to save egw


Nakomi on the other hand ... there is quite a similarity strage person who know WAY TO MUCH then expected and aid the hero in a no battley way .

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my prob with Lanfear theory is simple:


WHY would she help Egw ??


granted Lanfear wasnt bas blood/control, thirsty as the other forsaken , but i c no reason for her to save egw


Nakomi on the other hand ... there is quite a similarity strage person who know WAY TO MUCH then expected and aid the hero in a no battley way .


I don't think Silvie was helping Egwene in that way, she just wanted her out of the way before Rand turned up. If she was indeed Lanfear, her reasons are obvious - jealousy.


ETA: there is an entire thread (30 pages!!) on Nakomi, if you want to look in.



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she was leading them TOWARd the TRAP in Tear :))


and i think the one she mentioned looking at the sword is Belal not Rand, my impression of the situation was -> Belal coming to gaze at calendor plotting his revange on DR/glory to come and Silvie getting Egw before she encounter him .

Rand at that time had no control over his dreaming (or knowledge what exactly is hapenning -> remember his nearly killing Perin in one of those dreams) and was more buisy fighting traps/nightmare then walking idily and gazing at the sword :)

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But the Forsaken hate each other. If they didn't, then they would've won LONG ago. Even by Forsaken standards Lanfear is a rogue, so why would she be helping Bel'al in any way? Or was she just using Bel'al's trap as a way to either kill the girls or ruin Bel'al's scheme?


I don't think Bel'al intended for the Wonder Girls to come to Tear initially, he said he considered them less than nothing until Rand proved them useful as hostages

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