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Nyanna and Naked Frog


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You two say you want to have a cour'souvra bond with someone and then disappear before it can get done. The ironic thing here is that you're not the ones getting blamed for it not getting done - staff is. I'm sick of this. I'm really close to declaring your bonds impossible and making you start over when you finally do show up.

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Well, there is no need on calling Nya out so soon. I can understand trying to get

things up and running but some things can't be done lickety split. It's not necessarily

anyones fault. It's just been a very busy summer that has flown past and everyone is just

getting their heels to the ground.


I think she is probably saying hello to those awesome horses of hers. I'm sure she'll be around

as soon as she's settled. I believe the Guns N' Roses song says that all we need is just a little patience.


Besides, Nyanna is worth it. The summer has done nothing but reaffirm that she is my Sistah and

soon-to-be bonded. I'm glad she's safely back to the place she enjoys and look foward to hearing

about those animals.

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Just sayin', it's very easy to point the fingers at staff. It has become somewhat of a reflex with a lot of members to criticize us for something that is out of our hands. And if members can't keep to what is expected of them then they shouldn't sign up for it in the first place.





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*skippeties in* Well hello there :smile: ‘Tis most heart-warming to hear what un cowardly, not-keeping-moi-word reputation I seem have – most typically Ghulie :happy:


Okay, I agree I haven’t been around SG that much. However I have been here enough to be considered semi-active at least. So not vanished at all, naw. It’s not like we can’t be addressed in a thread we’re posting :P


Anyway, Thorky and I HAVE completed the first cour’souvra bonding step. Now – we have never received instructions for the second. We recognized that everyone was busy however and were content to wait. Thorky and I haz been chatting most regularly, and we’ve also recently talked about the bonding – that was only a week or so ago, right bruvva? And we both agreed that we’d not bother our new DO and other staff etc with this until things are rolling smoothly and we are a properly ebul group again and everything will be organised enough for us to poke yous again for the rest of the coursouvraing. To my knowledge, no Staffies have been blamed, or even annoyed by impatient PMs *shrug*


*patpats the hissing bruvva* S’alright, I think this is just the next step in the task where they’re trying to get us all seethy and shtuffs. :tongue: That or someone really has confused us with someone else :laugh:


I've been patient. Really patient.

Thankyoo muchly for that :myrddraal: Us too. Please see above :happy:


I'm really close to declaring your bonds impossible and making you start over when you finally do show up.

Aww. But hmm, okay fair enough, if that makes yoo happy :smile: Thorky let’s just copy all the shtuffs we wrote again cos it’s still relevant – and only been like 3 or 4 months or so :P and we’ll be right back here where we are now XD


Unless of course our amazing DO would like a reaction like dis:






:laugh: :laugh: There now I’ve given myself the giggles. FOR THAT I BLAME YOU!!!! :laugh:


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Just sayin', it's very easy to point the fingers at staff. It has become somewhat of a reflex with a lot of members to criticize us for something that is out of our hands. And if members can't keep to what is expected of them then they shouldn't sign up for it in the first place.





I be sowwy if yous feel pressured because of this… I’ve been happy to wait till you are all organised and everything. No criticism intended, only highest evil respect for you guys running this group for us. :smile:


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Its pretty similar with me and froggy. I know we arent the most active but we are here and part of the group. The last few weeks have been really hard for both of us to get on as.well. Ive been working ppretty solidly and she has been getting ready for college. In he pat two wweeks one of her mates was in an accident so you cant blame here at all really.


Now as to bugging the staff imm pretty sure we havent done anything that shoould be taken as us trying to rush you in yoour part. Like ny and thorkin we were letting you get too terms with your new roles before we mentioned it again.

Im going to be more active now so this shouldnt be too much of a problem and once froggu is set up so will she


Alll in all i think so far we have been ppatient. We asked to bond months ago and wecant help how things turned out wih nae leaving and us getting busy. All we can ask is tha you bae with us too


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Just sayin', it's very easy to point the fingers at staff. It has become somewhat of a reflex with a lot of members to criticize us for something that is out of our hands.


Yeah, I stick to criticizing them for things they're actually responsible for.


It's the only fair way to deal with things, really.


I still think the whole bonding thing on SG is stupid.

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Nya, your post didn't get ignored exactly. It's just not what we were looking for.


…as I just figured out. >.< RAAAAAAAHVIIIIIIIN!!!!! *twists a few trolloc horns as only a mad ghollama can*


Is un speshul bond indeedy! :happy: Although I do finks every bond is special in a different way!! :D

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