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Novice/Algai Quarters

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makes up a hrmony that sounds good and joins in :D The clairnet (AKA) tourture stick is a sacread insterment to me its my fav. :D :D

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makes up a hrmony that sounds good and joins in :D The clairnet (AKA) tourture stick is a sacread insterment to me its my fav. :D :D


ok.. quick history lesson for all you band geeks!


Way back when, music was all tuned to 420. (A modern "A" sounded like an "A#" back then.) That was all fine and dandy, but then the LA Symphony Orchestra decided to be different. They started tuning to 465. (A modern "A" sounded like a "B" back then.)


The europeans didn't much like this new change, and this became very difficult for musicians as they would visit each other's continents and be terribly out of tune.


So then they all compromised at a nice 440, which is what we use today.


So the next time you go play a Mozart Horn Concerto in Eb, but play on an F horn and don't transpose, you are really playing it in what the composer thought was the key of E!! wow!


ok.. quick history lesson for all you band geeks!


Way back when, music was all tuned to 420. (A modern "A" sounded like an "A#" back then.) That was all fine and dandy, but then the LA Symphony Orchestra decided to be different. They started tuning to 465. (A modern "A" sounded like a "B" back then.)


The europeans didn't much like this new change, and this became very difficult for musicians as they would visit each other's continents and be terribly out of tune.


So then they all compromised at a nice 440, which is what we use today.


So the next time you go play a Mozart Horn Concerto in Eb, but play on an F horn and don't transpose, you are really playing it in what the composer thought was the key of E!! wow!


*walks in to the room he thought he heard a melody from*

*looks at the group of musicians*

"Hey! Just the place for me! Can I join?"


*pulls out his alto-sax and plays a groovy jazz lick*

"How's that? I do classical too."

*waits with anxious expression on his face*


*grins* Please do join us! I think its about time for a new song....we can go for classical....perhaps something by Chopin?


Brass just mucks up the music and takes the bueaty away and makes it just sound :wink: Man i just had a test over all those diffrent tuning periods it was confusing :? ok im ready for a new song :D :D i dont know any chopin songs off the top of my head but ill play wat i can :D :D


Minute Waltz anyone? That or...Moonlight Sonata is very pretty....and very centered towards woodwinds! :)


Never heard of them...and we've also got a flute and oboe as well as the others already mentioned! :) If Rai were here we could also have a tenor sax....hope he gets back soon!


*steals goldie's guitar and hands him a wand*


How 'bout you just pretend to conduct for now? When we move on to Hendrix you can have it back. :wink:


*waves the wwand and accidentally turns Helike into a fish*

*tries to change her back, but instead makes her a mule*

*tries to conduct others, but accidentally turns them all into animals*


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