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Novice/Algai Quarters

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Wait-! is that really goldie's name above me?! AAAAHHHHHH! Quit following me JR! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


And play nice with the SG... Remember the Cold War... if the USA tried to bomb the USSR, then the USSR would launch all their missles and vise versa... well, if you don't see the connection... :lol: :lol:

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Wow Sei...you really kept that secret...*shakes head* How'd you manage to tell so many of them? And, I'm curious as to why you want to nuke SG....I can tell you that you won't be getting very pleasant results.

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I guess this makes 5 SGers... and another Myrdraal to boot.


and I'm an Accepted here, too... I'm not sure that u'd like the thought of having an SG Accepted's punishment chore :twisted:


oh, and Moir, Demi's mine!





... and Nyn's

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