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Campus Pageantry


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I'm just feeling a bit gitty due to the fact that college football has returned! I love the glitz and the

pageantry of it all.


That being said, I'm a huge Oklahoma Sooner fan so here are some pics of Teh Stadium of Doom!

Feel free to add some of your favorite teams and tailgating festivities as well. I'd love to see them!








(Note: The horses are named Boomer and Sooner.)






This is UHMERIKA. we do what we want. Including stealing the name from a sissy game and using it as the name for baddest game ever


This is UHMERIKA. we do what we want. Including stealing the name from an amazing supercool soccer game and using it as the name for silliest game ever

Fixed that for ya :wink:


:tongue: that, along with rugby... *shakes head*


This is UHMERIKA. we do what we want. Including stealing the name from a sissy game and using it as the name for baddest game ever

Is it baddest because you cannot watch it without there being a pause in the game every two seconds? :laugh:


Lol. The only sport I actually care for is snow boarding. Football and every other sport could be disbanded for all I care.


:wink: not dissing yoo' sport, but Football is MOINE!!!! My soccer preshussssssssss :tongue:


Why did they call it that anyway, tis not similar at all?!!


LOL! This one has spirit I see......


I like rugby, I really do but passing it over struggling opponents seems so much more flashy.

Flashing, you mean...le rugby here gets quite umm... liberal? XD When le All Blacks get desperate they do pull at the guy with the ruggerball's pants.


And I shall shurrup now :P


This is UHMERIKA. we do what we want. Including stealing the name from an amazing supercool soccer game and using it as the name for silliest game ever

Fixed that for ya :wink:


:tongue: that, along with rugby... *shakes head*


You claim football to be the name for the FIFA game where people run around for 90 minutes without scoring while simultaneously calling it soccer? FoS on you, Nya.


@Thork: I will see your Sooners and raise you a DOME!!!




Im in love. Time to convert to mormon so all five can I marry.


The history geek in me feels the need to point out that you'd also need a time machine with that conversion, since the LDS church changed that policy many decades ago. :wink:


Hey now. I have met some people who have three wives. Its called alimony. Just don't get to do the dirty anymore. Its basically like being married


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