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I just realized.....


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It's about 3 months until the last WoT book. I'm excited for the book but very sad as well. I came to the series late, a little over a year ago. I missed out on all the anticipation, excitement and discussions of each book as they came out.


How will this change Dragonmount? I plan to stay here and still want in inhabit Randland with all of the people here.


Will we be here?

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Yep! There will always be something to talk about, new people to get hooked on this series. Just as you came late, others will follow. :)


DM will be here, just as awesome, as long as there's someone to keep the lights on.

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Yep! There will always be something to talk about, new people to get hooked on this series. Just as you came late, others will follow. :)


DM will be here, just as awesome, as long as there's someone to keep the lights on.

Yep! There will always be something to talk about, new people to get hooked on this series. Just as you came late, others will follow. :)


DM will be here, just as awesome, as long as there's someone to keep the lights on.


I'll help keep the lights on!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think, along with new readers, we will also see a resurgence of old readers who "gave up" back around books 7-9 (which seems to be where a lot of folks got frustrated that I've spoken with, for a variety of reasons), and will come back and finally finish the stories and see the fabulous things that happened in the later books. I know I have friends who stopped reading years ago who have said "Well, when it's done, I'll probably come back and actually finish it." Which makes me happy, since one of those was the friend who hooked me on the series in the first place. We read the first six books together.


And people will have some much more to talk about now that we will have the whole story! Even if it puts to rest half the theories, I am sure the story will leave us with plenty of other questions and curiousities to enjoy talking about for years to come!


I, for one, have saved my complete re-read for 'after' AMoL. Because one of my favorite things to do with a series is read it straight through and watch it all come together. That, and because while this is my favorite series ever, I do not have unlimited reading times these days, and rereading the Wheel of Time requires some serious time comittment!


I have often wanted to teach a college English course entirely about the Wheel of Time. I think it would have to be part literature and part writing course (creative as much as compositional), because it's just so fabulous! Though I think students might kill me if I gave them that much reading. *grins* Maybe for Grad students....


But I will still be here! As much as I am. :)

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I think, along with new readers, we will also see a resurgence of old readers who "gave up" back around books 7-9 (which seems to be where a lot of folks got frustrated that I've spoken with, for a variety of reasons), and will come back and finally finish the stories and see the fabulous things that happened in the later books. I know I have friends who stopped reading years ago who have said "Well, when it's done, I'll probably come back and actually finish it." Which makes me happy, since one of those was the friend who hooked me on the series in the first place. We read the first six books together.


And people will have some much more to talk about now that we will have the whole story! Even if it puts to rest half the theories, I am sure the story will leave us with plenty of other questions and curiousities to enjoy talking about for years to come!


I, for one, have saved my complete re-read for 'after' AMoL. Because one of my favorite things to do with a series is read it straight through and watch it all come together. That, and because while this is my favorite series ever, I do not have unlimited reading times these days, and rereading the Wheel of Time requires some serious time comittment!


I have often wanted to teach a college English course entirely about the Wheel of Time. I think it would have to be part literature and part writing course (creative as much as compositional), because it's just so fabulous! Though I think students might kill me if I gave them that much reading. *grins* Maybe for Grad students....


But I will still be here! As much as I am. :)


I'm so glad to hear that! I just fell in love with this series and want to continue to connect with it through friends here at Dragonmount.

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