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Novice/Algai Quarters

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*almost drowns herself*


*grabs Jea' ankle and make her fall beside her* :wink:


*splashes Horn and Kepen*



blue choc' is quite good actually !


*licks her fingers*

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Who ever said I was wearing a white dress?! *uses the OP to create whirlpoos in the pool of chocolate* Have fun with those! :D *quickly climbs out as she ties off the weave and then succeeds in cleaning off all the chocolate that got on her yellow silk dress*

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You may show me what you can do.....after you tell me you know what Ajah I'm from. I must tell you that I am not of the Yellow Ajah....tis not my place. *patiently awaits the answer while inwardly sighing, hoping she doesn't reveal how much she misses her Warder*

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*wanders in for a visit*


Howdy folks! Oooh! A chocolate whirlpool! I knew there was a reason I came to visit, now if I could only remember where I put that darn uniform...


*searches for her uniform*


*doesn't find it*


Ah well... I'll just stand here and watch. Maybe if you're all good and show me what wonderful novices you are, I'll make chocolate rain!!


*sits by Jea to watch the novices play*


So Jea... how'd that drum major try out go?

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*hugs* :cry:


You can be a drum major in the Band's anniversary parade at the end of the month!! :D


And I hope you don't mind but... :twisted:


*borrows Jea's weave for throwing people off the face of the earth and wisks all the judges who didn't pick her to neptune*


I hope they freeze... :wink:

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*watches as the entire band except herself and a few others go to Neptune* Um....Helike....we kinda need all those people to play for us....so that we still have a band.....and besides, I still get piccolo which may end up being better than drum major. At least I actually tried out instead of backing down!

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I know... :oops:


:roll: *brings them back just a little frost bitten*


And I know you love your instruments too! But I also think I know you well enough to say that you practiced your audition til it was pretty close to perfect. A hard worker is something to be cherished and you work harder than just about everyone I know!


Besides... I needed a reason to try that weave. It just looked so fun the first time I saw you do it! :D

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*smiles sheepishly* How sweet of you to say that about me. Although I'll have you know that according to my friends....I'm hilarious, the think I'm really funny.....I don't get how but....whatever gets people to laugh when their down! ;)


And, that has to be the best weave ever created in the history of creating weaves! That and the brownie angreal.....*smiles with a sparkle in her eye* Ah, gotta love having fun. And the first way for me to have fun is to be doing something involving music! :D

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Hmm.....perhaps we should go for a marching song.....we played Respect last year and I've seen to got that stuck in my head.....I'll go ahead and play it on flute though....it'd be impossible to tune the piccolo to the oboe....especially considering the piccolo is impossible to tune!

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