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Welcome, Sorcha al'Parr.


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Welcome Sorcha,


Sorry I missed this earlier, I have been a little indisposed of late. I see you have already been provided with oodles of nommy brownies and the like.


I'm Ithi, a Stormlearder of the Shadow and my favourite is the M'Hael :smile: I look after games and mafia here, so if you want to mod a game or learn more about the joy that is Mafia, do please let me know. Oh and stuff about the Shadow and BT too I spose.


In the meantime, sign into rollcall at the top of this board, get used to doing that because you are a member now, and once you have access, scuttle off to the Farmhouse and sign up for September's Saidin Class. It's the first step to getting promoted.


Now, go play and have fun :)




Welcome Sorcha,


Sorry I missed this earlier, I have been a little indisposed of late. I see you have already been provided with oodles of nommy brownies and the like.


I'm Ithi, a Stormlearder of the Shadow and my favourite is the M'Hael :smile: I look after games and mafia here, so if you want to mod a game or learn more about the joy that is Mafia, do please let me know. Oh and stuff about the Shadow and BT too I spose.


In the meantime, sign into rollcall at the top of this board, get used to doing that because you are a member now, and once you have access, scuttle off to the Farmhouse and sign up for September's Saidin Class. It's the first step to getting promoted.


Now, go play and have fun :)



If you want mafia, I'm starting a basic game pretty soon over on the DM Mafia board. It's Elantris themed. [/shameless advertising because I need six more people to start]


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