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Hello, I also can't think of anything witty to put here.


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Well, I've been a fantasy nerd since as long as I can remember, was introduced to The Wheel of Time about a decade ago, and I don't really have anyone to talk to about fantasy novels... So here I am on this messageboard.


welcome, friend :). you have come to the right place.


you will find much to talk of in in WoT discussion, and perhaps more broadly in general discussion.


if you've a mind to socialize and relax, play games and even just get silly, when not theorizing and having serious discussions, please check out or many social groups, where you may find some good friends you never expected to meet :).


there's also lots of role playing if you're looking to immerse yourself fully in the fantasy experience.


you'll find us a friendly and welcoming bunch, though we can be a bit vehement in discussions.


please don't hesitate to ask anything on your mind, you'll always find someone ready to answer, or at least point you in the right direction.


once again, welcome ! :smile:


Welcome colton! Cindy told you a lot, I would emphasize checking out the social groups and the general discussion which has mafia games and real life discussions. Have fun, you can ask me questions if you want. :)


Welcome colton!!!


I'm BB, resident Bard, you'll love it round here. :)


The social groups are a hell of a lot of fun, but if you've a mind to roleplay, I'd love to see you on the RPside.


Everyone around here is super welcoming and really nice once you get to know them...well, most of them. ;p

Nah, they're all good.


Have fun!!


Welcome to DM, Colton. Many (if not most) of us were in the same boat as you - DM filled that need very nicely indeed :)


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