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Travel and Olympics Month: Discussion: Sports in the Wheel of Time


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Water dancing, diving would be sort of aquatic acrobatics I suppose. I wanted to come up with something less obvious than gleemen's tumbling. :happy:


Atha'an Miere would be strong in this event.


Yeah that's a great one!


Mast Walking! Male channelers would excel at this :P


Also another great one! I'd enjoy watching that a little too much *giggles*

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Horse marathons. Bela will win!


The Saldaeans do that fancy horse-riding stuff. Cassock style, I think. Something like that would be more WoT-like than something fancy like dressage, to me.

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I think betting on a horse race. Matt and his Da were supposed to be experts at judging horse flesh. Also, some type of team relay... where each length of the race would have a different rider and horse. We know Siuan would not do well. I still love her though.

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I think there should be three types of events. Firstly, a long distance ride along ordinary roads and tracks, intended to test endurance and the rider's ability to manage the horse's stamina. Secondly, a cross country course about 10 minutes in length, with obstacles. Finally, a day of dressage / Saldaean horse monkeying.

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I apologize for my absence for this day of discussion and not being able to put up a new one... My internet hasn't worked all day.


Colin, you may join in whenever you like. If you wish to put forward your ideas for the other categories, you may.


Very good suggestions from everyone! I have no idea what "horse monkeying" is but it made me giggle!












Day 5 is Water sports!!!


Any sport involving water.



I will go ahead and put forward swimming! I think Siuan Sanche would do very well here.

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For watersports we should definitely have all kinds of sailing events. The Seafolk would probably win that (and the diving events!), but the Tearans might give them a close run for their money.

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Also, One Power-surfing *noddity*


Seriously, can't you picture all the Aes Sedai in their pretty dresses surfing down the river on boards of Air? XD


Rofl! Beats mattress surfing hands down *giggles helplessly*

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